Analysis of influence of parameters of net of eventual elements on the results of selection of longitudinal armature in a monolithic girderless floor
Analysis of influence of parameters of net of eventual elements on the results of selection of longitudinal armature in a monolithic girderless floor
Incoming article date: 10.03.2017The results of numeral experiment you show that to split beamless slabs on finite elements without the use of absolutely rigid bodies true the following statement: with the increase of the size of the finite element area is required for calculating the reference valve As.2 is reduced. In all considered grids with the area of the transition from AЖТ to the plate in the form of triangles observed the effect of the increase required for the calculation of rebar on the distance from the face of the column, which in our opinion is illogical and difficult to explain. The creation of transition zones with finite elements having dimensions close to the size of the AЖТ leads to low results and can not be considered a good solution. The transition from AЖТ to the plate with a crushing grid to a size equal to half of the column cross-section gives results almost identical with the variant of splitting the plate into finite elements of size equal to the cross section of the column without the use of absolute rigid bodies. Given the complexity of the representation of junctions of columns with plate type 3хАЖТ practical importance is a variant of the partitioning plates (in the node pair with the column) on a square (close to square) finite elements, whose dimensions are equal to the cross section of the column.
Keywords: reinforced concrete slab, monolithic structure, the calculation of structures in Lira-SAPR