Features of the development and functioning of the Maly Liman Lake as a natural and technogenic system
Features of the development and functioning of the Maly Liman Lake as a natural and technogenic system
Incoming article date: 20.03.2022The geographical location, tectonic and geological-hydrogeological structure of the Maly Liman Lake basin, its landscape features as a natural monument of regional significance located on the area of the Abraus Peninsula of the Krasnodar Territory were described. The results of current bathymetry studies of the lake were shown. The hypothesis about tectonic origin of its hollow was justified. The sedimentations of the Maly Liman and Abrau lakes were tested and their description was fulfilled. By using radionuclide analysis the sedimentation rates were determined. Expedition work was carried out and a description of the outlets of the perched waters was made. The water balance development models of the of the Maly Liman Lake in the conditions of arid and relatively full-water period were constructed. The perched water dynamics of the upper reaches and surface run-off as the dominant supply sources of the lake was described. A hydrogeological section was constructed along the section of Lake Abrau – Lake Maly Liman. The existence of their hydraulic connection was proved, as well as the presence of two aquifers – the perched water and groundwater.
Keywords: Maly Liman, Limanchik, Abrau, water balance, sediment layers, bathymetry, ground waters, underground drain, mineralization, sedimentations