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To assess the parameters of the dispersed composition of particles of solid ingredients in the secretions of an electric steelmaking workshop


To assess the parameters of the dispersed composition of particles of solid ingredients in the secretions of an electric steelmaking workshop

Koshkarev K.S., Koshkarev S.A., Kurasov A.N., Lyasin R.A.

Incoming article date: 11.05.2024

Ferrous metallurgy enterprises annually emit into the atmosphere a significant amount of highly dispersed dust with a particle size of 10 microns or less. The article presents the results of a study performed to determine the dispersed composition of aerosols in dust and gas air flows coming from emission sources to unorganized sources of emissions into the atmosphere. Based on the results of microscopic analysis with determination of the fractional composition of the dust, integral dependences of the density of distribution over equivalent sizes (diameters) D for the ingredients accepted for the study were obtained. This made it possible to determine the average median values of the equivalent sizes of dust particles of harmful substances. An assessment of the power of dust emissions from unorganized sources of steelmaking enterprises into the atmosphere of cities has been carried out. In order to improve the environmental safety of the steelmaking shop, it was concluded that it is advisable to reconstruct existing aspiration systems using highly efficient wet dust collectors.

Keywords: metallurgy, aerosol, dust, ingredient, particle, dust collector, electric steelmaking shop, dispersion analysis, distribution density ,average median diameter, dh 50