In article it is disscused ways of decrease in noise and realization of actions for decrease in professional risk of workers construction industry enterprises working under the influence of high levels of noise.
Keywords: industrial nois, professional risks,labor protection
Semicars, as is known, are a universal rolling stock. For today in RZD and in transport HIGH SCHOOLS of the country works of research character on regulation and operation optimization by a universal rolling stock are actively conducted. In article a task in view on optimum control empty cars of various patterns of ownership with use of a transport problem.
Keywords: Park of semicars, cars own involved (ВСП), empty a traffic volume, the First cargo company (ПГК), the Second cargo company (ВГК), and the basic plan
Currently most used energy absorbers can be represented classic spring-damper scheme in which the binding is the presence of the elastic work item and damper. Applied to seysmoudarnomu works best security systems installations are systems that do not have elastic elements. For hard metals, which are material for the work items absorber characterized by the appearance of a tooth during the deformation strength. For the calculation of the power characteristics of the work item should be modeled phenomenon associated with the formation of the yield drop. Modeling of the phenomenon of this article.
Keywords: Dynamic loading, uprugoplastichesky deformation, deformation chart, power absorption, tooth strength
Currently actively promote seismic associated with the use of special devices, so-called energopoglotiteley. This paper shows that the design energopoglotiteley advisable to make so that the work item had torsional strain. These EPA bdut have maximum energy absorption with minimal weight. Designs of EPA.
Keywords: Dynamic loading, uprugoplastichesky deformation, deformation chart, power absorption
In the article the assessment of influence of a lateral refraction on angular measurements in traverse network is made. The conclusion is drawn on possibility of significant distortions of angular measurements in these networks because of refraction. Recommendations about reduction of influence of a lateral refraction on angular measurements in traverse network are made
Keywords: Refraction, Influence, Measurements, Traverse, Network, Distortions
The model of increase of efficiency of the created system of transportation of a municipal waste is presented. Need for carrying out modeling and the actions connected with reorganization of system, because of possible increase in total expenses is proved at shift of positions of reloading stations of rather optimum points owing to local conditions of the territory of municipality.
Keywords: a solid municipal waste, technological process of transportation, two - stage transportation
The algorithm of construction of reflections from the screens of complex shape. Geometric modeling based on the proposed algorithm makes it possible to conduct a rapid assessment of the distances between the fire building complex geometry, and between the process equipment, which is characterized by heat. Analytical dependences describing the process of building reflections, software algorithms and examples of calculations.
Keywords: geometric modeling, geometrical optics, geometrical acoustics, the laws of reflection
Solid waste management is one of the most important and complex international issues. Administration of the city of Rostov-on-Don has developed a new strategy for the creation of a system of waste recycling. For its success must enter a single system to manage solid waste using geographic information systems. This problem has become more important due to the increased amount of waste, complexity and interdisciplinary nature of the problem. Rapid globalization and urbanization have increased the number of solid waste, which is currently in landfills in many countries. Emissions and leaching of chemicals or toxic substances into groundwater leads to environmental pollution. In recent years, a growing scale of environmental degradation has led to the formulation of numerous initiatives, conventions and conferences, and stringent laws and statutes throughout the world.
Keywords: Municipal solid waste management, GIS-technologies, Sustainable development, Separate collection, Recycling
To assess the strength and deformability of the railway road bed must have analytical expressions for calculating the oscillation amplitudes at any point in the road bed and beyond. The results of experimental determination of the amplitudes of the oscillations in the sub grade of sandy loess sin the Republic of Uzbekistan. Shows plots of the decay amplitudes of the oscillations in the sub grade and beyond by passing high-speed trains. The analytical dependence of the calculation of the amplitudes of the oscillations.
Keywords: Embankment, roadbed, the amplitude oscillation damping, vibrodinamika, loess-like sandy loam
The article is devoted to the methodology of construction of fields of knowledge through the use of procedures inversion, allowing to most fully present the essence of the studied object, its inner content, expressed as a unity of diversity contradictory properties ensuring its integrity required for the generation of new knowledge as an increase to the number of criteria for the classification and, accordingly, the space of the classification.
Keywords: conceptual design, fields of knowledge, classification, inversion
Information technologies play an important role in the increase mobility and providing a transport safety. The examples of the effective use information technologies are resulted for passenger transportations. The analysis possibilities programmatic complex Pikas is conducted. Possibilities and advantages modern information technologies are considered in the field providing a transport safety.
Keywords: mobility, transport safety, passenger transportations, information technologies
In the article consideres aspects of ground resources rational usage and estimation. There are unique properties of ground resources, division of ground fund on categories. Schematically shown control system of lands rational usage.
Keywords: Settlement, ground resources, estimation, ecological-economic aspects
This article is related to technological problems of cavities with kamufletnyh explosions, during which the temperature in the cavity greatly exceeds the initial temperature of the array. Often these cavities are created in an array of rock salt. Because the salt even at light loads demonstrate expressive flow properties, it is interesting solution to the problem of creep salt massif with a cavity under the action of a force (pressure inside the cavity and the pressure of the soil), and thermal loads.
Keywords: heterogeneity, creep, highly elastic deformation, hydrochloric array coupling equation, the integral relations
The paper contains a mathematical formulation of the problem of synthesis interferometric determination of the relative coordinates of the radio-emitting objects. Option structural implementation of the interface for it to work in real-time microcomputer-based system of passive location proposed. Version of the algorithm operation interface includes a primary carrier detect and calculate the phase difference between the received signals was proposed. Hardware requirements are formulated its implementation.
Keywords: interface structure, the coordinate, algorithm, the interferometer, radio-emitting objects
It is proposed software-technological complex for modeling, which uses L-systems (Lindenmayer Systems) as the tools of modeling and visualization. The main purpose is to construct models of processes and structures that have a fractal nature. The complex supports different types of L-systems: deterministic context-free L-systems, stochastic L-systems, parametric L-systems, context sensitive L-systems. The developed tools have been used to model and analyze the socio-economic processes.
Keywords: L-systems, modeling, Fractal, Self-similar structures, Production rules, Grammar, Graphic interpretation