Steel hoisting ropes play an important role in metallurgical equipment, ensuring reliability and efficiency of lifting operations. One of the key features of their operation is the high level of contamination typical of metallurgical operations. Metallurgical processes are often accompanied by dust, metal chips and other abrasive particles that can significantly degrade ropes, causing wear and corrosion. To maintain the efficient operation of equipment it is necessary to monitor the condition of hoisting ropes in real time, which makes the task of improving automatic systems for monitoring the condition of ropes urgent. The paper reviews the methods of optical control of defects in hoisting steel ropes, the advantages and limitations of different approaches are considered. The aim of the work is to justify the effectiveness of the authors' developed method of analyzing rope defect images using neural networks in relation to the method based on the discrete Fourier transform. It is revealed that one of the most promising in terms of technical and economic efficiency of inspection methods is the application of vision system with image processing based on convolutional neural network technology, which allows to effectively detect defects in complex and changing operating conditions, such as metallurgical and mining production, where the background of the image may be non-uniform, and the distance between the camera and the rope varies.
Keywords: lifting ropes, vision systems, optical control methods, fast Fourier transform, hidden Markov models, convolutional neural networks
The purpose of this work is to analyze the concept of the threat of ransomware, methods of their detection, as well as to consider methods of intelligent analysis in solving the problem of detection, which are a popular tool among researchers of ransomware and malicious software (malware) in general. Data mining helps to improve the accuracy and speed up the malware detection process by processing large amounts of information. Specialists can identify new, previously unknown malware. And with the help of generative adversarial networks, zero-day malware can be detected. Despite the fact that a direct and objective comparison of all the studies presented in the work is impossible, due to different data sets, it can be assumed that using the architecture of generative-adversarial networks is the most promising way to solve the problem of detection.
Keywords: malware, ransomware, intelligent analysis, machine learning, neural network, generative adversarial network
This article analyzes the main causes of fatal injuries in the construction industry of the Russian Federation and a number of other foreign countries, including falls from heights, electric shock, injuries associated with the use of construction machinery and mechanisms, as well as exposure to harmful substances. In conclusion, the article highlights the importance of joint efforts by employers, employees and regulators to create a safer and healthier work environment in the construction industry. The implementation of the preventive measures described in the article can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and improve the well-being of employees.
Keywords: construction industry, industrial injuries, accidents, causes of injuries, working conditions, occupational risks, working at height, occupational safety, environmental factors, workplace organization, training
Reinforced concrete is the most common material in construction, this is due to its high performance and consumer characteristics. Despite a number of its positive characteristics, concrete has a negative property, its hygroscopicity. In the structure of concrete is a large number of micropores, cracks and capillaries, which contribute to the spread of moisture throughout the structure. This leads to the destruction of concrete, corrosion of reinforcement. Waterproofing is an important aspect of building construction and maintenance. It helps prevent moisture damage that leads to costly repairs and structural failure over time.
Keywords: concrete waterproofing, waterproofing system, polymer membrane, geocomposite fabric, liquid waterproofing membrane, penetrating waterproofing
Technical solutions aimed at preventing and eliminating the consequences of emergency situations in tunnel construction practice (in terms of laying utility lines or subways) are defined. Technical solutions are given taking into account their implementation in the conditions of structures under construction and in operation, characterized by a repeatable and predictable nature of occurrence.
Keywords: building structures, technology, repair work, underground utilities, tunnel, metro construction
Nowadays, the Internet has become an integral part of our lives, providing access to a huge amount of information and services. However, along with this, the number of destructive Internet resources that can harm users, especially children and adolescents, is growing. In this regard, there is a need to create an effective system for regulating access to such resources. The article presents an expert system for regulating access to destructive Internet resources, developed on the basis of modern technologies and methods of artificial intelligence. The system allows to automatically detect and block access to resources containing malicious content, as well as provides an opportunity for manual configuration and access control. The article describes the main components of the system and presents images demonstrating the work of the system for blocking access to destructive resources. The article will be useful for specialists in the field of information security, artificial intelligence and protection of children from malicious content on the Internet.
Keywords: destructive content, expert system, information security, Internet resources, SpaCy, Keras, RNN, LSTM, PyQt5, vectorization
In this article, we consider the system of quality management of legislation in the Russian Federation: we define its basic elements, the main tools for quality control (management) in the form of legal examinations, provide a generalized algorithm for quality assessment, propose a simple general classification of controlled factors in legal examinations, and introduce the concept of a bill readiness indicator. The most important legal examination - anti-corruption (ALE) - was chosen as an example for conducting quality control of legislation. Within the framework of general trends in automation, informatization, and digitalization, we considered the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for the purposes of conducting ALE, which, in some cases of "routine work", could provide all possible assistance to specialists in the field of legal examinations and their digitalization. In this regard, a step-by-step algorithm for pre-training AI was formulated using examples from regulatory legal acts (RLA) containing corruption factors (CF); a classification of CF was carried out; a scale of AI errors in detecting CF was developed; frequency characteristics of AI errors were determined; Preliminary conclusions were obtained on the possibility of using AI in AEC.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, corruption factor, anti-corruption expertise, normative legal act, corruption factor indicator, pre-training, algorithm, errors, frequency distribution, classification, dialogue.
The article presents a method for determining the stress-strain state of pile foundations for metal supports of power transmission lines during technical examination of power grid facilities in the Far North. An example of calculation using the LIRA automatic software package is given. The most stressed sections of structures are determined. The prospect of using CAD during technical examination of power grid facilities is proved.
Keywords: building structures, metal structures, energy facilities, stress-strain state, technical expertise
This article is devoted to the development of a collision detection technique using a polygonal mesh and neural networks. Collisions are an important aspect of realistically simulating physical interactions. Traditional collision detection methods have certain limitations related to computational accuracy and computational complexity. A new approach based on the use of neural networks for collision detection with polygonal meshes is proposed. Neural networks have shown excellent results in various computer vision and image processing tasks, and in this context they can be effectively applied to polygon pattern analysis and collision detection. The main idea of the technique is to train a neural network on a large data set containing information about the geometry of objects and their movement for automatic collision detection. To train the network, it is necessary to create a special module responsible for storing and preparing the dataset. This module will provide collection, structuring and storage of data about polygonal models, their movements and collisions. The work includes the development and testing of a neural network training algorithm on the created dataset, as well as assessing the quality of network predictions in a controlled environment with various collision conditions.
Keywords: modeling, collision detection techniques using polygonal meshes and neural networks, dataset, assessing the quality of network predictions
The issue of development and practical application of the developed methodological support for grinding control based on automated assessment of the dynamic quality of the machine tool based on integral estimates of the autocorrelation function of oscillations and its relationship with the quality of processing of bearing ring raceways is considered.
Keywords: grinding control, vibroacoustic oscillations, automated measurements, stochastic characteristics, dynamic quality of the machine, bearing rings, quality of processing
The method of determining the stress-strain state of metal poles of power transmission lines during the technical examination of electric grid facilities is analyzed. An example of a calculation using the automatic LIRA software package is given. The most stressed sections of structures are determined. The calculated method confirms the hypothesis that the triangular cross-section of the traverse of the portal intermediate support of the 500 kV overhead line is more economical (more efficient) than a tetrahedral (classical) cross section.
Keywords: building structures, metal structures, energy facilities, stress-strain state, technical expertise
Information technologies are used in all spheres of modern society. Databases and document flow in organizations must be clearly organized, streamlined, and the interconnected work of company departments and services must be ensured to collect and process information flows and make effective management decisions. The article reflects the place of the stages of planning and designing information technologies and methods of their development in the algorithm for forming the strategy of an organization's IT project. Approaches to the formation of automated workplaces are shown using the example of the organizational and managerial structure of an enterprise. The services and departments of the organization responsible for planning, accounting, analysis and control of its financial results have been identified, which led to the conclusion about the directions for improving the quality of IT project development.
Keywords: information system, IT project, planning, design, modeling, automated workstations
The problem of planning the sending of messages in a cellular network to destinations with known needs is considered. It is assumed that the costs of transmitting information on the one hand are proportional to the transmitted volumes and the cost of transmitting a unit of information over the selected communication channels in cases of exceeding the traffic established by the contract with the mobile operator, and on the other hand are associated with a fixed subscription fee for the use of channels, independent of the volume of information transmitted. An indicator of the quality of the plan in this setting is the total cost of sending the entire planned volume of messages. A procedure for reducing the formulated problem to a linear transport problem is proposed. The accuracy of the solution obtained on the basis of the proposed algorithm is estimated.
Keywords: single jump function, transport problem, minimum total cost criterion, computational complexity of the algorithm, confidence interval
The possibility of using expanded perlite dust (RUNWAY) in cement binder systems is being considered. A method for modifying the binder by joint mechanical activation of Portland cement, alumosilicate waste and hyperplasticizer is presented. The physico-chemical features of the modified runway make it possible to regulate the processes of hydration, phase formation, as well as the formation of the structural matrix of the composite. The compressive strength of the binder using RUNWAY as an active mineral additive increases by 36% with a decrease in density.
Keywords: technogenic raw materials, perlite, binder, dispersion, modification, mechanical activation, hydration, structure formation, phase formation, resource conservation
This work is devoted to the study of the possibility of determining heart diseases on the basis of 13 categorical and numerical signs. We present a detailed analysis of the dataset, including dividing the data into training and test samples, dividing features into numerical and categorical, applying 4 different classification algorithms, checking the quality of the model using two techniques – delayed sampling and cross-validation. To assess the quality of the model, we pay attention to the value of the recall metric and the error matrix built on the test dataset from the deferred sample or on each test fold when using cross-validation. The results of the study are important both for a deep understanding of the relationship between certain medical indicators and heart disease, and for the development of effective methods for predicting them in the presence of individual symptoms.
Keywords: cardiovascular diseases, classification task, quality metrics, cross-validation, recall, machine learning, random forest