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  • Methods of intellectual analysis in the task of detecting ransomware

    The purpose of this work is to analyze the concept of the threat of ransomware, methods of their detection, as well as to consider methods of intelligent analysis in solving the problem of detection, which are a popular tool among researchers of ransomware and malicious software (malware) in general. Data mining helps to improve the accuracy and speed up the malware detection process by processing large amounts of information. Specialists can identify new, previously unknown malware. And with the help of generative adversarial networks, zero-day malware can be detected. Despite the fact that a direct and objective comparison of all the studies presented in the work is impossible, due to different data sets, it can be assumed that using the architecture of generative-adversarial networks is the most promising way to solve the problem of detection.

    Keywords: malware, ransomware, intelligent analysis, machine learning, neural network, generative adversarial network

  • Review of Quantum Communication Network Topologies

    the article considers the development trends of the high-tech industry of quantum communications. The most popular topologies of quantum communication networks are described, including those with trusted intermediate nodes. The methods of interaction between nodes of the backbone quantum-cryptographic network are given and the main methods of ensuring secure transmission in such networks are presented. A simplified scheme for distributing a quantum secret key between the end segments of the backbone telecommunication network using trusted intermediate nodes is considered. Possible data leakage channels in the general structure of quantum-cryptographic networks are described.

    Keywords: quantum communications, quantum key, network topologies, trusted nodes

  • Graph-theoretic interpretation of information security system

    An integrated information security system combining dynamism and efficiency is proposed, and a quantitative assessment of this system is presented. The study is aimed at identifying all potential switching routes of maximum length between unique states, taking into account potential difficulties that may arise when implementing a recomposition information security system. The main tool for analyzing and modeling various transition configurations in the system under study is the apparatus of graph theory. Within the framework of the proposed approach, each subsystem includes several independent options or components, and at any given time only one of these options functions. An important aspect is both the interaction between the subsystems and the ability to switch components within one subsystem. For a visual understanding of the proposed approach, an example is given that illustrates the basic principles and mechanisms of the developed system.

    Keywords: information security system, state graph, DLP system, IPS/IDS system

  • Development of a fuzzy classifier of incoming requests for providing user access to the information infrastructure

    Currently, one of the most extensive issues in the field of information security is the organization of user access control to information infrastructure objects. Taking into account the volume of corporate information resources, as well as the number of users requesting access, there is a need to automate the access approval process taking into account possible risks. In this case, the most optimal solution to this problem is the use of fuzzy logic. The article analyzes the process of providing access to the information infrastructure using a fuzzy classifier and develops a conceptual model of the fuzzy classifier algorithm for incoming requests for access in order to automate the process and minimize information security risks associated with possible destructive actions aimed at the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information infrastructure.

    Keywords: neural network, machine learning, information security, cybersecurity, properties and structure of a neural network, mathematical model, threats and information vulnerabilities

  • Expert system for regulating access to destructive Internet resources

    Nowadays, the Internet has become an integral part of our lives, providing access to a huge amount of information and services. However, along with this, the number of destructive Internet resources that can harm users, especially children and adolescents, is growing. In this regard, there is a need to create an effective system for regulating access to such resources. The article presents an expert system for regulating access to destructive Internet resources, developed on the basis of modern technologies and methods of artificial intelligence. The system allows to automatically detect and block access to resources containing malicious content, as well as provides an opportunity for manual configuration and access control. The article describes the main components of the system and presents images demonstrating the work of the system for blocking access to destructive resources. The article will be useful for specialists in the field of information security, artificial intelligence and protection of children from malicious content on the Internet.

    Keywords: destructive content, expert system, information security, Internet resources, SpaCy, Keras, RNN, LSTM, PyQt5, vectorization

  • Using Clustering Methods to Automate the Formation of User Roles

    The article solves the problem of automated generation of user roles using machine learning methods. To solve the problem, cluster data analysis methods implemented in Python in the Google Colab development environment are used. Based on the results obtained, a method for generating user roles was developed and tested, which allows reducing the time for generating a role-based access control model.

    Keywords: machine learning, role-based access control model, clustering, k-means method, hierarchical clustering, DBSCAN method

  • Application of machine learning models to predict the performance of government contracts

    The work analyzes existing approaches to forecasting contract execution, including traditional statistical models and modern methods based on machine learning. A comparative analysis of various machine learning algorithms, such as logistic regression, decision trees, random forest and neural networks, was carried out to identify the most effective forecasting models.An extensive database of information on government contracts was used as initial data, including information about contractors, contract terms, deadlines and other significant factors. A prototype of an intelligent forecasting system was developed, testing was carried out on real data, as well as an assessment of the accuracy and reliability of the resulting forecasts. The results of the study show that the use of machine learning methods can significantly improve the quality of forecasting the execution of government contracts compared to traditional approaches

    Keywords: intelligent system, mathematical modeling, government procurement, government contracts, software package, forecasting, machine learning

  • Algorithm for ranking information security threats based on the hierarchy analysis method

    One of the most pressing tasks in ensuring data protection in information systems is the classification and ranking of threat sources. All threat sources have varying degrees of danger to information system assets. Ranking allows you to prioritize when designing an information security system and allocate greater resources to prevent the most pressing and significant threats. This article discusses an algorithm for ranking threats based on the hierarchy analysis method.

    Keywords: data protection, information technology, hierarchy process analysis, systems analysis, information systems, information security

  • Quantitative assessment of the recompositional information security system

    This paper is devoted to the quantitative assessment of the information security system. The authors propose to build a system that combines components with the properties of dynamism and protection efficiency. The proposed information security system includes two types of antivirus components, three data leakage prevention systems, and four intrusion detection and prevention systems. For clarity, the article provides a theoretical and graphical interpretation of the information security system. Each possible path in the system represents its state. It is shown that adding new components or subsystems leads to an increase in all possible states of the system, complicating the analysis by an intruder. Within the framework of this multi-component approach, each element of the system interacts with others, which helps to achieve the optimal level of efficiency in ensuring information security. In addition, the proposed approach is characterized by scalability, which ensures seamless integration of both individual components and subsystems as a whole.

    Keywords: recomposition, information security system, DLP system, IPS/IDS system

  • Analysis of current threats and development of approaches to the protection of web applications

    The article analyzes the current threats and vulnerabilities of web applications. Based on the analysis, approaches to protection and recommendations for ensuring the security of web applications are proposed, taking into account current challenges and problems. The article may be useful for information security specialists, software developers and heads of organizations interested in the security of web applications being developed or used.

    Keywords: cyber threat, cyber attack, exploitation of web vulnerabilities, web application

  • Security features of cloud systems

    The article analyzes the features of the protection of modern cloud systems and the distribution of responsibility between the interacting parties, and offers recommendations for improving the security of cloud resources. Based on the analysis, comprehensive protection measures and recommendations for improving the security of cloud resources are proposed, which can be useful to information security specialists and IT specialists to understand the features of protecting cloud systems, as well as in choosing a cloud provider and preparing for the transition to the cloud.

    Keywords: cloud computing, cloud provider, shared responsibility model, cloud resource security

  • Search and scoring of feeds of indicators of compromise for industries

    In the article, the authors propose an approach that allows assessing the relevance of using indicators of compromise for a particular industry. The current problems associated with the redundancy of indicators of compromise and the low level of trust in their sources are highlighted. An approach is proposed that allows quantifying the relationship between indicators and the source, as well as scoring sources.

    Keywords: compromise indicator, feed of the compromise indicator, rating of feeds

  • The problem of single file sanitizing on solid-state drives

    This article considers the issues of guaranteed deletion of information on solid-state drives. A review of the requirements of the domestic regulatory framework in terms of formulating the requirements for guaranteed deletion of information is carried out. The analysis of domestic and foreign standards and methods of guaranteed deletion of information are carried out. The features of solid-state drives and the applicability of domestic and foreign standards of sanitizing data for such drives are also considered. The problem of guaranteed deletion of individual files on solid-state drives without the possibility of recovery is indicated. Key problems that arise during guaranteed deletion of individual files on a solid-state drive without taking it out of service are highlighted. Conclusions about the impossibility of effective implementation of guaranteed deletion of individual files on solid-state drives in the process of using the drive, without taking it out of service, are made.

    Keywords: data recovery, solid state drive, wear leveling, garbage collection, guaranteed data destruction

  • System for user recognition based on extracted voice features using Kalman filter

    The problem of personality recognition by voice using adaptive Kalman filter is considered. The extracted features of the acoustic signal are used as features of biometric authentication person. A comparative table of speaker separation errors and evaluation speaker separation system using Kalman filter is presented.

    Keywords: biometric authentication, voice, neural network compilation, adaptive Kalman filter

  • Detecting vulnerabilities and implementing website security practices

    Security vulnerabilities are always a burning issue that website administrators spend a lot of time on researching in order to keep the website running securely. These vulnerabilities allow hackers to exploit, attack, infiltrate and influence the data of any company's websites. For stable, smooth and secure website operation, it is necessary to know the basic information about website security vulnerabilities. This article analyses the methods of detecting website vulnerabilities and applying effective measures to ensure website security. The article provides current challenges in the field of information security, describes methods of vulnerability detection and gives recommendations for the application of specific measures to secure websites.

    Keywords: website security, vulnerability, information security, code, software, security vulnerability scanning

  • Reliability Model of RAID-60 Disk Arrays

    The general characteristics of the innovative RAID-60 data storage system, which combines the best aspects of RAID-6 and RAID-0E technologies, as well as the reliability model of this data storage sys-tem, are presented. The main purpose of this connection is to provide outstanding performance with maximum data redundancy. The arti-cle discusses in detail the structural analysis, advantages and various scenarios for the use of the specified RAID-60 data storage system and the proposed model of its reliability. An important aspect is also the comparison of the RAID-60 system with other widespread vari-ants of data storage systems, such as RAID-0, RAID-1 and RAID-5, as well as with the reliability models of these systems. Particular at-tention is paid to the formula that allows you to calculate the average operating time to failure of a disk array. Also, for completeness of the analysis, attention is paid to plotting the probability of a RAID-60 failure (P(t)) over time (t). This graph is an important tool for visu-alizing the dynamics of reliability of data storage systems.

    Keywords: RAID-60, reliability, disk array, data redundancy, manufacturer, parity blocks, data storage

  • Complex biometric authentication of information system users using neural networks

    The result of the research is a method of complex biometric authentication. The method is implemented in the form of a software complex consisting of a subsystem biometric authentication by face image and a subsystem biometric authentication by voice. The training sample consisting of stored files biometric images (facial images and audio recordings) allows to reduce the error rates of the first and second kind in user recognition. The proposed method of biometric authentication is designed to improve the efficiency user recognition processes.

    Keywords: authentication, biometrics, neural network architecture, training sampling

  • Method for ensuring data confidentiality using orthogonal matrices

    The application of orthogonal matrices in information processing and transformation systems is considered. A method is proposed for assessing the results of protective masking of audio information using Walsh-structured quasi-orthogonal Mersenne matrices.

    Keywords: orthogonal matrix, message masking, masking/unmasking algorithm, amplitude-frequency response, white noise, root mean square error, signal-to-noise ratio

  • Vulnerabilities and methods of protection of the ROS operating system when implementing a multi-agent system based on the Turtlebot3 robot

    The problem of vulnerabilities in the Robot Operating System (ROS) operating system when implementing a multi-agent system based on the Turtlebot3 robot is considered. ROS provides powerful tools for communication and data exchange between various components of the system. However, when exchanging data between Turtlebot3 robots, vulnerabilities may arise that can be used by attackers for unauthorized access or attacks on the system. One of the possible vulnerabilities is the interception and substitution of data between robots. An attacker can intercept the data, change it and resend it, which can lead to unpredictable consequences. Another possible vulnerability is unauthorized access to the commands and control of Turtlebot3 robots, which can lead to loss of control over the system. To solve these vulnerabilities, methods of protection against possible security threats arising during the operation of these systems have been developed and presented.

    Keywords: Robotic operating system (ROS), multi-agent system, system packages, encryption, SSL, TLS, authentication and authorization system, communication channel, access restriction, threat analysis, Turtlebot3

  • Securing of images in the city traffic management system from unauthorized use

    The paper discusses a stegoalgorithm with localization of the embedding area in the YCbCr color space to protect images of a license plate, a vehicle from different angles, a traffic event, as well as issues of developing a software system that implements the stegoalgorithm. Image protection allows you to effectively implement the concept of multimodal interaction of socio-cyberphysical systems in an automotive self-organizing network. Evaluations of the effectiveness of the developed method are provided.

    Keywords: VANET, intelligent transport networks, city traffic management system, steganography, information security, watermark

  • Hierarchical Dynamic Information Security Management System for an Enterprise Information System

    The problem of developing the architecture of a dynamic information security management system for an enterprise information system, based on the hierarchical organization of the management system, analysis of the state of the computer system in the information space, analysis of the spread of risk flow, as well as multi-agent organization of the processes of collecting, analyzing data and making decisions is considered.

    Keywords: information protection, enterprise information system, security policy, information security management, risk analysis, zero trust architecture, multi-agent technologies, neural network forecasting

  • Detection of false positive cybersecurity incidents based on artificial neural networks

    The possibility of detecting false positive cybersecurity incidents using deep learning models - GRU, Bidirectional LSTM (Bi-LSTM), LSTM - has been studied. The results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of solving the problem for Powershell scripts. The Bi-LSTM model showed the best classification results, demonstrating an accuracy of 98.50% on the test sample.

    Keywords: machine learning, classification, cybersecurity, deep learning, Powershell

  • On the role of information impacts in the context of national security

    The article discusses issues related to the level of existing technological development and the role of information impacts in the modern world. The necessity of an interdisciplinary approach in training an information security specialist is substantiated. A number of examples are considered on the historical material, indicating the causal relationship between actions in the information space and the events of the material nature, the scale of the consequences has been noted. The process of forming a value system and the potential possibility of changing it are considered. The influence of the level of development of information delivery means on the effectiveness of information impact is noted. An example of using media content to transmit non-verbal signals is given. Using the example of cinematographic products, the principles of deformation of the system of traditional values through the introduction of a new term and a change in attitude towards it are considered. The need for additional measures to counter information threats is substantiated. Ways to reduce the risk of negative consequences from harmful information influences are proposed.

    Keywords: information space, information security, information threat, information delivery tools, information impact, counteraction of the threat

  • Feasibility study for the selection of optimal attack (intrusion) detection tools for the needs of monitoring centers of the Russian Federation

    The subject of the study is the technical and economic characteristics of attack detection tools that affect the effectiveness of their use for the system for detecting, preventing and eliminating the consequences of computer attacks on critical information infrastructure facilities of the Russian Federation. An analysis of approaches to selecting the best solutions is presented, the result of which formed the basis of the proposed solution. The article contains a study of approaches to solving the problem of feasibility study of choice, formalizing the formulation of the problem and a mathematical model for solving the problem of choosing the optimal attack detection tool for implementing the corresponding tasks. The research methods used include systems analysis, modeling and peer review methods. The purpose of developing the methodology is to increase the level of validity of decision-making on choosing the best of the proposed attack detection tools. The research results presented in the article can be used to carry out a feasibility study of decisions made when choosing attack detection tools for the needs of monitoring centers of the Russian Federation. The proposed methodology for conducting competitive analysis can be used as the basis for conducting appropriate research for each means of the system for detecting, preventing and eliminating the consequences of computer attacks on the information resources of the Russian Federation.

    Keywords: attack detection tools, intrusion detection tools, feasibility study, competitive analysis, information security tools, decision support system, information security system, optimization, integer linear programming

  • Zero Trust Architecture Design Patterns

    The features of designing security systems based on the zero trust model are considered. The problem of developing security policy patterns is considered. The problem of choosing the points of application of the security policy based on the analysis of the risk flow is discussed. An example of a security pattern in the DRAKON language is given.

    Keywords: information security, zero trust architecture, enterprise architecture, security policy patterns