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  • Using the determining the similarity of words method to evaluate text vectorization algorithms

    The article provides a brief description of the existing methods of vectorization of texts in natural language. The evaluation is described by the method of determining the similarity of words. A comparative analysis of the operation of several vectorizer models is carried out. The process of selecting data for evaluation is described. The results of evaluating the performance of the models are compared.

    Keywords: natural language processing, vectorization, word-form embedding, semantic similarity, correlation

  • Modeling of lighting effects and development of a sketch of the lighting design project of the Drama theater named after A.V. Lunacharsky

    The article offers a variant of the development of lighting design projects for outdoor architectural lighting. Based on the modeling of light distribution in the DIALux 4.13 program, brushes have been created using specific lighting devices that simulate lighting effects from real lighting devices. A variant of the sketch of outdoor architectural lighting using Adobe Photoshop has been created with the implementation of local lighting techniques using the example of a drama theater building. Using a three-dimensional model of the object, a light design project was created in the DIALux EVO program. The proposed method of creating sketches is useful in professional activities related to the development of sketches of lighting design projects based on their high-quality photographs without the need to develop three-dimensional models, for conceptual proposals of fragments of the urban light environment and landscape territories. Having developed a base of brushes (based on real light distributions of lighting devices), it is possible to create sketches of architectural lighting of buildings that implement various lighting techniques.

    Keywords: adobe photoshop, dialux 4.13, dialux evo, sketch, brush, building facade, outdoor architectural lighting, lighting effect, lighting technique, architectural lighting concept

  • Implementation of the LSH algorithm using Pl/PgSQL

    Our lives are permeated by data, with endless streams of information passing through computer systems. Today it is impossible to imagine modern software without interaction with databases. There are many different DBMSs depending on the purpose of using the information. The article discusses the Locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) algorithm based on the Pl/PgSQL language, which allows you to search for similar documents in the database.

    Keywords: LSH, hashing, field, string, text data, query, software, SQL

  • Technical science. Building and architecture

  • Functional processes that determine the spatial planning solution of industrial buildings in coastal areas

    The design and construction of industrial buildings in coastal areas requires careful consideration of functional processes, logistics efficiency and environmental dynamics. The article examines the relationship between operational requirements and spatial planning strategies, emphasizes the need for individual solutions to solve unique problems that arise in coastal zones. By combining workflow optimization, logistical considerations and safety measures, industrial enterprises can increase productivity, ensure sustainability and reduce risks in difficult environments, emphasizing the importance of integrated planning and strategic positioning for sustainable development.

    Keywords: industrial buildings, coastal territories, design conditions on coastal territories, sustainable architecture, energy conservation, energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, green architecture, eco-friendly design, functional processes

  • Load-Bearing Capacity of Ring Flange Joints of Welded Pipes with Different Diameters

    To develop a methodology for assessing the strength of ring flanges, research was conducted on the load-bearing capacity of welded pipe joints of varying diameters. The study employed the component finite element method (CFEM) implemented in the IDEAStatiCa Connection software. To verify the obtained results, a numerical experiment was carried out using the ANSYS software package. The investigation considered several types of flange joints made from welded pipes with different diameters. Parameters were selected based on common sections used according to russian Series 3.400-8 (Issue 2). The study found that for all cases, the highest stresses occurred on the flange at the joint with the smaller diameter pipe. The analysis indicated that the CFEM's applicability should be limited to diameter-to-wall-thickness ratios (D1/t1) of up to 40. Beyond this threshold, the CFEM does not accurately predict the strength of the joints due to the significant deformation that occurs in the pipe walls, forming a truncated cone shape at the flange junctions. For practical applications, formulas are proposed to check the strength of ring flanges. These formulas account for the weakening of the plates by bolt holes and provide conservative results. The findings highlight the necessity for additional numerical and physical experiments to refine the methodology for cases with D1/t1 ratios exceeding 75. The proposed approach offers a practical solution for evaluating the strength of ring flanges in welded pipe joints of varying diameters, contributing to the development of relevant engineering standards.

    Keywords: load-bearing capacity, ring flanges, welded pipes, assembly joints, strength, component method, numerical experiment

  • Deformability of the soft shell of sawtooth-type fabric structures

    Framed fabric roof structures of the sawtooth-type are considered. The structures are arranged on rectangular plan. They consist of a number of sectors which are separated by arch-shaped supporting ribs. The sectors are covered with a prestressed soft shell. Geometric nonlinear static analysis of the shell is performed taking into account the effect of snow and wind loads. The general dimensions of the shell and the prestress value are considered as the primary variables. Quantitative assessment of deformation of the shell is carried out by means of so-called deformability index. The index is reciprocal to the relative deflection. A functional expression for approximating the deformability index is proposed. The expression is to be used at the stage of developing the design solutions for fabric structures. The coefficients of the function are found by means of the least squares method. The guidance for assigning the main parameters of the sawtooth-type fabric structures are given.

    Keywords: fabric structure, roof structure, soft shell, sawtooth roof, geometric parameters, prestress, deformability, approximation

  • Development of paint and varnish compositions based on heat-treated phosphogypsum

    A study was conducted on the development of filler compositions based on heat-treated phosphogypsum for the production of paints and varnishes with luminescent ability. In the course of the study, it was revealed that the reduced phosphogypsum, which exhibits the properties of an ultraviolet pigment, can be used to produce paints and varnishes based on colorless varnish XB-784. When using a colorless varnish and synthesized ultraviolet pigment, paint and varnish materials can be obtained that form almost transparent coatings and have a luminescent ability. The introduction of unreconstructed phosphogypsum as a filler increases the covering capacity of paint coatings. Non-reduced heat-treated phosphogypsum as a filler does not give a luminescent glow under the influence of UV irradiation, however, it increases the hiding power of the material and enhances the luminescent ability of the UV pigment.

    Keywords: filler compositions, colorless varnish, ultraviolet pigments, phosphogypsum, waste recycling

  • Automation of recognition of radio listeners' requests

    The article describes the automation of the audio recording recognition process in order to identify the ordered song on the radio station. The Golos Russian speech recognition model from the SberDevices was used. An algorithm for correcting the text obtained as a result of audio recording analysis using the Golos model based on the Levenshtein distance method has been developed. For recognized requests from radio listeners, interaction with the DIGISPOT II database is organized (formation and execution of queries to search for artists and their songs).

    Keywords: speech recognition, Golos, Digispot II

  • Organizational and managerial decisions on the future placement of social infrastructure facilities

    The construction of new modern buildings for social purposes, including healthcare facilities, is an important area of ​​urban planning policy. When planning the construction of such buildings, it is important to take into account the territorial and spatial factor. The use of geographic information systems as a tool for spatial analysis and collection of information on the state of social infrastructure makes it possible to visualize data from a comprehensive assessment of the territory and significantly simplify analytical work, which makes it possible to optimize organizational and managerial processes for the long-term development of settlements.

    Keywords: construction, social infrastructure, healthcare, comprehensive assessment of the territory, geoinformation technologies

  • To assess the parameters of the dispersed composition of particles of solid ingredients in the secretions of an electric steelmaking workshop

    Ferrous metallurgy enterprises annually emit into the atmosphere a significant amount of highly dispersed dust with a particle size of 10 microns or less. The article presents the results of a study performed to determine the dispersed composition of aerosols in dust and gas air flows coming from emission sources to unorganized sources of emissions into the atmosphere. Based on the results of microscopic analysis with determination of the fractional composition of the dust, integral dependences of the density of distribution over equivalent sizes (diameters) D for the ingredients accepted for the study were obtained. This made it possible to determine the average median values of the equivalent sizes of dust particles of harmful substances. An assessment of the power of dust emissions from unorganized sources of steelmaking enterprises into the atmosphere of cities has been carried out. In order to improve the environmental safety of the steelmaking shop, it was concluded that it is advisable to reconstruct existing aspiration systems using highly efficient wet dust collectors.

    Keywords: metallurgy, aerosol, dust, ingredient, particle, dust collector, electric steelmaking shop, dispersion analysis, distribution density ,average median diameter, dh 50

  • Simulation of the design activity diversification of innovative enterprise

    This research presents the methods and conclusions obtained from modeling a composite wall panel with a wooden frame and polystyrene concrete core in the Lira-SAPR program, used in the construction of low-rise buildings for residential and commercial purposes. The findings were compared with the results of panel tests at the research laboratory of the Pacific State University (hereinafter TOGU).

    Keywords: linear calculation, panel construction, low-rise construction, LIRA-SAPR, modeling

  • Reconstruction of the school's spatial planning solution using the example of a building in the KBR

    The public education project ""Dream School"", implemented in support of the federal school overhaul program, attracts students of architectural and design schools in the regions, which will allow them to simultaneously acquire applied competencies in the learning process. During the development of the design project, the need for specialists to conduct a preliminary design analysis was revealed, since one of the five schools did not meet the standards in terms of their spatial planning parameters. It is proposed to carry out the reconstruction of this educational institution. The premises of the dining room and the assembly hall are transferred to the annex block.

    Keywords: school design project, school renovation, school recreation, public education project "Dream School", school reconstruction

  • Equations of a conoid with an orthogonal coordinate system in parametric form

    In the paper, parametric equations of right conoidal surfaces with an orthogonal coordinate system with different guiding curves are obtained for the first time. Parametric equations for conoids with guide curves sine, cosine and parabola are presented. In the MathCad system, the constructions of right conoids with selected guide curves with various initial geometric parameters are visually performed and presented in the paper for the possibility of expanding their use in architectural design, construction and other industries.

    Keywords: conoid, orthogonal coordinate system, sine, cosine, parabola, parametric equation, MathCad system

  • Improvement of technology for the device of injection waterproofing using polymer cement compositions

    В статье представляется совершенствование технологии гидроизоляции с помощью инъектирования. Специально для этих технологий разработана полимерцементная композиция для инъекционной гидроизоляции. The article presents the improvement of waterproofing technology by injection. A polymer cement composition for injection waterproofing has been developed specifically for these technologies.

    Keywords: technology, production, injection waterproofing, injection method, repair and restoration work, polymer cement composition

  • Specificity of the topology of SBS polymers manifested during bitumen modification

    The physical and mechanical properties, as well as structural and rheological indices of blended compositions based on viscous oil road bitumen and three specific grades of butadiene-styrene thermoplastic elastomers (KRATON 0243, KRATON 0246, KRATON 1192) of different composition and structure are investigated. The structure and properties of initial butadiene-styrene thermoplastic elastomers are considered. The influence of the polymer modifier topology on the properties of the final blended bitumen-polymer compositions has been shown. It is established that the change of polymer composition affects the whole complex of technical, technological and operational indicators of polymer-bitumen binders. Thus, the presence of 75% diblock structures in KRATON 0243 and 55% diblock structures in KRATON 0246 significantly affect both penetration and ductility of bitumen-polymer mixtures at 0 deg. С.

    Keywords: butadiene-styrene thermoplastic elastomers of various topologies, viscous petroleum road bitumen

  • Design features of wooden buildings made of CLT panels

    The article discusses the design features of wooden buildings constructed from cross laminated timber panels (CLT). CLTis a new material widely used in wooden house construction. The panels are used for the construction of multi-storey buildings and replace traditional frame and cobblestone wooden houses. The article analyzes the advantages of using CLT in modern construction, discusses various types of joints, such as butt joints, corner joints, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Special attention is paid to panel mounting methods that ensure the reliability and durability of the structure.

    Keywords: wooden structure, wood, cross-laminated timber, CLT panel, nodal connection, connection system

  • Determining the costs of fuel and energy resources during major repairs of residential buildings

    The article presents calculations of energy costs when carrying out major renovations of a building. Based on the obtained values, the structure of fuel and energy resources expenditures by subgroups of repair and construction work was formed. The presented research results are based on the calculation and comparison of the obtained energy consumption values ​​in proportional units - kilograms of standard fuel. As a result of the study, the highest energy consumption was established, which is accounted for by the consumption of liquid fuel in comparison with electricity, which is due to the specifics of the machines and mechanisms used (truck crane, truck, etc.), as well as the chosen technology of repair and construction work. In order to account for and minimize energy costs during the period of major repairs, it is also proposed to monitor the consumption of fuel and energy resources.

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • Study of the effect of octyl phenol formaldehyde resin on the dynamic mechanical properties of vibration-absorbing materials based on butyl rubber

    Vulcanization is a technological process that transforms plastic rubber into rubber. As a result of vulcanization, the shape of the product is fixed, and the material becomes more durable, hard and elastic. The purpose of the article is to determine the effect of octyl phenol-formaldehyde resin on the vulcanization parameters and to identify its optimal amount for the development of vibration-absorbing materials based on butyl rubber. The effect of a vulcanizing agent (octyl phenol formaldehyde resin) on the properties of the rubber compound during vulcanization was established. As a result of the study, the kinetics of vulcanization and the effect of various components on the properties of the rubber compound, such as elongation at break, conditional tensile strength and specific damping ability, were studied. This study is conducted in order to find the optimal rubber for placement in a seismic damper used in buildings and structures.

    Keywords: vulcanizing group, vibration absorbing material, butyl rubber, rubber compound, vulcanization, octyl phenol formaldehyde resin, seismic damper

  • The influence of some mineral additives on shrinkage deformation of mortars

    The article deals with the results of research on the influence of the dosage and composition of the complex mineral additive containing chemical water treatment sludge with gaize, burnt rock or fly ash. The result of investigation is the equation for the change in shrinkage deformations over the time for mortars containing a complex mineral additive in comparison with a standard mixture without additives. There is evaluating of the influence of changes in the mortar moisture on the amount of shrinkage deformation. On the base of the research, we astablished the dependences of shrinkage deformations on the moisture content of the mortar, according to the composition and dosage of the complex mineral additive. The study revaels the influence of a complex mineral additive on shrinkage deformations. The equation has been obtained that describes the change in shrinkage deformations depending on the relative humidity and it has been shown that the tested mortars with a rational composition and dosage of a complex mineral additive with an average air humidity of the driest month in Rostov-on-Don of 47% will not exceed 0.55 mm/m . Shrinkage deformation with the ratio of the complex additive with fly ash or burnt rock 20-30% are 0.42-0.79 relative to the additive-free standard.

    Keywords: dry construction mixture, shrinkage, mineral additive, mortar, chemical water treatment sludge, burnt rock, fly ash

  • Features of urban development of the territories of the city of Vyborg outside the boundaries of the historical core

    The main maintenance of a diversification of production as activity of subjects of managing is considered. being shown in purchase of the operating enterprises, the organizations of the new enterprises, redistribution of investments in interests of the organization and development of new production on available floor spaces. The most important organizational economic targets of a diversification of management are presented by innovative activity of the industrial enterprise.

    Keywords: historical settlement of federal significance, Vyborg, Leningrad region, territorial planning, urban development

  • Algorithm to analyze and controll data quality and project quality using digital information model

    Paper presents an algorithm for analyzing and controlling data and project quality in construction using building information modeling and extensible markup language. The authors, argue that project quality stems from data quality and information quality. The proposed algorithm integrates BIM with extensible markup language, converting data quality and project quality criteria from employer information requirements into an extensible markup language scheme to ensure compliance with established standards. Key criteria for data quality and project quality include classification, identity, hierarchy, information identity, coordination, level of development , association, redundancy, staging, and spatial orientation. The algorithm involves creating a test BIM model, to simulate employer information requirements violations, performing checks using a Model Checker, automation tool in Autodesk Revit, and ensuring all criteria are met. The process includes saving verification checks, combining them, and generating reports in comma separated values format for transparency and further analysis. The authors highlight the importance of applying the algorithm from the early stages of project discussions, involving all participants to ensure the accuracy of data quality and project quality schemes. This approach leverages both international and domestic standards for continuous monitoring and immediate decision-making support throughout the project lifecycle.

    Keywords: extensible markup language, information technical requirements, employer information requirements, building information model, information quality, project quality, model checking

  • Main methods of ice crossings. Methods of pavement reinforcement

    The article is devoted to the study of the main methods of ice crossings and their reinforcement. Key concepts related to this type of transportation are considered, including the definition of an ice crossing, its role in the transportation infrastructure, and the conditions necessary for its construction. Special attention is paid to the preparatory work carried out in summer and the main work carried out in winter. The methods of ice crossing reinforcement are described in detail, including thermal reinforcement, use of logs, snow reinforcement and use of geosynthetic materials. The advantages and disadvantages of each method are discussed, as well as factors influencing the choice of a particular reinforcement method.

    Keywords: ice crossing, reinforcement

  • Stress-strain state of a triangular membrane panel under the action of various types of lateral loads

    The article contains the methodology and results of theoretical and experimental studies of the stress-strain state of a conical radial-beam dome with triangular shell elements. The results obtained by various methods are analyzed and compared. The triangular membrane panel is part of the radial beam dome structure and consists of a support frame and a steel membrane in the shape of a triangle. The shape of the triangle forming the membrane panel can be different and depends on the number of ribs in the radial beam dome. The supporting contour is a compressed-bending element of the dome and is made, as a rule, from a rolled steel profile with a channel section. The membrane is made of thin steel sheet and attached to the upper flange of the channel with self-tapping screws or spot welding. To assess the strength and deformability of a steel membrane sheet, its operation under the action of a uniformly distributed snow load, an unevenly distributed snow load and a concentrated installation load was considered. Several options for nonlinear static calculations in various computer systems are shown.

    Keywords: building structures, wooden structures, membrane panel, stress-strain state, radial beam dome, dome, membrane, design, experimental study

  • Analysis of urban planning in terms of the negative impact of traffic flow on the urban environment

    The issues of atmospheric pollution, including noise pollution, are considered. The dependences of the concentration of carbon monoxide at distances from the roadway at different directions and speeds of the wind flow obtained according to MRR-2017 are presented. The influence of motor transport on the condition of the air basin and the health of the urban population is considered. The levels of noise pollution in the main-line territories of Volgograd, as well as the main pollutants in the atmospheric air of the main-line territories, are considered. The dispersion of CO concentration at different wind speeds at different angles of wind direction to the road and traffic noise levels depending on the days of the week, time of day, and traffic flow intensity are considered.

    Keywords: wind flow direction and speed, roadway, atmospheric air, mainline territories, traffic noise levels, carbon monoxide concentration, vehicle fleet, cargo flow