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  • Study of technological factors of phosphogypsum heat treatment

    The paper investigates the possibility of obtaining a luminescent material by heat treatment of phosphogypsum at a temperature of 800 degrees Celsius. It is shown that it is not enough to achieve the result of heating the system to a given temperature, the luminosity of the samples is practically absent.For phosphogypsum subjected to heat treatment at a temperature of 800 degrees Celsius for 60 minutes, it was found that images obtained in the presence of 50-150% moles of citric acid showed the most pronounced luminosity. The luminosity of samples with starch in the amount of 50-75 mol% was worse (by about 50%). The use of coal as a reducing agent under given conditions led to the formation of samples with the lowest luminosity. An extreme change in the dependence of luminosity on the amount of the introduced reducing agent with maxima of 25-75% (mol.) was revealed. It is suggested that the luminescent ability of the reduced phosphogypsum is associated with the formation of the composite material calcium sulfate/sulfide.

    Keywords: heat treatment mode, luminescent material, phosphogypsum recycling, reducing

  • Modeling and experimental study of influence of pressure in the gas supply system of plasma installation on the flow velocity

    The article is devoted to the study of the flow rate depending on the pressure in the gas supply system of the plasma head. The problem was solved by conducting a computer experiment with subsequent verification of the results by a full-scale experiment. The laboratory plasma installation MAK-10 assembled on the basis of the IMET UB RAS, used in the processes of coating, powder production and surface modification of parts, was simulated. The computer experiment was carried out using the SolidWorks Flow Simulation software package. As a result of the work performed, the distribution of the flow rate along its axis was demonstrated during the operation of the plasma installation with a pressure in the gas supply system of 0.1; 0.2 and 0.3 MPa. Recommendations for conducting coating, powder production and surface modification processes have been developed, which have practical benefits for consumers of process equipment.

    Keywords: mathematical model, flow, velocity, pressure, plasma method, powder production, coating, surface modification

  • Applicability of GRP fabrication methods in the construction of horizontal tanks

    The study of the influence of the number of layers of glass composite pipe on dynamic loading, including operation in seismically active areas, is conditioned by compliance with the requirements of the latest documents in the field of construction standard control. Mechanical characteristics of glass composite pipe depend on elastic and strength properties of glass fibre, silica sand and binder, their ratio and bonding strength between layers. The key parameter of glass composite pipe compliance with the given requirements is ring stiffness. The strength of the composite material is determined using the rule of mixtures. The properties of the glass composite pipe using the rule of mixtures are determined. The influence of the number of layers of glass composite pipe on its elastic-strength properties is considered. The experiment with uniaxial compression of the pipe link is simulated in Midas GTS NX software package. The maximum load at which the sample reaches 5% deformation was determined. According to the results of the study, it was obtained that the best elastic-strength and operational properties have three-layer composite structure.

    Keywords: glass composite pipe, layer scheme, earthquake resistance, continuous winding method, elastic-strength properties

  • Exploring the possibilities of the Python programming language for creating intelligent baggage scanning systems

    This study is devoted to analyzing the capabilities of the Python programming language when creating information systems for detecting dangerous objects in luggage. As a result, a recognition system architecture was developed, including the following main components: an image processing module, a machine learning module, a database and a user interface. The software chosen is Python with the libraries PySide6, SQLite, Numpy, YOLO. The information system was implemented and tested on real data, which confirmed the correctness of the selected capabilities and technologies of the Python language for the development of security information systems.

    Keywords: information system, security, neural network, machine learning, pattern recognition, performance

  • Automation of a universal de-icing mixture spreader by integrating data from road weather stations

    This article discusses the possibility of changing the formulation of an anti-icing mixture directly in a combined road machine, by integrating data from road weather stations and modernizing a universal spreader. To quickly change the recipe of the distributed mixture, using the example of a sand-salt mixture, it is proposed to use a two-hopper universal spreader with an automated control system. The recipe for the distributed anti-icing mixture is calculated depending on weather conditions. An example of LabVIEW software is given to solve the local problem of finding a current weather station.

    Keywords: automation, road machine, universal spreader, de-icing materials, composition selection, control system

  • Module for searching destructive information in the text

    Destructive information in text is widespread and dangerous for children and teenagers as well as for adults. Current methods of searching destructive information in text: “keyword search”, “reverse document frequency method” have a number of disadvantages that can cause false positives, which reduces the accuracy of their work. In this article we consider a new developed method of searching destructive information in text, which is used in Python module. This method utilizes Spacy, pymorphy3 libraries which allows us to examine the sentence in detail and delve into its meaning. The developed method reduces false positives and thus increases the efficiency of its use. The paper shows the schemes of sentence parsing, the algorithm of the new method, as well as figures demonstrating its work. The comparative analysis of the new method with analogs is shown.

    Keywords: Spacy, disruptive content, information security, TF-IDF, keyword search, pymorphy3, Net Nanny, CyberPatrol, Oculus, child protection

  • Designing a payload access system for the hardware and software complex «Casket» platform

    With the development of technology, access systems with higher accuracy and levels of reliability have emerged. Access systems are a fascinating and important area of expertise, requiring knowledge from a wide range of disciplines such as information security, electronics, programming and systems administration. Therefore, its further development requires highly qualified specialists. In this regard, to involve the younger generation, educational programs and courses aimed at training and intellectual development of adolescents are appearing. To practically reinforce the acquired knowledge, various educational kits and open-source laboratory stands are used, on which students can try their hand and implement ideas. This project has prospects for further development for work not only in terrestrial laboratories, but also at orbital stations - this aspect is especially interesting for young explorers of the Universe. The goal of the work is to create a safe and convenient access system for users, providing a high level of security and ease of use.

    Keywords: research, experiment, payload, space, remote control, self-determination, career guidance

  • A device for complex measurement of atmospheric parameters affecting the parameters of a solar cell based on Arduino

    This research paper presents a project to create a device for complex measurement of atmospheric parameters affecting the operation of a solar cell, based on the Arduino microcontroller. The purpose of the study is to develop a device capable of measuring illumination, temperature, humidity and wind speed to assess their impact on the efficiency of solar panels. The research paper describes the necessary components for assembling the device, such as a BH1750 light sensor, a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor, a Grove anemometer and an LCD display. A diagram of how to connect the components to the Arduino Uno microcontroller is provided, as well as an example of software code for collecting and displaying data. The results of the study include an analysis of the collected data to calculate the efficiency of the solar cell under various atmospheric conditions. Methods for correcting the data taking into account temperature changes and the cooling effect of the wind are considered. In conclusion, the possibilities for further improvement of the device are discussed, including anemometer calibration, integration with Internet services for remote monitoring, and adding a data storage function. The developed device can be used to optimize the operation of solar panels, as well as in research and educational projects aimed at studying the influence of external factors on the performance of solar cells.

    Keywords: arduino, solar cell, atmospheric measurement, atmospheric measurement device, solar radiation energy, atmospheric parameters sensors, automated measurement, meteorological data, renewable energy, solar radiation data

  • Module for searching destructive information in images

    Images on web-sites, social networks, computers may contain destructive content and pose a threat to the psyche of a child or adolescent. Conventional image classification does not always classify it correctly and accordingly has a number of drawbacks due to which there can be false positives, which reduces the accuracy of classification. The paper presents a method in Python module that can detect malicious content in images. The method described in the paper is based on the use of Yolov8 library, which provides good classification of images and further analysis. Using the developed method it was possible to reduce the number of false positives, which led to an increase in its efficiency. The paper shows the scheme of operation of the new method, as well as demonstrated the search for objects in images. Similar programs are considered and their comparative analysis with the developed method is carried out.

    Keywords: Spacy, disruptive images, information security, pymorphy3, ultralytics, disruptive text, disruptive content, YoloV8, child safety, benchmarking, digital hash

  • On the issue of developing a mathematical model of a Darye wind turbine with three blades

    The paper considers a mathematical model of a Darye wind turbine with three blades. The operating mode of the fast rotation of the wind turbine has been obtained. It is called autorotation mode. An assessment of the speed of the wind turbine in this mode was obtained, an assessment of the power and geometric dimensions of the structure under consideration was carried out. Programs have been written in the matlab system and numerical calculation results have been obtained. The efficiency of Darye wind turbines with a different number of blades is compared and it is shown that in practice it is best to use three blades.

    Keywords: body, planning mode, stability, geometric dimensions

  • Detection of false positive cybersecurity incidents based on artificial neural networks

    The possibility of detecting false positive cybersecurity incidents using deep learning models - GRU, Bidirectional LSTM (Bi-LSTM), LSTM - has been studied. The results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of solving the problem for Powershell scripts. The Bi-LSTM model showed the best classification results, demonstrating an accuracy of 98.50% on the test sample.

    Keywords: machine learning, classification, cybersecurity, deep learning, Powershell

  • Convolutional neural network for matching product images

    The article focuses on the use of convolutional neural networks for matching product images. The importance of developing systems for products image matching is described. The analysis of image comparison methods is carried out, the advantages and disadvantages of each method are noted. The comparison of matching products images from retailers using the ResNet neural network has been executed. Experiments and testing on datasets of products from retailers for image matching have been carried out with ResNet neural networks, the accuracy of image matching for different architectures of the ResNet neural network has been examined. Conclusions about the possibility of using the ResNet neural networks for matching product images were made.

    Keywords: convolutional neural network, recognition, image, image analysis, image matching, ResNet

  • Development of a digital twin of a robotic manipulator

    The process of creating an aggregated digital twin for a physical prototype of a manipulator with a load-gripping mechanism is considered. To solve the problem of controlling the system nodes, the freely distributed software platform Robot Operating System (ROS) was used, in particular, the MoveIt packages for manipulator control, OpenCV for computer vision and RViz for visualization. A description of the physical prototype and the stages of creating a model of the robotic complex in the form of URDF files is given. The developed system creates a level of abstraction between hardware and software, which allows exploring new technological solutions in the field of automation of processes of transport and cargo systems.

    Keywords: machine vision, robotics, digital twin, control system, manipulator, ROS

  • Reports on current research

  • Development of a coating that protects against electromagnetic waves

    The article discusses the process of applying a radio-absorbing coating to the surface of plastic. Vacuum plasma methods make it possible to effectively apply thin films to various surfaces. The main parameters affecting the quality and effectiveness of the properties of the applied coatings are considered.The result of the studied coatings obtained by the vacuum-plasma method showed that a sample coated with aluminum nitride, the transmission coefficient through which has not changed compared to the case of free space, is not shielding, and a sample coated with titanium metal, introducing additional attenuation of the order of 5 dB indicates the presence of absorption.

    Keywords: electromagnetic radiation, thin films, application technology, radio-absorbing coating, radiation protection, magnetron.

  • The use of artificial intelligence methods for analyzing and filtering text content

    One of the main conditions for ensuring information security is to prevent the spread of false and intentionally distorted information. Filtering the content of Internet information resources can serve as a solution to this problem. Recently, an approach using methods and mathematical models of artificial intelligence has been increasingly considered for the analysis and classification of disseminated data. The use of neural networks allows you to automate the process of processing a large array of information and connect a person only at the decision-making stage. The paper focuses on the learning process of a neural network. Various learning algorithms are considered: stochastic gradient descent, Adagrad, RMSProp, Adam, Adama and Nadam. The results of the implementation of text subject recognition using a recurrent neural network of the LSTM model are presented. The results of computational experiments are presented, an analysis is carried out and conclusions are drawn.

    Keywords: information security, text analysis, artificial intelligence method, artificial neural network, recurrent LSTM network