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  • Methods of combinatorial search modeling to achieve sustainability indicators in the architecture of multifunctional residential complexes

    The architecture of multifunctional residential complexes (MFRC) is considered in the aspect of “resistance” to external factors and influences. There are four levels of formation of the MFRK: the level of urban planning structure; level of volumetric-spatial organization; level of functional and architectural planning structure; the level of compositional organization and search for the expressive appearance of the MFRK. At each of the identified levels, the “target” indicators of “sustainable architecture” are achieved. The process of forming the MFRC is considered as a sequence of combinatorial search stages and procedures based on modeling the geometric parameters of the visual model of the MFRC in order to get as close as possible to the “stability indicator”. Four methods of combinatorial search modeling are proposed: the method of “overlaying” planning frames; method of “tracing” the formative contour; method of “collaging” functional planning elements; a method of combining “regular grids” in the public, business and residential parts of the MFRK. To intensify combinatorial search procedures, it is proposed to use digital design technologies.

    Keywords: university complex, transit urban spaces, scenario approach, functional-thematic zones, architectural and environmental modules

  • Prospects and advantages of construing multi-storey wooden buildings

    Wood as a building material has ancient roots and a long history of use. With the development of technology and the desire to live in better environmental conditions, interest in using wood to construct multi-story buildings is growing. This article is devoted to the prospects for the development of wooden multi-story buildings in Russia, in particular with the use of CLT panels, the popularity of which is growing all over the world. Comparative, statistical and logical analyzes were used as research methods. The article discusses modern methods and technologies for the construction of multi-story wooden buildings, including their advantages in terms of ecology, energy efficiency and design, conducts a comparative analysis of buildings made of reinforced concrete and CLT panels, and proposes a technological scheme for the reconstruction of buildings using CLT panels, including adding additional floors. Challenges and prospects for further development of this technology are highlighted, strategic solutions are proposed to reduce the cost of CLT panels

    Keywords: clt-panels, wood construction, wooden structures, reconstruction, renovation, high-rise wooden construction

  • Analysis of the impact of neural networks on the effectiveness of online commerce: exploring the potential and prospects of application

    With the development of scientific and technological progress, the use of modern data forecasting methods is becoming an increasingly necessary and important task in analyzing the economic activity of any enterprise, since business operations can generate a very large amount of data. This article is devoted to the study of methods for forecasting financial and trade indicators using neural networks for enterprises of the Krasnodar Territory. The indicators under consideration are the company's revenue for the reporting period, the number of published (available for sale) goods, as well as the number of ordered goods during the day, week and month. In this study, a multilayer perceptron is considered in detail, which can be used in revenue forecasting tasks using neural networks, and neural network predictive models "MLP 21-8-1", "MLP 21-6-1", and "MLP 20-10-1" are built based on data from the online auto chemistry store Profline-23.

    Keywords: automated neural networks, marketplaces, forecasting, neural network models, mathematical models, forecasting methods

  • Construction waste: sources, classification, disposal methods

    The article deals with the problem of education and management of construction waste. The data on the increase in construction volumes and, as a result, an increase in the amount of waste in Russia are presented. The main sources and types of construction waste are analyzed, their classification according to the degree of danger. Traditional and modern methods of waste disposal, such as burial, recycling, incineration, are discussed. The conclusion is made about the need to improve environmental culture in the construction industry and improve waste management legislation.

    Keywords: construction waste, construction debris, waste disposal, recycling, environmental culture, waste legislation

  • The problem of detecting faces in a video stream: a review of technologies

    With the rapid development of technology and the widespread use of video surveillance, modeling the architecture of neural networks for human recognition in video is attracting increasing attention from researchers. This article presents a study of the use of neural networks (NN) as an interdisciplinary model for classifying objects in video, including solving the problem of face search. This highlights the versatility of neural networks in integrating trained data and accurately classifying objects, which is critical for ensuring security and efficiency of video surveillance. The study uses an analysis of various neural network architectures, as well as a study of their operating algorithms. Data obtained from a literature review and experimental results allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of solving the task of classifying objects in video using various architectures, without tying the study to a specific data set. The study confirms the possibility of using modern neural network architectures for human recognition in real-time video based on the experience of experts in the field of computer vision and machine learning. The active use of neural networks as a tool for video surveillance increases the safety of infrastructure facilities and the efficiency of security services. Ultimately, this article presents an analysis of neural network architectures for facial recognition in video streams, advocating their use as a key element in the development of modern video surveillance systems and ensuring public safety.

    Keywords: neural networks, neural network architectures, video surveillance systems, real-time recognition, improving security, social well-being

  • Comparative analysis of technical characteristics of concrete paving slabs

    Expert work has been carried out to establish quality indicators for three types of concrete paving slabs: "Auriko", "Paving stone", "New City". The tests were carried out on selected samples in accordance with GOST 17608-2017. According to the test results, it was determined that only the samples of "Paving stones" tiles meet the requirements of GOST, other types of tiles revealed non-compliance of the studied samples with GOST 17608 in terms of water absorption and frost resistance.Frost resistance tests for Aurico and Novy Gorod product samples were interrupted after 15 freeze-thaw cycles due to the destruction of the samples.

    Keywords: paving slabs, concrete, compressive strength, frost resistance, surface defect "sink"

  • Load-Bearing Capacity of Ring Flange Joints of Welded Pipes with Different Diameters

    To develop a methodology for assessing the strength of ring flanges, research was conducted on the load-bearing capacity of welded pipe joints of varying diameters. The study employed the component finite element method (CFEM) implemented in the IDEAStatiCa Connection software. To verify the obtained results, a numerical experiment was carried out using the ANSYS software package. The investigation considered several types of flange joints made from welded pipes with different diameters. Parameters were selected based on common sections used according to russian Series 3.400-8 (Issue 2). The study found that for all cases, the highest stresses occurred on the flange at the joint with the smaller diameter pipe. The analysis indicated that the CFEM's applicability should be limited to diameter-to-wall-thickness ratios (D1/t1) of up to 40. Beyond this threshold, the CFEM does not accurately predict the strength of the joints due to the significant deformation that occurs in the pipe walls, forming a truncated cone shape at the flange junctions. For practical applications, formulas are proposed to check the strength of ring flanges. These formulas account for the weakening of the plates by bolt holes and provide conservative results. The findings highlight the necessity for additional numerical and physical experiments to refine the methodology for cases with D1/t1 ratios exceeding 75. The proposed approach offers a practical solution for evaluating the strength of ring flanges in welded pipe joints of varying diameters, contributing to the development of relevant engineering standards.

    Keywords: load-bearing capacity, ring flanges, welded pipes, assembly joints, strength, component method, numerical experiment

  • Deformability of the soft shell of sawtooth-type fabric structures

    Framed fabric roof structures of the sawtooth-type are considered. The structures are arranged on rectangular plan. They consist of a number of sectors which are separated by arch-shaped supporting ribs. The sectors are covered with a prestressed soft shell. Geometric nonlinear static analysis of the shell is performed taking into account the effect of snow and wind loads. The general dimensions of the shell and the prestress value are considered as the primary variables. Quantitative assessment of deformation of the shell is carried out by means of so-called deformability index. The index is reciprocal to the relative deflection. A functional expression for approximating the deformability index is proposed. The expression is to be used at the stage of developing the design solutions for fabric structures. The coefficients of the function are found by means of the least squares method. The guidance for assigning the main parameters of the sawtooth-type fabric structures are given.

    Keywords: fabric structure, roof structure, soft shell, sawtooth roof, geometric parameters, prestress, deformability, approximation

  • Programming the robot controller to implement the technological process of laser cutting

    Stepper motors are often used in automated laser cutting systems. The control circuit of a stepper motor requires a special electronic device - a driver, which receives logical signals as input and changes the current in the motor windings to provide motion parameters. This research study evaluated stepper motor drivers to determine the feasibility of their use - PLDS880, OSM-42RA, OSM-88RA. To control the system, software code was written, which was connected to the controller via a link board. With each driver, in different modes, optimal parameters were selected (initial speed, final speed and acceleration), that is, the movement of the carriage without stalling for ten passes with a minimum travel time. The results of the experiments are presented in the form of tables.

    Keywords: laser, laser cutting, automation, technological process, stepper motor, performance, driver, controller, control circuit, optimal parameters

  • Overview of modern technologies for recycling construction waste

    The article analyzes modern approaches and technologies for recycling and recycling of building materials. Such types of waste as reinforced concrete, brick, glass, wood, plastic, etc. are considered. Special attention is paid to innovative methods of processing to obtain secondary raw materials (recycling). It is shown that the most promising technologies are the crushing of concrete, brick and reinforced concrete for reuse in construction, the melting of scrap metal, glass and plastic, the processing of wood waste into slabs and fuel. There is an insufficient level of application of innovative solutions in Russia. A set of measures has been proposed to improve the efficiency of construction waste disposal: the introduction of advanced technologies, the construction of waste recycling plants, the adoption of a targeted state program, and the improvement of environmental culture.

    Keywords: waste, construction debris, Russia, secondary raw materials, reuse, environment, recycling, burial, recycling

  • Stress-strain state of a triangular membrane panel under the action of various types of lateral loads

    The article contains the methodology and results of theoretical and experimental studies of the stress-strain state of a conical radial-beam dome with triangular shell elements. The results obtained by various methods are analyzed and compared. The triangular membrane panel is part of the radial beam dome structure and consists of a support frame and a steel membrane in the shape of a triangle. The shape of the triangle forming the membrane panel can be different and depends on the number of ribs in the radial beam dome. The supporting contour is a compressed-bending element of the dome and is made, as a rule, from a rolled steel profile with a channel section. The membrane is made of thin steel sheet and attached to the upper flange of the channel with self-tapping screws or spot welding. To assess the strength and deformability of a steel membrane sheet, its operation under the action of a uniformly distributed snow load, an unevenly distributed snow load and a concentrated installation load was considered. Several options for nonlinear static calculations in various computer systems are shown.

    Keywords: building structures, wooden structures, membrane panel, stress-strain state, radial beam dome, dome, membrane, design, experimental study

  • Optimal cutting of rolled metal in the context of two-dimensional design of bar structures

    Bar structures are widespread in construction due to their economy, freedom of design shapes and sizes. As a result, automation of design and calculation of such structures is an urgent task. As part of the study, the task of developing a software module that generates a map of optimal cutting of rolled metal based on the results of calculations of rod structures has been implemented. The algorithm under consideration takes into account such features of the cutting optimization problem as taking into account the width of the blade, the possibility of using half the size of the rolled product, support for optimization of several sections, and welding of parts in case the length of the workpiece is exceeded. The software module is developed using JavaScript and C# languages. The ability to automatically generate cutting maps based on the results of optimization of rod structures increases the efficiency of designing building structures.

    Keywords: Design in construction, bar structure, computing system, web development, design in construction, rod structure, computer system, web development, optimal cutting, rolled metal, cutting map

  • The use of reinforced soils in the base of road pavements of highways located in 1 road-climatic zone

    The article is devoted to the use of reinforced soils in the base of pavements of highways located in the I road-climatic zone. The features of the operating modes of reinforced foundation soils are considered, and their physical and mechanical characteristics with various combinations of mineral and polymer modifiers are determined. The authors analyze the advantages and disadvantages of using reinforced soils. The article also discusses the design and construction of roads using reinforced soils.

    Keywords: highway, road pavement, foundation, soils, reinforced soils, modifiers

  • Analysis of standard models of titanium oxide-based memristors for use in artificial intelligence systems

    The article discusses standard models of titanium dioxide-based memristors. A memristor is similar to a memory resistor and demonstrates a nonlinear resistance characteristic in which the charge parameter is a state variable. They can be used to create new types of electronic devices with high energy efficiency and performance, as well as to create machines that can learn and adapt to changing environmental conditions and in many practical applications: data storage memory (binary and multilevel), switches in logical electronic circuits, plastic components in neuromorphic artificial systems intelligence based on nanoelectronic components. It has been shown that when voltage is applied to charged ions, they begin to drift, and the boundary between the two regions shifts. When a sinusoidal alternating voltage of a given frequency is applied to the memristor, the shape of the volt-ampere characteristic (VAC) resembles a Lissajous diagram centered at the origin.

    Keywords: memristor, model, voltage characteristic, nonlinearity

  • Time management in clinical engineering

    The article shows the importance of the role of clinical engineering departments in ensuring high-quality comprehensive control of the state of medical equipment at all stages of its life cycle. The main resource of such departments is the resource of working time of clinical engineers. In order to rationalize the use of this resource, we analyzed data on the time budget for the maintenance of 2459 units of medical equipment in medical institutions of Volgograd. The results of the analysis allowed us to identify 3 subgroups of medical equipment in the general data array that have statistically significant differences in the time characteristics of their maintenance and require a different approach to managing the time of clinical engineers servicing them. At the final stage of this study, ABC-XYZ analysis was used. Its results allowed us to formulate recommendations for rationalizing the use of working time of clinical engineers to work with the subgroups of medical equipment identified in this study in practical conditions.

    Keywords: clinical engineering, clinical engineer, time budget, maintenance of medical equipment