The parameters of the porous structure and the active surface of cobalt catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (SFT) prepared by the impregnation method have been studied. Characteristics of composition and porous structure were studied using elemental analysis and the Brunauer-Emmett-Taylor method (BET). The effect of the addition of oxide promoters on the specific surface area, pore volume and pore size of the Co / SiO2 catalyst has been studied.
Keywords: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, heterogeneous catalyst, promoter, carrier, specific surface area, porous structure, selectivity, activity, dipping method
The parameters of the porous structure and the outer surface of cobalt catalysts for the synthesis of Fischer-Tropsch, promoted by magnesium, prepared by the impregnation method according to moisture capacity, were studied. The effect of polymorphic modification (γ, θ, α) of the carrier on the physicochemical properties of the catalyst Co-Mg / Al2O3 was studied.
Keywords: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, polymorphic modifications of Al2O3, synthetic motor fuel, catalyst, carrier, elemental analysis, BET method, specific surface, porous structure
The statistical characteristics and results of the FIPS 140-2 tests of a new class of pseudo-random signal generators based on modified Lorentz, Chua and Dmitriev-Kislov systems over the finite Galois field are considered. The estimates of the sidelobe levels of the correlation functions of the signals, as well as histograms of the probability distributions of the generated numbers, are obtained. Evaluations of compliance with the requirements of the FIPS 140-2 test of binary sequences generated on the basis of systems under variation of their parameters are obtained. The results of the work can be used in the construction of communication systems with broadband signals, simulation and cryptography.
Keywords: dynamic chaos, radioelectronic dynamic systems, statistical properties
Three batches of Co-MxOy / SiO2 catalysts were prepared with different methods of introducing an oxide additive. Physicochemical studies of catalysts by elemental analysis and Brunauer-Emmett-Taylor (BET) methods have been carried out. The effect of additives of oxide promoters and the method of their introduction on the specific surface, volume and pore sizes for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts were studied.
Keywords: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, carbon-containing resources, catalyst, active component, silicate carrier, Al2O3 and ZrO2 promoters, elemental analysis, BET method, surface area, volume and pore size
Using the methods of thermo-programmed reduction (TPV) and thermo-programmed hydrogen desorption (TPD H2), physico-chemical studies of Co-MxOy / SiO2 catalysts obtained by various methods of introducing a promoter additive were carried out. The effect of the introduction method and the nature of the promoting oxide additive on the properties of the active component of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts was studied.
Keywords: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, catalyst, active component, silicate carrier, Al2O3 and ZrO2 promoters, TPV and TPD H2 methods, crystallite size, degree of reduction, dispersity
By designing temples there is a question about the individuality of projects. When we speak about massive building of religious buildings, the development of new projects of temples is unprofitable in terms of saving time and money. It is proposed to use a modular system by temples’ designing. This system involves the creation of one temple project with variable architectural elements. From an economic point of view, the modular system is the optimal solution for the construction of temples.
Keywords: temple architecture, modular system, space-planning solutions, architectural elements of the temple, religious buildings
The physical and chemical properties of cobalt catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis have been studied. The effect of copper and iron oxides on the specific surface, pore volume and dimensions, and the degree of reduction of metallic cobalt on the surface of the Co-Al2O3 / SiO2 catalyst have been studied.
Keywords: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, synthetic hydrocarbons, catalyst, cobalt, promoter, carrier, specific surface, porous structure, catalytic activity, reduction degree
The dispersion parameters of the active component of cobalt catalysts promoted by nickel for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis by the temperature-programmed hydrogen desorption method (TPD H2) were studied. The influence of the polymorph (γ, θ, α) of the support on the physicochemical properties of the Co-Ni / Al2O3 catalyst was studied.
Keywords: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, biomass, catalyst, support, Ni promoter, polymorphic Al2O3 modifications, TPD H2 method, active surface, dispersity, cobalt crystallites
The parameters of the porous structure and the outer surface of cobalt catalysts for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis prepared by the water-impregnation method were studied. The effect of the polymorphous modification of the support on the physico-chemical properties of the Co / Al2O3 catalyst was studied.
Keywords: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, synthetic motor fuel, catalyst, carrier, promoter, polymorphic Al2O3 modifications, elemental analysis, specific surface, porous structure
The parameters of the porous structure and the active surface of cobalt catalysts for the synthesis of liquid and solid hydrocarbons (Fischer-Tropsch synthesis) prepared by the method of impregnating a silicate carrier were studied. The effect of additives of oxide promoters on the specific surface, the volume and size of pores, the dispersion and size of crystallites of metallic cobalt on the surface of the Co / SiO2 catalyst was studied.
Keywords: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, motor fuel, synthetic hydrocarbons, catalyst, promoter, carrier, specific surface, porous structure, catalytic activity, selectivity
An experimental study of two instances of low-noise amplifiers of the range 1.5-2.0 GHz is carried out. The following results were obtained: the amplification gain varies from 24 to 37 dB in the frequency range; the maximum output power was not less than 10 mW (10 dBm); the compression point of 1 dB is achieved with an input power of minus 16 dBm. To illustrate the measurement results, two amplitude-frequency characteristics and an amplitude characteristic of the second specimen are given. The main element of the studied amplifier is a chip of the type MAAL-007304.
Keywords: Microwave power amplifier, decimeter waves, amplitude-frequency characteristic, experiment, microcircuit
In the present article examples of improvement of ecological indicators in the conditions of dense building of the city are reviewed, the principles of territorial planning are described. Detailed studying of environmental problems of the city, a way of their decision is carried out, the most optimum mechanism of a solution is revealed. This article gives the chance will get acquainted with result of numerous researches in the field of modernization of an ecological framework of the city, the most suitable and elementary actions in the realization increasing the area of city "green zones" in the conditions of dense pointed building are given. Having analysed the studied material, conclusions by the given examples are drawn.
Keywords: ecological equilibrium, the urbanized territory, gardening of the city, vertical gardening, mobile gardening
In article a modelling and experimental survey of the controlled attenuator in a frequency range 2 - 4 GHz is performed. It is received the minimum attenuation no more than 3.5 dB, the maximum attenuation not less than 56 dB at a current 3.8 mA. The amplitude-frequency characteristic unevenness at a current 3.8 mA does not exceed 3 dB. The attenuator design is made in the form of the hybrid module. The attenuator is intended for adjustment of transfer constant of the microwave receiver.
Keywords: attenuator, pin-diode, amplitude-frequency characteristic, control current
We propose a probabilistic and statistical method of estimating parameters of the traction units, which is the creation of acceptable modes of operation taking into account the probabilistic nature of the load, the probability ratios, and other factors that act continuously and systematically change operational characteristics of machine-tractor units. Presents the graphical dependence of the speed of the shaft of the engine SMD-62 degree load and the coefficient of its variation.
Keywords: mathematical expectation, function of communication, frequency of rotation of the motor shaft, the coefficient of variation, the degree of load probability ratio
In the article the analysis of the market of services of a car-care center of an average city is carried out. A selection of popular car repair shops is given. The market is estimated by the number of required posts and the market share of the services in the city.
Keywords: Car, maintenance, repair, market of services of car-care center, working post