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  • Modeling the probabilistic characteristics of blocking requests for access to radio resources of a wireless network

    Fifth-generation networks are of great interest for various studies. One of the most important and relevant technologies for efficient use of resources in fifth-generation networks is Network Slicing technology. The main purpose of the work is to simulate the probabilistic characteristics of blocking requests for access to wireless network radio resources. The main task is to analyze one of the options for implementing a two–service model of a wireless network radio access scheme with two slices and BG traffic. In the course of the work, the dependence of the probability of blocking a request depending on the intensity of receipt of applications of various types was considered. It turned out that the probability of blocking a type i application has the form of an exponential function. According to the results of the analysis, request blocking occurs predictably, taking into account the nature of incoming traffic. Previously, there are no significant drawbacks in the considered model. The developed model is of great interest for future, deeper and long-term research, for example, using simulation modeling, with the choice of optimal network parameters.

    Keywords: queuing system, 5G, two - service queuing system, resource allocation, Network Slicing, elastic traffic, minimum guaranteed bitrate

  • Choosing the shape of a rational structural covering

    The paper deals with the problem of choosing the most rational form of spatial metallic cross-barrel coating. Mathematical models of flat structural coating, elliptical paraboloid and hyperbolic paraboloid coatings in SCAD software package based on finite element method are analyzed. Nodal connections of rod elements of coatings are taken according to the system “Kislovodsk”. The obtained parameters of stress-strain state of three different structural coverings allow us to speak about practically identical operation of the structures.

    Keywords: structural covering, spatial covering, cross-bar covering, stress-strain state, “Kislovodsk” system, SCAD program complex, finite element method, hyperbolic paraboloid, elliptic paraboloid

  • Development of a behavior pattern for a game bot with artificial intelligence elements based on Markov chains

    The subject of this article is the development of a behavior pattern with AI elements for an opponent bot in the single-player game Steal Tower. The essence of which is to collect resources to build a tower faster than opponents. To create the illusion that the same people are playing against the player, an imitation stochastic model based on the Monte Carlo method for Markov chains has been developed. Based on the results of its tests, balanced system parameters were determined, which are embedded in the behavioral pattern of the bot, which is implemented using the Enum AIStates enumeration consisting of five states: Idle (inactivity), GoTo (movement) and GoToWarehouse (return to the warehouse), Win (victory), Loose (scoring). Each of them has developed functions for the optimal behavior of the bot given in the article. So for the GoTo state, functions have been created that analyze the benefits of different types of behavior: steal or collect, or walk to the warehouse or to the tower.

    Keywords: game intelligence, behavioral pattern, live world emulation, bot behavior scenario, state structure, Markov chains, Monte Carlo method, simulation model, Unity environment, C# language

  • Impact of energy-efficient building envelopes on the operating costs of a high-rise residential building

    The problem of increasing consumption of heat and energy resources in the high-rise residential sector in the conditions of dense urban development becomes more relevant every year both for its population and for management companies. In order to reduce operating costs, to reduce the dependence of engineering systems of high-rise residential building on urban infrastructure, it is proposed to introduce some energy-efficient organisational and technological solutions in the designed apartment building. In the course of the study, on the example of a high-rise 25-storey residential building in the city of Rostov-on-Don, a comparison of operating costs of thermal energy for heating with the use of energy-saving materials and structures, and costs in typical conditions of construction. The results of this work will allow, from a practical point of view, to analyse the feasibility of using such energy-efficient building envelopes and materials as foil PIR-insulation, low-emission four-chamber glazing, "green" roofing in high-rise housing construction.

    Keywords: energy efficient building envelopes, heat consumption, heating costs, high-rise apartment block, economic analysis, sustainable construction

  • Calculation of spatial filtration of water to a horizontal drain of finite length in a homogeneous stream

    When studying the problems of water filtration to a single horizontal imperfect drain of finite length, in a system of interacting horizontal imperfect drains, it is necessary to consider spatial (three-dimensional) filtration problems. Unlike flat (two-dimensional) problems, spatial filtering has been studied in less detail, since it is difficult to obtain rigorous solutions to their problems.

    Keywords: water supply facilities, filtration, equipotentials, drainage, borehole, pressure reservoir, drain, pressure, inflow, reservoir, watercourse

  • Development of a numerical method for assessing the energy requirements for airborne radars for weather navigation in polar latitudes

    A new numerical method for calculating weather conditions has been developed for airborne radar systems for Arctic purposes. Based on the numerical method obtained in the study, software was developed that takes into account various models of electromagnetic wave propagation in various weather conditions. The results of calculations for estimating the detection range of dangerous weather conditions are presented. This assessment indicates that the threshold for detecting adverse weather conditions can be reduced. The basis for lowering the threshold without deteriorating the resulting probabilities of correct detection and false alarm is the fact that the occurrence of cases of false detection is possible only when a certain total extent of difficult weather conditions is reached, which can already be considered dangerous for the flight. The features of the formation of reflected signals from Arctic rain clouds, turbulence over a snowy desert and wind shear are considered. It is shown that all of them are characterized by lower radar reflectivity, therefore the resulting detection ranges are less than those that can be obtained at more southern latitudes, but at the same time they are sufficient for the navigation of UAVs or small aircraft.

    Keywords: airborne radar, numerical methods for assessing weather conditions, weather navigation in polar latitudes, UAV navigation, hazardous weather formation

  • Implementation of neural network models for predicting performance in a smart greenhouse

    This article explores the introduction and implementation of neural network models in the field of agriculture, with an emphasis on their use in smart greenhouses. Smart greenhouses are innovative systems for controlling the microclimate and other factors affecting plant growth. Using neural networks trained on data on soil moisture, temperature, illumination and other parameters, it is possible to predict future indicators with high accuracy. The article discusses the stages of data collection and preparation, the learning process of neural networks, as well as the practical implementation of this approach. The results of the study highlight the prospects for the introduction of neural networks in the agricultural sector and their important role in optimizing plant growth processes and increasing the productivity of agricultural enterprises.

    Keywords: neural network, predicting indicators, smart greenhouse, artificial intelligence, data modeling, microclimate

  • The main directions of development of architecture of the North Caucasus are a symbiosis of modern technologies and national traditions

    The article examines the unique symbiosis of modern technologies and national traditions, analyzes the stages of formation and development of the main directions of architecture development in the North Caucasus in the context of modern trends. The subject of the study is the architecture of the North Caucasus, taking into account modern design trends. The object of the study is buildings and structures, urban conglomerates of the North Caucasus region. The most striking example of this symbiosis is the new projects in the Caucasus, where architecture literally combines with the landscape, showing the unique interaction between man and nature. Thanks to modern construction methods, these buildings combine traditional architecture and modern construction technologies, creating a harmonious space. The architecture of the future, despite its subjectivity, has readability because culture and technological progress always affect architecture. In general, we can identify a number of features characteristic of the architecture of the future: cost-effectiveness, ergonomics, environmental friendliness and versatility. It is also necessary to mention new modern construction technologies, which include elements such as artificial intelligence, automation and robotization of processes, the use of 3D printing and digital modeling of building information (BIM).The symbiosis of modern construction and Caucasian culture is a unique combination of architecture of the past and the present. The synergy between modern construction technologies and traditional Caucasian culture can be very promising. It has the potential to simultaneously revive local cultural identity, contribute to sustainable practices, and create unique architectural designs that harmonize innovation and tradition. Historical forms and materials are actively combined with modern technology and materials, resulting in an architecture that simultaneously preserves its roots and looks to the future. This close interaction and symbiosis highlights the importance of culture in architecture and shows how innovations can be used to preserve and update cultural heritage.

    Keywords: construction, architectural design, modern trends, energy efficiency, thermal protection of buildings, construction industry, ecology, green construction, architectural bionics, North Caucasus

  • Analysis of the operation of a water treatment plant with a membrane reverse osmosis unit with seasonal changes in water quality

    Enterprises of the fuel and energy sector, in search of new environmentally safe and economically feasible processes, are introducing membrane technologies into the water treatment system. The main advantages of these methods are: technological simplicity of design, minimal use of chemical reagents, absence of phase transitions and neutrality of wastewater. But despite the rather significant advantages, the use of these processes for a long time can be aggravated by seasonal changes in the quality of natural water in the water source. In this paper, an analysis of the reverse osmosis plant was carried out based on the results of laboratory experiments on water quality indicators at the inlet to the plant and permeate. The average results for each indicator for the entire time of the experiment are also presented.

    Keywords: reverse osmosis plant, permeate, seasonal changes in the quality of natural water, thermal power plants

  • Studies of vertical displacements of a high-rise building under various options for applying wind loads to frame elements

    The article presents the results of the calculation of a high-rise building, the load-bearing frame of which uses wooden structures. With a significant height of the structure, wind load begins to have a significant impact on the deformability of the frame. A calculation scheme is proposed, in which two options for applying wind pressure are considered - on columns and in floor beams.

    Keywords: high-rise building, permanent loads, short-term loads, instantaneous loads, modulus of elasticity, stiffness, stress, displacement, CAD

  • Features of the space-planning organization of a residential building of the bulgarian renaissace (1762-1878)

    The new socio-economic and political conditions of the North Bulgarian Renaissance (1762-1878) determined the way of life, the nature of relationships in society, and its material environment. The object of their influence was primarily residential development, which revealed a variety of architectural forms. Their volumetric and planning features are determined by new ideological and artistic views. At the same time, unity is revealed in architectural diversity, predetermined by local natural and climatic conditions, sustainable construction technologies, and the revival of ancient spiritual and historical and cultural traditions. This article analyzes the development of techniques for the architectural organization of a residential building in the context of settlement and chronology.

    Keywords: Bulgarian Renaissance, natural conditions, socio-economic factors, historical background, natural landscape, space-planning schemes, residential architecture

  • Mechanisms for adapting the development of development strategies for a modern mining enterprise

    The factors of sustainable development of a modern mining enterprise are considered. The main operating factors of the external and internal environment of the enterprise are determined. The basic conceptual provisions underlying the formation of an effective, modern, strategic platform for the formation of strategies for the development of a mining enterprise are considered. The possibilities of applying a particular strategy for the development of a mining enterprise are analyzed, depending on the combination of phases of rise or decline in the level of impact of factors of the external and internal environment of the enterprise. The algorithm developed by the authors of this work for choosing the optimal model of enterprise development is proposed, taking into account the phases of the impact of external and internal environmental factors and the development strategy of a modern mining enterprise chosen in accordance with them. Recommendations on choosing the optimal strategy for the development of a mining enterprise and building a development model based on it are proposed.

    Keywords: mining enterprise, economics, risk management, innovative development, development strategy, ecology, social policy

  • Identifying the role of 'Shadow Tower' in the Capitol ensemble of Chandigarh as a model for shaping architecture in hot climates

    This paper deals with the aspects of the ideological content of the architectural and engineering thought of the Shadow Tower Pavilion in Chandigarh, a structure without a definite function. A brief historical background is collected. Examples of similar constructions "without function" are given, principles and purposes of formation of architectural volumes of selected analogs are described. The influence of such structures from the point of view of ideology on the formation of architecture in a hot climate is considered. The significance of small architectural volumes in the context of large ensembles is emphasized.

    Keywords: "Tower of Shadows", Capitol, Chandigarh, hot climate, Le Corbusier's "sunbreakers", natural sun protection, natural ventilation, design, artistic effect, climatic grid, functional conditions

  • A neural network model for the identification of pollen grains in a honey micropreparation

    This paper considers the development and training of a neural network model for the identification of the species and quantitative composition of pollen, which will subsequently be used to determine the botanical origin of honey and quantitative calculations of pollen grains contained in a certain mass of honey. The main purpose of the study is to create a model that can effectively distinguish the morphology of pollen grains present in honey, determine their quantitative and qualitative composition, which will improve product quality control, as well as identify its botanical and geographical origin. For this purpose, similar works on pollen classification were analyzed. Pwtorch was chosen as the framework for creating a neural network model, which provides the possibility of detailed configuration of the model. The result of the work is a trained model capable of classifying pollen grains.

    Keywords: neural networks, classification task, pollen classification, convolutional neural networks, PyTorch

  • Vulnerabilities and methods of protection of the ROS operating system when implementing a multi-agent system based on the Turtlebot3 robot

    The problem of vulnerabilities in the Robot Operating System (ROS) operating system when implementing a multi-agent system based on the Turtlebot3 robot is considered. ROS provides powerful tools for communication and data exchange between various components of the system. However, when exchanging data between Turtlebot3 robots, vulnerabilities may arise that can be used by attackers for unauthorized access or attacks on the system. One of the possible vulnerabilities is the interception and substitution of data between robots. An attacker can intercept the data, change it and resend it, which can lead to unpredictable consequences. Another possible vulnerability is unauthorized access to the commands and control of Turtlebot3 robots, which can lead to loss of control over the system. To solve these vulnerabilities, methods of protection against possible security threats arising during the operation of these systems have been developed and presented.

    Keywords: Robotic operating system (ROS), multi-agent system, system packages, encryption, SSL, TLS, authentication and authorization system, communication channel, access restriction, threat analysis, Turtlebot3