The article discusses the work of foreign authors in the field of solving fuzzy distribution (transport) problems. To solve such problems in real conditions, it is rather difficult to formalize all parameters in the form of definite numbers, therefore, the field of solving fuzzy distribution (transport) problems attracts wide attention of scientists and experts, provoking numerous successful studies. To solve distribution (transport) problems, when considering the current state of foreign literature, the main approaches have been identified, consisting in the use of pentagonal, hexagonal, octagonal fuzzy numbers, ranking, intuitive fuzzy environment, as well as the Pythagorean approach. Now it is becoming more and more important to use inaccurate data in real transportation problems. The listed approaches to solving distribution (transport) problems give a certain effect in comparison with the existing ones, therefore it is necessary to investigate solutions of fuzzy distribution problems using modern approaches and methods.
Keywords: fuzzy transport routing problem, optimization, fuzzy methods, fuzzy numbers, heuristic algorithms, hybrid algorithms
Applied photogrammetry systems, which act as measuring instruments, are often influenced by the external environment and operating conditions, which determine the accuracy of the results. In this regard, the problem of dynamic adjustment of algorithms for these changing conditions arises. To avoid an increase in the likelihood of human error and to reduce the requirements for personnel qualifications, you can resort to the tools of intelligent systems. For these purposes, the development of appropriate components is required, including machine learning tools. This article proposes a method and procedure for machine learning of the photogrammetric algorithm based on the observation of operator actions and a system of production rules.
Keywords: inductive learning, machine learning, photogrammetry, pattern recognition, photogrammetry, forestry, pipe industry, measurement, mobile app, automation
The work was carried out due to the fact that the regulatory documents used in the design of structures operating at elevated and high temperatures do not take into account the peculiarities of the mineral composition and structure of concrete aggregates. This is a disadvantage of these documents, since the mineral composition and structure of aggregates can differ significantly even for materials of the same name, which can significantly affect the thermal changes in concrete. Due to the impossibility of experimentally investigating all the variety of concretes based on aggregates of various mineral composition and structure, a computational and analytical study was carried out in the work on the basis of existing methods for the analytical determination of thermal changes in concretes and their components. On the basis of these methods, the effect on the thermal expansion of concretes of the presence and amount in the aggregates of the most expanding minerals (aragonite, calcite, quartz, cristobalite, potassium feldspars, pyroxenes) and glass, as well as the average size of crystals composing mineral fillers, has been calculated and investigated. Considered are heavy Portland cement concretes on aggregates of limestone, dolomite, granite, syenite, diorite, basalt, diabase, broken clay brick, chamotte and slags. Based on the calculations, it has been established that the values of the thermal change in the volume of concrete, determined according to the normative document SP 27.13330.2017, coincide with the calculated values only for certain combinations of the mineral composition and structure of aggregates in terms of crystal sizes. In other cases, the actual thermal expansion of concrete may be less and more than the values obtained according to SP 27.13330.2017. The regularities of the influence on the thermal expansion of concrete of the content of various minerals and the average size of the crystals of minerals in the aggregates are established.
Keywords: thermal expansion, conventional and heat-resistant concretes, aggregates, minerals, glass, the effect of the mineral composition and structure of aggregates
The paper presents a solution to the problem of development a vector control system for an induction motor as part of an electric vehicle power plant, which ensures the maximum efficiency of the motor in various driving modes. A nonlinear mathematical model of an induction motor is used, in a coordinate system rotating synchronously with the magnetic field and oriented along the flux linkage vector of the rotor winding. The principles and methods of synergetic control theory are used to design a vector controller. The regulator provides the set speed of the electric vehicle and minimizes energy losses in changing driving conditions. The theoretical results are confirmed by computer simulation of the power plant of an electric vehicle, consisting of a storage battery, an autonomous voltage inverter, an induction motor and a car body. To simulate the power plant of an electric vehicle with the proposed control algorithms, the Simulink environment was used. The mode of execution of the speed reference of an electric vehicle was simulated in accordance with NEDC. Based on the analysis of the battery condition during the simulation of the electric vehicle's mileage, it can be concluded that the use of an energy-saving regulator is about 40% lower compared to traditional FOC systems.
Keywords: electrovehicle, induction motor, AKAR, IFOC, simulink
The article discusses the concept of a system for automatic identification and traceability of pipe production at the stage of hot rolling. The main stages of pipe production are presented. A table of selection of technological parameters has been compiled. The structure of the database for the system of automatic identification and traceability of pipe products has been developed.
Keywords: raceability, automatic identification, pipe production, hot rolled products, quality management system
The article demonstrates the problem of controlling an asynchronous motor of an electric vehicle in the acceleration mode and maintaining the speed of the vehicle at the desired value with dynamically changing torque. To solve the problem, the dynamics of the movement of an electric vehicle was described, a vector control system with direct torque control with switching the inverter keys was described, which provides a rapid change in the electromagnetic moment practically without changing the speed of rotation of the motor rotor. On the basis of the given model, the system was synthesized in the Matlab / Simulink package, and the simulation results were obtained. The synthesized control strategies ensure the achievement of the set task of accelerating and stabilizing the speed of an electric vehicle, taking into account the passport characteristics of an electric vehicle, and the stability of a closed system.
Keywords: electric vehicle, control systems, vehicle dynamics, vector control, direct torque control
The most popular methods of reliability control are considered. In this work, attention is paid to an analytical review of methods for assessing the reliability of measured parameters, their advantages and disadvantages. In the process of analyzing statistical information, the types of inaccuracies that arise and the reasons for their appearance have been established. Methods of dealing with unreliability are given using: the method of level processing, a method for assessing the rate of change of a signal, digital filtering. The solution of the problem of detecting implicit unreliability using the support vector machine is shown.
Keywords: measurement uncertainty, implicit uncertainty, time series, sensor, APCS, level processing, Kalman filter, support vector machine
This article discusses a hardware and software complex for the study of aerodynamics and electromechanical characteristics of wind turbines (WPP) with a vertical axis of rotation. The created laboratory stand makes it possible to carry out experimental studies of the developed wind power plants, to obtain the dependences of the angular speed of rotation of the rotor and the consumed electric power on the wind speed. To demonstrate the efficiency of the considered vortex-type wind turbine, the corresponding prototypes of wind turbines with a power of 0.2 kW and 1.2 kW were designed and assembled, and their full-scale tests were carried out. The developed software makes it possible to carry out numerical simulation of the motion of a wind turbine with an unsteady undisturbed wind flow, taking into account the mass-inertial characteristics of the installation and the nature of the moment of resistance to the rotation of its rotor. Experimental and numerical results obtained using the developed hardware-software complex are presented and compared. These results indicate the possibility of using such a complex as an effective tool for the development of wind turbines with a vertical axis of rotation.
Keywords: wind power plant, experimental research, software and hardware complex, numerical modeling, numerical methods of dynamics of continuous media
The paper is devoted to the analysis of methods of adoption of satellite observation data in order to identify the required information used in the development and verification of mathematical models of hydrodynamics and biological kinetics of shallow water reservoirs. For the information accumulation, we consider the use of remote sensing data. The aim of the paper is to identify the best implementation method for software tools in order to improve the quality of assimilation of date of satellite sensing of the Earth relating to hydrobiological processes in a shallow water reservoir. The results of the work indicate the clarity and relevance of the use of high-tech methods for filtering ERS images. The modern methods of accentuation of contours of objects based on discontinuities in the brightness of a halftone image, used in real time or time close to it, have been considered, and their algorithms have been briefly described.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, shallow water reservoir, satellite sensing data, filtering methods, Kirsch, Sobel, LoG, LBP, operator, recognition, contour
The article deals with the representation of spatial data in the framework of a metamodel. The metamodel is supplemented with a subsystem for evaluating data quality. Descriptors for a particular set of spatial data are provided.
Keywords: meta-model, quality of spatial data, set of descriptors evaluation, quality assessment
The problem of increasing the coding and decoding speed of Reed-Solomon codes (RS-codes) is considered. The implementation of the Open JPEG encoding system library was chosen as a base implementation for comparison. This task is considered for an x86-64 environment. The paper proposes ways to improve performance both when using a standard set of instructions and when using vector instructions from the SSSE3 and AVX2 sets. A technique for comparing the speed of encoding / decoding RS-codes is described using the example of the developed library and the basic implementation in Open JPEG. An experimental study of the relationship between the parameters of RS-codes, the encoding / decoding rate, and the set of instructions used is carried out. It is shown that for any RS-code it is possible to significantly increase performance even on a standard set of instructions. A method is proposed for the dynamic selection of the encoding acceleration method depending on the instructions supported by the target computer and the parameters of the used RS-code.
Keywords: anti-noize coding, Reed-Solomon codes, speed, vector instructions
The article considers the process of digitalization of the higher education system based on cognitive methodology. Based on the method of cognitive maps, the structural and functional aspects of the formation of a digital university in the context of the transition to a digital economy are visualized. The basic elements that determine the process of transition to a digital university (creation of a digital educational environment, formation of digital competencies, management based on a database, ensuring information security) are presented. It is determined that in the process of transition to a digital university, changes are systemic in nature, and affect management, educational, methodological and research practices, qualification requirements for all subjects of the educational process, changes in the body of technologies, methods, approaches and tools.
Keywords: cognitive model, cognitive map, digitalization, higher education system, digital university
The article offers schemes and models that allow using formal parameters and procedures to expand the capabilities of cognitive modeling and increase the level of adequacy of decisions made based on the results of modeling. The paper presents various variants of modeling schemes, which allows the researcher to perform a more versatile analysis of the system, including the analysis of dynamic effects, as well as the selection of parameters of control actions that provide the desired level of system response.
Keywords: dynamic influence, control, simulation, formal cognitive model, formal neurocognitive network of f-euroconcept
The pressure device of a paper machine (BDM) is a rather complex object of regulation with many internal and external connections, requiring modern, intelligent algorithms and control systems. The introduction of such automated process control systems is constrained by high requirements for the qualification of service personnel. Thus, the goal is to obtain adequate models of the pressure device on the basis of a production experiment and simulation, to reduce and validate them, which will allow using traditional regulators and control methods.
Keywords: paper making machine, pressure device, paper mass intake, air cushion pressure, simulation, PID controller
The parameters of the mixers widely used in the practice of water treatment are given. A fundamentally new design of the mixing unit is proposed, which provides a process of rapid and complete mixing of reagents in a thin layer of a rotating flow of a pre-created water-air mixture using the method of concentrated coagulation. At the same time dispersion of air bubbles is carried out. A detailed description of the design, operating principle and basic design parameters of the mixer used in the mixing unit.
Keywords: natural water, coagulant, mixer, concentrated coagulation, aeration, velocity gradient, rotational motion