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  • Numerical simulation and experimental study of a liquid cooling system of a computer based on ferrofluids

    The key parameter of any cooling system is the heat transfer coefficient. The article deals with the issue of studying the dependence of the thermal resistance of the heat exchanger of a liquid cooling system based on ferrofluids and the heat transfer coefficient on the parameters of the fluid flow and the magnetic field in the heat exchanger. The study was carried out by numerical simulation and thermophysical experiment. A feature of the considered cooling system is the coolant. A ferromagnetic liquid based on Fe3O4 magnetites and propylene glycol is used as a coolant. As a result, a numerical model for calculating the heat transfer coefficient for an experimental liquid cooling system is obtained. The influence of the magnetic field on the thermal resistance of the system and the heat transfer coefficient of the wall-liquid at various magnitudes of the magnetic field strength is estimated. An experimental dependence has been obtained showing an increase in the heat transfer coefficient up to 12.5% when a magnetic field is applied.

    Keywords: numerical model of heat transfer, liquid cooling system, Laplace equation, thermal management, CPU, ferrofluid, percolation, heat transfer coefficient, nanofluid, magnetic field, electronics cooling

  • Analysis of the state of innovative development of the North Caucasus Federal District in the knowledge economy

    Research into the state of development of an innovative economy enhances the role of knowledge in terms of economic growth. The efficiency of the economic activity of the subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District, first of all, is characterized by the indicators of innovative activity, which, in our opinion, are a fairly universal and informative criterion that objectively determines the overall state of the economic system.

    Keywords: knowledge economy, regional economy, innovation economy, innovation activity, socio-economic development, institutional infrastructure.

  • Formation evolution of the building of parametric architecture with regard to aerodynamics

    Two-stage modeling of a parametric architecture object of a complex parametric architecture are considered in the article. At the first stage it was analyzed the evolution of the formation of an analytical surface obtained by rotating the Lame curve in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation. During the investigation were considered changes in the intensity of rounding of the corners of the shape in the horizontal plane. Study of screw parametric surfaces was carried out at the second stage. New forms of a superellipse were developed to solve the problem of determining the surface of an object of parametric architecture that is resistant to aerodynamic impact. Numerical experiment with use of the finite element method in the ANSYS PC allowed to construct a new analytical surface with a different angle of twisting of floor slabs along the height of a unique building. The proposed method of research and application of the possibilities of the evolution of shaping allows to proceed to the modernization of BIM technologies in the design of unique buildings and structures.

    Keywords: parametric architecture, evolution of shaping, aerodynamics, finite element method, analytical surfaces

  • Direct synthesis PID controller design for unstable processes

    This article discusses a proportional-integral-derivative controller circuit for an unstable system with a delay in a parallel control structure. The parallel control structure has two separate controllers for tracking tasks and suppressing load disturbances. The considered controller is developed on the basis of a direct synthesis approach by choosing a separate reference model with feedback. The proposed design method is applicable to both the lower and the high-level unstable process without model reduction in the higher order process. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through example modeling and comparison with methods published in the literature.

    Keywords: proportional-integral-derivative regulator circuit, direct synthesis, reference model, design method

  • Research of the process of dryung asbestos ores in a suspended layer

    The article presents the results of research of dryung asbestos ores in a suspended layer. Equations are obtained that reflect the effect of the initial moisture content of the ore on the Nusselt criterion. The obtained dependencies can be used for calculating tube-dryers for asbestos ores in a suspended layer.

    Keywords: drying, tube-dryer, asbestos ore, suspended layer, moisture content, speed of the material, mass transfer coefficient, Reynolds criterion, Nusselt criterion, criterion equations

  • The solution of the Euler problem on the stability of a rod with nonclassical boundary conditions

    Traditional analytical methods for determining critical forces lead to difficult solutions of transcendental equations, therefore they are not universal and are ineffective for rods with complex design schemes. The proposed numerical-graphical method for determining critical forces, can be easily adapted to complex non-classical problems.

    Keywords: Euler problem, rod, critical force, stability, differential equations, boundary conditions, finite difference method, eigenvalues

  • A software package for automatic fixation of a person's galvanic skin response with subsequent analysis to determine the emotional state of a person

    This article proposes the development of a method for fixing changes in the galvanic skin response and human pulse, depending on the viewing of a video fragment, which presumably causes a certain emotional reaction of a person. The creation of a prototype device on the Arduino Leonardo platform and compatible with this platform sensors for fixing galvanic skin response and a human pulse sensor is described, with the help of which data is collected for further use in determining the emotional state of a person.

    Keywords: galvanic skin reaction, pulse, emotional state, arduino, emotion

  • Current state of innovation infrastructure Development in the NCFD subjects

    An assessment of the innovation infrastructure of the regions of the North Caucasus Federal District was carried out, which showed that their organizational structure does not create conditions for the effective functioning of innovative processes, which is expressed in weak innovation activity, a small number of innovative firms, a low degree of commercialization of scientific developments and their implementation efficiency, in the absence of effective market mechanisms. financing science and innovation.

    Keywords: innovation infrastructure, innovation activity, regional economy, institutional environment

  • "The Application of industrial wastes for production of crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete "

    Crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete is a more durable material compared to traditional asphalt concrete. But for its exploitation, high-quality mineral powders and bituminous carriers are needed to prevent bitumen from flowing out of the composition. Today, the carbonate rock powders and bituminous carriers from natural cellulosic fibers are widely used. However, many Russian Federation regions, including the Krasnoyarsk Territory, are not provided with these materials, and they are also really expensive. The purpose of our work was to reduce the cost and improve the properties of crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete. The task of the research was to develop gravel-mastic asphalt concrete compositions using the industrial waste from the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Nepheline sludge was tested which is the waste of the alumina plant in Achinsk and rubber crumb with inclusions of cord fiber of Chernogorsk in Krasnoyarsk Territory. The chemical composition and physical and mechanical properties of these wastes were studied. Gravel-mastic asphalt concrete compositions were made by using these wastes. The tests showed that the received compositions met regulatory requirements. The developed compositions were introduced by “Krasnoyarskavtodorom” on the Krasnoyarsk Territory roads. The economic effect of the waste usage is achieved through the exploitation of the local raw materials, which leads to a reduction of the transportation and energy costs.

    Keywords: the crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete, industrial waste, nepheline sludge, mineral powder, bituminant, rubber waste with corded fiber inclusions, crushed stone, sand Crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete, industrial waste, nepheline sludge

  • Small-scale functional zoning as a key factor for the modern architecture of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises

    The article describes the problems of modern industrial architecture of small and medium-sized enterprises. The conflict between the established design practice based on the methodology of the 70s-80s of the XX century is revealed. A method of solving the problem based on the planning rethinking of the principle of "flexible" layouts is proposed and the introduction of a new element into the structure of the enterprise – the development zone.

    Keywords: industrial architecture, problems of modern architecture, flexible planning solutions, functional mobility, blocking of premises, small-scale functional zoning, industrial enterprise development zone

  • Physical modeling of the process of explosive loosening of rock materials

    Blasting operations are often the only way to prepare the material for the recess for laying roads and railways in the rocks. Explosive loosening is also used to extract stone as a building material. Field testing is costly and often dangerous. Therefore, it is necessary to first conduct a series of experiments on the model and find out the conditions for ensuring good quality loosening of rocks. In order for the results of model tests to be transferred to nature, a similarity between model and specimen is required. The approximate similarity is achieved by the equality of the similarity criteria for the model and specimen. The characteristic similarity criteria are obtained by analyzing the physical quantities inherent in a mechanical system using the theory of dimension and similarity. The received criteria are presented in the classical form. These are the criteria of Strouhal, Froude, Cauchy and Newton.

    Keywords: explosive loosening, rock material, deceleration interval, similarity criterion, modeling, rock density, model, specimen, expansion height, dimensionality, physical quantity

  • Hybrid algorithm for assessing the quality of regulatory legal documents

    This article proposes a hybrid algorithm for assessing the quality of regulatory legal acts (RLA). This algorithm uses the methods of fuzzy mathematics, processes with their help the results of the questionnaire survey of the expert group. The result of the algorithm is the quality characteristic of the NLA in the form of a fuzzy term of a linguistic variable. As an option for automating this algorithm, a specialized automated system is proposed.

    Keywords: regulatory legal acts, quality assessment, fuzzy algorithms, automated systems, linguistic variables

  • Hybrid method for assessing the quality of socially significant activities

    The article considers a generalized algorithm for assessing the quality of socially significant activities (hereinafter referred to as CPAs), which provides for expert assessment and subsequent data analysis using one of the assessment scales (linguistic, point and interval). Methods are proposed that are advisable to apply at various stages of the generalized algorithm. The groups of criteria for assessing the quality of CPAs are determined: deterministic and partially deterministic. It is proposed to calculate the quality assessment of CPAs by summing the values of the calculated deterministic and partially deterministic criteria, adjusted for their weight determined by an expert. When implementing the proposed algorithms, the mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic was used, which allows us to carry out calculations with fuzzy given input information characteristic of social objects. It is convenient to automate and apply such algorithms when the data is presented in a qualitative interpretation.

    Keywords: socially significant activity, quality assessment, quality assessment algorithm, optimization, expert assessment, automation, fuzzy set, entropy approach, system analysis

  • Optimization of the purpose of delivery vehicles in transport tasks based on the time criterion

    In contrast to the classical transport problem, according to the minimum total time criterion, it is assumed that resources are processed both at the source points and at the destination points, the duration of which depends linearly on the volume of the processed batch. This takes into account both the availability of the vehicles involved and their characteristics, such as load capacity. The use of the Hungarian method is justified for the distribution of resources along the available routes. To solve the problem of distribution of available vehicles by starting points, taking into account the load capacity of vehicles, it is proposed to use the method of dynamic programming. An illustrative example and distribution of delivery means using the "Search for a solution" command in MS Excel are considered.

    Keywords: transport task, minimum time criterion, processing costs, load capacity

  • A method for assessing the security of a special purpose automated information system against DDoS attacks based on a theoretical-empirical approach

    A model that implements a method for assessing the security of a special purpose automated information system is considered in the article. The model takes into account both the intensity of the load on the system and the number of channels as a means of protecting information from DDoS attacks based on the combination of theoretical and empirical approaches to assessing security of special purpose automated information system. The transition from a theoretical model using empirical states and continuous time to a discrete time model is applied to build a new model. The purpose of the work is to develop a model that implements a method for assessing the security of a special purpose automated information system against DDoS attacks based on a theoretical-empirical approach to modeling information protection means against DDoS attacks.The following tasks are solved in the article: analysis of known models that implement the method for assessing the security of special purpose automated information system from DDoS attacks; the model which implements a method for assessing the security of special purpose automated information system based on a theoretical-empirical approach to modeling information protection against DDoS attacks is being developed. The use of the new model makes it possible to apply both empirical values obtained as a result of measurements or modeling, and a theoretical basis for modeling information protection means under the influence of DDoS attacks, taking into account their characteristics, which will be reflected by the income function and the choice of the optimal mode of functioning of the special purpose automated information system in discrete moments in time. When synthesizing the models presented in the article, the lack of the static nature of the assessment of the security of the special purpose automated information system was eliminated, the intensity of computer attacks such as DDoS, which dynamically changes both the parameters evaluating the means of protection and the probability of the system being in critical states, was taken into account.

    Keywords: automated system, modeling, security assessment, queuing system, probabilistic assessment, DDoS attack