Abstract. It is revealed that specific forms of a simulation game combined with some peculiarities of training sessions in organizational systems could result in developing adaptable simulation models of a business situation. It is recommended to use a cognitive model in problem analysis of organizational systems, which allows switching from cognitive to simulation models naturally still being in visual topological descriptions. The AnyLogic software platform was chosen for developing a model which provides ample opportunities for creating an innovative educational environment with the elements of game simulations and AI. Cognitive analysis of a game learning process has revealed that the latter should have one cycle of a business game with two interactive nodes to introduce a host and a player into the game. It is noted that business games focused on developing management styles in a conflict are mostly in demand. Therefore, a simulation model has been developed to train executives to counteract an organizational conflict within the variability of authoritarian, democratic and liberal management styles. The model uses a paradigm of systems dynamics and is implemented in the AnyLogic software platform notation. To set the rules, the game host in the initial state or when starting the next game cycle sets the dynamics characteristics of a process while managing the organizational structure, as well as changes characteristics values of a pre-conflict situation. In response to conflict development the player performs management using auxiliary services available to him. In fact, the model is not limited by a list of the game’s tasks or possible options for a player’s decision.
Keywords: management diversification, production diversification, financial and economic diversification goals, production and technical goals to ensure production flexibility
The article shows the relevance of solving the problem of conceptual analysis of traditional and digital educational structures integrated in the process of transformation, identification and evaluation of their effective interaction. It is proposed to use the methodology of the cognitive analysis that has already passed the stages of approbation in the subject environment of education. It is noted that the educational process includes continuously generated and continuously modified cycles of cognition of reality. Within the framework of generalized descriptions presented by models of cognition, a transition is naturally made from individualized cycles of cognition to a collective study of reality, in which models already control collective cognition, forming a cycle of cognition based on collective communication. An initial cognitive model has been developed which illustrates the situation that has developed in the modern educational system under the powerful influence of the "technocratic" point of view on digitalization. A cognitive model of collective cognition and communication in the digital environment is proposed, which systematically integrates three important parts from the point of view of transformational processes in education, namely, the traditional structure of cognition of reality, the newest structure of digital communication built in the paradigm of the collective subject of cognition, and, finally, the structure of strategic management based on the socio-cultural development of society and the country.
Keywords: Cognitive model, education, digital transformation, cognition, communication
This article considers the option of using a simulation model in organizational conflict management as an intelligent analyzer of a conflict situation. It is proposed to build its own style of leadership, necessary and sufficient to successfully overcome the organizational conflict. Based on the model forecast, the manager constructs an appropriate solution within the framework of the variability of authoritarian, democratic and liberal styles of government with the help of the auxiliary variables available to him. This allows him not only to get out of the usual style of leadership, but also to choose the necessary and sufficient style in this case, to test style behavior strategies. The manager has the opportunity to use the management style that best suits the internal and external conditions of his activities. Today, managers must meet the emerging problems and the ability to solve them effectively with their stylistic variability.
Keywords: simulation model, conflict in the organization, management style, behavior strategy, manager
Organizational conflicts are a natural and integral part of any process. In modern control theory, it is proposed to use various adaptive control structures to solve such problems, in particular, with reference or configurable models in the control loop. A cognitive model of adaptive management of organizational conflicts with a configurable model in the management loop is considered. Embedding the model in the control loop allows you to integrate information about the dynamics of process characteristics. Based on information processing, a variant of controls for de-escalation of the conflict is proposed. The model in the organizational conflict management loop is essentially an intelligent conflict situation analyzer. It presents options based on the accumulated and processed information within the framework of known precedents for their solution. The core of such analyzers is a simulation model based on the system dynamics paradigm. The built simulation model allows you to evaluate and predict the impact of factors, ways to stabilize and manage organizational conflicts, taking into account the main parameters. In accordance with the concept of adaptive management, the model can be configured for the current values of the conflict situation parameters and, in accordance with the already tested options, can offer management in a specific situation. The use of the system dynamics paradigm in the model for building an effective forecast is focused on the strategic level of management.
Keywords: cognitive model, simulation model, conflict, escalation, contour, management, de-escalation, organization
It is shown that in the analysis of self-determination it is expedient to use the tools of cognitive modeling. This allows us to identify all the cause-and-effect relationships that provide logical and semantic focus on the desired (target) result of a particular system. The problem of analysis is a special case of the study of the fundamental philosophical category of development, as the relationship and interaction of "things, properties and relations". Formally, the analysis can be reduced to the procedure of semantic and causal interpretation of the original cognitive model. The model allows to study the internal structural organizations that affect the implementation of self-determination of the system. Analysis of self-determination in turn opens the way to effective cognitive modeling, construction of dynamic models, application of game and scenario analysis methods.
Keywords: cognitive analysis, cognitive model, structure, system, self-determination, management, interpretation
The article presents information about the training program "Use of information technologies in engineering, scientific, administrative and management activities", developed within the framework of the project of the "Engineering open public forum of scientific and technological activities, social and technological entrepreneurship "rozmys", which is carried out using the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society, provided by the presidential grants Fund. The program is intended for a wide range of engineers and specialists of industrial enterprises, scientists, research engineers, University professors, specialists in the field of administrative and management activities. In it, participants are invited to master a number of professional competencies in the field of organizational management using computer modeling. Forms of training are distance video lectures and practical classes. For each topic, an intermediate test is carried out, and their results are put up a final assessment. Participants who have successfully completed the training receive a certificate confirming the passage of 16 hour refresher course on our program.
Keywords: distance education, advanced training, organizational management, computer modeling, computer simulators
Research of models of formation of integration projects on the basis of points of growth reveals a number of important aspects related to the stages and management of their implementation. The focus on the formation and support of growth points essentially excludes the use of unary models in the planning and implementation of projects within the framework of national programs. In order to overcome the limitations imposed by this type of project, various integrative mechanisms are proposed. The peculiarity of the considered binary models describing the integration mechanisms is the preservation of the basic cycle of the project points of growth within the national program. However, the introduction of additional contours in the model with growth accelerators, with related or integrated projects, as well as attracted resources can reduce the risks caused by high rates of development and innovation issues. The integration potential of the binary model with the project of the growth point in the basic circuit generates a dynamic competitive advantage, i.e. a sustainable, increasing advantage over time that is not related to the amount of initial funding. This advantage generates a powerful growth cycle that can provide a significant increase in profitability over a long period of time. The integrative nature of growth point projects should be envisaged already at the planning stage of national programmes with appropriate monitoring and funding instruments.
Keywords: Decree of the President of Russia, southern Federal district, points of growth, model, project, program, integration, mechanism
The article presents information about the training program "Use of information technologies in engineering, scientific, administrative and management activities", developed within the framework of the project of the "Engineering open public forum of scientific and technological activities, social and technological entrepreneurship "rozmys", which is carried out using the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society, provided by the presidential grants Fund. The program is intended for a wide range of engineers and specialists of industrial enterprises, scientists, research engineers, University professors, specialists in the field of administrative and management activities. In it, participants are invited to master a number of professional competencies in the field of organizational management using computer modeling. Forms of training are distance video lectures and practical classes. For each topic, an intermediate test is carried out, and their results are put up a final assessment. Participants who have successfully completed the training receive a certificate confirming the passage of 16 hour refresher course on our program.
Keywords: distance education, advanced training, organizational management, computer modeling, computer simulators
The article is an insight into the history of the use of the term "limitrophe" in Russian literature on geopolitics. The etymology of this term is considered in detail. It turns out, who and when for the first time in the literature used it, putting a geopolitical sense. Shows the General historical background of the era (1920-1930) when the "border States" were widely used by many authors in the Soviet Russia/USSR and in the Russian Diaspora. Examines the question of when and why the second "coming" of the term "border States" in the Russian geopolitical literature. In the context of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Pax Sovietica shows how has changed geopolitical interpretation of the term "limitrophe". In this regard, given the outline of the concept of the Great Limitrophe.
Keywords: the global geopolitical space, regions, rigid clusters, intermediate space, border States, the collapse of the Russian Empire, the Baltic-black sea area
The present publication continues the presentation of the results of the project of creation of Russia's first Engineering forum for scientific and technological activities, social and technological entrepreneurship "Rozmysly", developing the principles of open public interdisciplinary electronic environment. The development of new communication technologies in the framework of educational projects on the forum platform is revealed. Educational projects make it possible to involve in scientific engineering knowledge an even wider range of specialists-practitioners, research engineers, young scientists, applicants, graduate students, students by providing them with opportunities for remote participation in educational projects. It is shown that the basic advantage is achieved through the implementation of the principle of professional social network, which is a kind of interdisciplinary scientific and technological engineering forum.The project "Engineering open public forum of scientific and technological activities, social and technological entrepreneurship "Rozmysly" of the Rostov branch of the Russian engineering Academy is carried out using the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society, provided by the presidential grants Fund.
Keywords: website, Internet platform, engineering forum, open access, training, foresight
It contains materials of the expert analysis of the project for creation of the first in Russia engineering forum of scientific and technological activities, social and technological entrepreneurship called “Rozmysly”, which was also held within the framework of the roundtable discussion “Introduction of high technologies into modern production; Information support of engineering activities” at the IV Congress of Don Engineers. The problem of formation of the publicly accessible Internet space in the field of engineering is proposed to be solved on the basis of three system principles: the principle of initialization, support and development of creative inventive activity; the principle of increasing the public accessibility, namely, implementation of open, publicly accessible electronic environment based on the model of a double open access, the model of an open access to publications with attribution and the model of an open access to publications of engineering monographs; the principle of collegiality in the development of innovative interactive forms of interaction based on the open public forum “Rozmysly”. The project implies involving a wide range of practitioners, research engineers, young scientists, applicants, graduate students, students and even senior pupils in scientific engineering knowledge by providing them with the opportunity to publish, read and discuss the results of publications. “Rozmysly” project of the Rostov branch of the Russian Engineering Academy “Public open engineering forum of scientific and technological activities, social and technological entrepreneurship” is developed using the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for development of the civil society provided by the Foundation for Presidential Grants.
Keywords: engineering activity, Internet platform, forum, storage, open access, publication, community
This paper presents an analysis of the development process of the electronic scientific journal "Inženernyj vestnik Dona (Rus)". Conceptually, the journal reflects a new culture of scientific publications based on global and mini Internet platforms. It is shown that the basic advantage of an electronic journal is achieved through the implementation of an open access initiative. From the date of publication, the material is available for the widest possible range of readers. This imposes additional reputational risks on authors and on the journal as a whole, motivates mutual responsibility. Conceptually, the journal "Inženernyj vestnik Dona (Rus)" focuses on the traditional branches of engineering knowledge. The journal supports publications in the light of convergence of engineering methods and professional and scientific competencies of specialists in various fields of science. The journal represents a kind of interdisciplinary scientific engineering forum. The journal implements the initially adopted principle of "development based on science."
Keywords: electronic scientific journal, Internet platform, interdisciplinarity, open access, concept, results
The project for creation of the first in Russia Engineering Forum of scientific and technological activities, social and technological entrepreneurship “Rozmysly” is presented, this forum develops the principles of an open public interdisciplinary electronic environment. The substantiation of the social significance of the project is given. The new project implies involving an even wider range of practitioners, research engineers, young scientists, applicants, graduate students, students and even senior pupils in scientific engineering knowledge by providing them with the opportunity to publish, read and discuss the results of promising research and development works, engineering solutions, inventions and rationalization or innovative proposals in the form of an electronic preprint. Conceptually, the project represents a new culture of scientific publications based on global and mini Internet platforms. It is shown that the basic advantage is achieved through the implementation of an open access initiative. From the date of publication, the material is available for the widest possible range of readers. The project is a kind of an interdisciplinary scientific and technological engineering forum.
Keywords: site, Internet platform, engineering forum and storage, open access, preprint, foresight
Some experimental regularities obtained on the basis of monitoring and modeling the emotional perception of social processes, which are carried out from 2009 to the present moment by method of semantic differential are given. Total for this period were surveyed several thousand respondents, mainly students of Rostov-on-Don, Grozny, Vladikavkaz and Karachaevsk. And also the politically active part of the population of Rostov-on-Don. The purpose of the survey was to identify the emotional perception of the local and central political orders, own level of relative deprivation, cultural infrastructure and cultural life of the city as a whole, own emotional state. Received partial confirmation law factorization primary space of Ch. Osgood. For all these objects and any groups primary semantic signs reduced to three-four factors. However, we have shown that this regularity is observed only for the classical factorization method, in which the factors are identified based on the minimization of a specific random residue. For other methods of factoring the number of identified indicators of latent increases. Should be noted that this result was not previously observed in the literature. The second part of the Osgood’s law the nature of latent indicators as the factors of assessment, force and activity doesn't possess such commonality. For our subjects splitting primary signs into bunches doesn't occur, all signs are mixed in each factor. Results of the factor analysis, received by a cognitive part of the questionnaire has shown, as for these parameters the same regularity is carried out, as for a semantic part. All set of primary signs reduced to four-five latent factors. Cognitive part of the questionnaire has no relation to a technique of semantic differential. Common for both parts of the questionnaire is rating scales are used. And the result suggests that the observed regularity factorization by Osgood is not connected with the specific semantic space and emotional perception, and is a special case of a general factorization of any rating scale. For verification of this assumption was conducted the research results of poll SFU’s students to identify satisfaction with the educational process carried out in 2015. Questioning had purely cognitive character, 20 primary cognitive signs characterizing educational process from various parties have been used. In total, about 4,000 students were surveyed. Factorization of the classical method showed that the three indicators describe the 95% of the variation of the primary signs, and four - 97%. It convincingly shows the general nature of factorization of both semantic, and cognitive rating scales. We have suggested that the nature of such regularities lies in the psycho-physiological peculiarities of the formation of the respondents estimates. On average the person estimates any object no more than on three – four factors. In attempt to increase the number of estimated parameters is beginning to follow the correlation between them. This result makes for a fresh look at the development of questionnaires and on the adequacy of many of previous polls. It turns out that the use of large scale (the number of parameters to be estimated much more than four) does not make sense, they still rolled up to four factors. In this case the adequacy of the results will be decrease. Identify a limited perception of the estimated parameters is an additional source of errors in the measurement results. Fully it belongs to all earlier received results on a large rating scales.
Keywords: semantic differential, Osgood, semantic space, factor analysis, the classical method, latent factors, rating scales, experimental regularity factorization scales, psycho-physiological nature of the law factorization
The object of system analysis is increasingly becoming a geopolitical constructs. The part of the system analysis is to focus on the classification aspects of the structural elements of such a geopolitical entity as the Black Sea-Caspian region. Classification analysis is focused on actors (players), initiating "the Great game" in the political field of the region. We propose consideration of the morphological (elementwise) of the Black Sea-Caspian region, followed by the ranking of "local" actors and building of the "crystal lattice" on a regional scale. For the study of actors we are propose to use additive and integrative approaches. First is to involve sequential consideration of three geographical sub-regions "Black Sea – Caucasus – Caspian" as sites of "place-action". The second approach comes from the impossibility of a clear definition of natural boundaries "of the Black Sea, Caucasus and Caspian basin", taken separately. The authors propose for the boundaries in a purely geographical sense to understand some of the transition area between environments and/or spaces with qualitatively and quantitatively different properties and parameters. Actually there is "overlay" above three sub-regions, their intersection, fact that "stay" of some States of this zone in several of these subregions.
Keywords: geopolitics, "the Great game", the Black Sea-Caspian region, system analysis, classification, ranking