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  • Assessment of the influence of the scattering capacity of the atmosphere on its pollution, using the example of the cities of Izhevsk and Khabarovsk

    The article presents a comparative characteristic of the cities of Izhevsk and Khabarovsk according to different criteria, an assessment of atmospheric air quality according to the atmospheric pollution index (ISA) and its dynamics, and an improved atmospheric dispersion index (UMP) is calculated. According to most indicators, the cities are very similar and comparable, with the exception of emissions from stationary sources, which are 3-4 times higher in Khabarovsk. The UMP of the city of Izhevsk corresponds to a zone with favorable conditions for the dispersion of impurities, however, the indicators are close to the boundary of this criterion (UMP ≥ 3.5), in the city of Khabarovsk favorable conditions for the dispersion of impurities. This explains why, with emissions many times higher, the emissions in both cities are at comparable levels.

    Keywords: atmospheric Pollution Index (ISA), improved atmospheric dispersion index (UMP), pollution, atmosphere, sustainable development

  • Possible potential of using various wastes to create biofertilizers

    The paper considers the possibility of using waste from the forest industry, construction waste and ash and slag waste from boiler heating as a basis for the creation of biofertilizers and components that improve the structure of heavy soils. The analysis of experience on the impact of crushed bricks, coniferous and leaf litter with the inclusion of wood components, and ash and slag waste of boiler heating on the growth functions of red clover and watercress over various time intervals is presented. The possibility of using the presented waste in the process of self-infestation of territories is considered. A number of experiments have been conducted to identify the phytotoxic effect, as well as the reaction of general inhibition or stimulation of growth indicators of higher plants when used as a substrate in pure form, or a mixture with natural soil, wood components, samples of ash and slag waste of various shelf life, brick fighting.

    Keywords: forest industry waste, construction waste, broken bricks, ash and slag waste, self-fouling, phytotoxicity, soil structure, morphological changes of plants

  • The possibility of using forest industry waste to create biofertilizers

    The paper considers the possibility of using forest industry waste as a basis for the creation of biofertilizers. Of the main types of waste, sawdust, wood chips and bark are the most discussed. Taking into account the minimal change in composition, they can be used for the production of biofuels, such as pellets or briquettes. In addition, they can be used for the production of compost and fertilizers. The review of patents with a brief description of the method of processing and use of wood waste in the field of biotechnology is given The most promising for today can be considered the use of these wastes for the production of biofertilizers (when enriched with microbiological crops, as well as in the mixed part with animal husbandry and crop production waste), as well as the possibility of recultivation of disturbed areas during logging.

    Keywords: sawdust, compost, biofertilizers, forest industry waste, patent search, woodworking, microorganisms