This article is devoted to the study of domestic and international experience in designing children’s educational centers. The purpose of the study is to identify urban planning and spatial-planning aspects of design, as well as trends and approaches to designing children’s educational centers, taking into account the specific features of architectural development.
Keywords: education, design, leisure, culture, planning solution, structure, multifunctionality, unique facility, environment, public space
The article examines the history of the development of a children’s educational center and the influence of society’s social needs on shaping the architectural image of educational and cultural leisure institutions.
Keywords: education, school, leisure, culture, social institution, planning, structure, multifunctionality, monastery, university, cultural center, design principles
Based on available literary and photographic sources, a retrospective analysis of the main ancient Greek public buildings was carried out, as well as architectural spatial and planning solutions and features of the formation of modern sports and leisure centers (SDC) on the basis of cultural and leisure centers (KDC) were analyzed. SDC, as a special case of KDC, is a unique structure that obeys uniform principles of formation, identified on the basis of foreign design of KDC in urban development, is a point of attraction of the population, characterized by a variety of functional components as part of multi-level, physically unified spaces, with a predominance of function, which is a specialization of the center, adapted to the leisure of the population and adapted to the needs of low-mobility groups of the population. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop similar TPC projects for domestic design experience.
Keywords: sports and leisure complex (SDC), cultural and leisure complex (KDC), urban development, point of attraction, leisure, scale of development, complexity of development, design trends, urban planning trends, planning trends, engineering and technical trends
According to available literary and graphic sources, the components of urban space, its structural units and their methods of formation are analyzed. The possibility of forming public spaces inside buildings and structures by methods of forming urban spaces is revealed.
Keywords: space, microspace, mesospatial, macrospace, methods of formation, urban structure, public space, levels of spatial organization, public structure, formation of a public complex