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  • Time management in clinical engineering

    The article shows the importance of the role of clinical engineering departments in ensuring high-quality comprehensive control of the state of medical equipment at all stages of its life cycle. The main resource of such departments is the resource of working time of clinical engineers. In order to rationalize the use of this resource, we analyzed data on the time budget for the maintenance of 2459 units of medical equipment in medical institutions of Volgograd. The results of the analysis allowed us to identify 3 subgroups of medical equipment in the general data array that have statistically significant differences in the time characteristics of their maintenance and require a different approach to managing the time of clinical engineers servicing them. At the final stage of this study, ABC-XYZ analysis was used. Its results allowed us to formulate recommendations for rationalizing the use of working time of clinical engineers to work with the subgroups of medical equipment identified in this study in practical conditions.

    Keywords: clinical engineering, clinical engineer, time budget, maintenance of medical equipment

  • Structure and metrological properties of combined pathospecific measuring device for glaucoma diagnostics

    The article presents and substantiates the structure of the original combined pathospecific measuring device for the diagnosis of glaucoma, which will allow for a comprehensive analysis of the hydro- and hemodynamics of the eye and thereby improve the quality of glaucoma diagnosis. Based on this structure, a detailed metrological analysis of this installation as a means of biomedical measurements was given in the work. Brief conclusions on the work are given and prospects for the further development of the project are determined.

    Keywords: combined pathospecific measuring device, tonometry, rheography, sphygmography

  • Combined ophthalmopneumogoniometer

    The article presents the results of the development of the combined medical measuring device - an ophthalmopneumogoniometer, with the help of which it is possible to measure intraocular structures and pressure . Based on the results of the analysis of the subject area, the author proposed a structural diagram of the device, considered technical solutions of its individual elements.

    Keywords: ophthalmopneumogoniometer, ophthalmogoniometry, intraocular pressure, eye optics

  • Sensory system of ophthalmopneumovasotonometer

    The results of the development of a sensory subsystem of an ophthalmopneumatic gas tonometer designed to measure intraocular pressure, study the anterior ciliary arteries and measure indicators are presented. After identifying the design features of the device, a structural diagram, an electrical diagram of the subsystem was proposed, a three-dimensional model of the device was made, and the technical characteristics of individual elements were considered. Brief conclusions on the work done are given, as well as the prospects for the development of the project.

    Keywords: ophthalmopneumovasotonometer, intraocular pressure, pneumatic system, sensors, range finders, video cameras

  • Executive subsystem of ophthalmopneumovasotonometer

    The article presents the results of the development of the executive subsystem of a combined medical measuring device - an ophthalmopneumonasotonometer, with the help of which it is possible to measure intraocular pressure and the characteristics of the pressure pulse in the anterior ciliary arteries of the eye. Based on the results of the analysis of the subject area, the author proposed a structural and electrical diagram of the executive subsystem of the device, considered technical solutions of its individual elements.

    Keywords: ophthalmopneumovasotonometer, intraocular pressure, executive subsystem, anterior ciliary arteries

  • Device for non-contact pressure measurement in the anterior ciliary arteries of the eye

    It refers to the field of medicine, namely, to ophthalmology and to the field of medical instrument making. The problem of documentary fixation of the pattern of the fundus observed with the help of such devices with the purpose of assessing the long-term dynamics of pathological changes and determining the degree of success of the therapy is still relevant. The purpose of the development is to realize the possibility of automatic and semi-automatic documentary photo fixation of the results of the study of the internal structures of the eye performed with the help of a hand-held mobile ophthalmoscope while preserving the possibility of direct examination of the internal structures of the eye. The goal is achieved by adding to the ophthalmoscope optical, electromechanical and electronic components, which allow photographic fixation of the observed picture of the internal structures of the eye being examined. Advantages and positive effect of the complex being developed: 1. The possibility of automated photographic fixation of the observed image of the fundus allows improving the quality of eye pathology diagnostics by simplifying the documentation of its condition and facilitating the monitoring of the dynamics of this condition. 2. The non-contact nature of measurements determines the reduced requirements for disinfection of the device and for anesthetizing the eye; 3. Automation of the process of photographic fixation allows to reduce time costs for them and to shorten the time necessary for training personnel to work with the complex; 4. Communication of the photophthalmoscope with a PC provides a wide range of local and centralized storage, processing and systematization of research results.

    Keywords: Ophthalmoscope, ophthalmoscopy, photographic fixation, eye fundus

  • Device for non-contact pressure measurement in the anterior ciliary arteries of the eye

    It refers to the field of medicine, namely, to ophthalmology and to the field of medical instrument making. In the field of ophthalmology, the actual task is to study the state of the vascular system of the eye, the changes of which are observed in many diseases. Currently, there are no non-invasive devices that allow performing an automated direct measurement of pressure in the vascular system of the eye and evaluation of the mechanical characteristics of the vascular wall of the eye vessels. The purpose of the work: the development of a hardware-software complex for eye pneumovazotonometry. The goal is achieved by synthesizing the circuit of a combined measuring device that combines the functions of measuring hemodynamics in the OCA and the IOP level. The complex includes a measuring module and external software for the PC, designed to work with this module. In the measuring module, a microprocessor control system can be distinguished; pneumatic system; ultrasound system; system of video registration; system of indication and control; system of communication with PC; power supply system.

    Keywords: Anterior ciliary arteries, pressure, measurement, ophthalmopneumovasotonometry