A methodology has been developed that can be used to develop calculation and instrumental methods for determining the standards for the accumulation of solid municipal waste for retail chains under common management, having a single trade and technological process, a similar range of goods for sale and carrying out separate accumulation of secondary material resources.
Keywords: accumulation of waste, municipal solid waste, generation standard, object of a stationary trading network, cluster analysis
The reliability of assessing the amount of accumulated waste in the context of an imperfect scientific and methodological base for standardizing MSW, in the absence of generally accepted calculation methods, is not high enough. The possibility of using cluster analysis in the formation of a statistical sample of objects of a stationary trade network in setting standards for the accumulation of municipal solid waste is shown. A methodology for the formation of a representative statistical sample of objects of a stationary trading network has been developed when setting standards for the accumulation of solid municipal waste based on cluster analysis.
Keywords: waste accumulation, municipal solid waste, MSW generation standard, stationary trade network object, cluster analysis, representative sample
Based on the Bayes approach, a representative number of experimental measurements was determined when assessing the quality of the environment, in particular, when monitoring the quality of the atmosphere and checking the compliance with the standard for the accumulation of solid municipal waste
Keywords: Bayesian approach, quality control, experimental measurement, a priori data, a posteriori data, distribution density