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  • On the relationship between personal data leaks and cybersecurity indicators

    The relevance of the study is justified by the growth of breaches in the field of information security, especially personal data on the global network. The study puts forward 2 hypotheses. The 1st - about the inverse relationship between the density of hacked accounts per 1000 people and the GCI and NCSI cybersecurity indices. At stage 1, this hypothesis was refuted. The 2nd hypothesis - about the existence of factors interacting with cybersecurity factors and affecting the leakage of personal data, was confirmed Then, data outliers were identified and excluded, the final sample was 149 countries. The identified factor was the GDP per capita indicator. After eliminating the influence of this factor, the correlation analysis confirmed the presence of an inverse relationship between the personal data leakage indicator in the form of the density indicator and the GCI and NCSI cybersecurity indices. The correlation coefficients were -0.43 and -0.48, respectively. The study suggested that there were problems with the completeness of the factors taken into account in the KB indicators and the reliability of the data received from governments, which requires further research.

    Keywords: cyber breach, cybersecurity, GCI, NCSI, data leak, account hacking, personal data, sensitive information, data analysis, correlation