The design documentation was developed, the layout was made, and an experimental study of the direction-finding receiver was conducted. A functional diagram and a description of the design are given. The method of the experiment is given. Shows the achievement of the following parameters: operating frequency range: centimeter; the dynamic range of the signals at the entrance 48 dB; the duration of the received pulses is not less than 0.1 µs; the irregularity of amplitude-frequency characteristics of not more than 5 dB.
Keywords: direction finding receiver, logarithmic receiver, amplitude-frequency response, amplitude response, dynamic range
An experimental investigation of two low-noise amplifiers is carried out. The first amplifier contains one cascade on the HMC374 chip, the second LNA contains two cascades on the same chip. Amplitude and amplitude-frequency characteristics of both amplifiers are obtained, a comparison with the passport characteristics is made. The amplifiers correspond to the passport data for all parameters, except saturation power at the upper boundary frequency.
Keywords: Low-noise amplifier, amplitude-frequency response, amplitude characteristic, saturation power
Modelling and experimental research of filter onhalf-wave resonators with quarter-wavelength links was made. The following experimental result were received: - center frequency was 3.7 GHz; - passband width was 230 MHz; - losses in the passband were not more than 4 dB; - bkocking at tuning ± 200 MHz was not less than 40 dB. It is recommended to use the filter in a microwave receiver input circuit.
Keywords: Parallel coupled resonator filters, modelling, experiment, wave S range
The experimental research of amplitude characteristics of low-noise amplifiers of microwave range of АС180400-071 type of Joint-Stock Company "SKARD-ELEKTRONIKS" manufacture was made. It is shown, that power of saturation can vary from 34 to 75 mW at input power 10 mW. On a number of frequencies monotony of the amplitude characteristic is not provided.
Keywords: limiting amplifier, power of saturation, measurement installation, amplitude characteristic
The article deals with the calcalation, simulation and experimental study of the filter on quater-wave resonators of the range 2 - 4 GHz. The resulting losses in the pass band are of about 1 dB and stop band on the second harmonic is 50 dB. The good coincidence between the simulation results and experiment is shown.
Keywords: filter, quarter-wave resonator, calculation, modeling, experiment
Modelling and experimental research of path filter of C range on opposing rods was made. In the paddband from 4 to 8 GHz losses were not more than 1.5 dB. Blocking at tuning downwards per 1 GHz was not less than 50 dB. Blocking at tuning upwards per 2 GHz was not less than 70 dB. There is a false passband 16.6 - 21.5 GHz.
Keywords: filter on opposing rods, modelling, experiment, wave centimetre range