The view of Finnish experts on the development of the electricity market in Finland for the period up to 2035. Is marked by the expected growth in nuclear power and wind power, as well as increased attention to the use of fuel wood.
Keywords: nuclear, biofuels, wind power market, electricity
Estimates by the Finnish experts of prospects of introduction of a visa-free regime of Russia with Finland are considered. Estimates of its influence on business life of Finland are given. It is shown that 60% of respondents expect obtaining benefit by the companies from introduction of a visa-free regime, about 30% don't expect any consequences, and only 8% assume emergence of problems.
Keywords: visa-free mode, business life, Russia, Finland.
The severity of the issue of migration to foreign countries. Considered the Finnish experience to analyze, control and prevention of problems associated with illegal immigration.
Keywords: analysis, monitoring, migration, illegal migration