The paper analyzes the thermal regime of a highly functional on-board control unit in an AMg6 aluminum alloy case and compares the obtained data with the thermal regime of a unit with a highly efficient heat sink made of composite materials. The calculation of the thermal field of the block was carried out using CAD tools based on the finite element method with a thermal application in order to assess its performance under given boundary conditions. Based on a comparative analysis of various heat-removing materials of the basic supporting structure, the least heat-stressed system was chosen.
Keywords: thermal regime, highly efficient heat removal, composite materials, on-board equipment, oxygen system, finite element method, mathematical model, computer-aided design system, electrical radio product, printed circuit board
The most effective solutions for recovery of impulse signals in dispersing cable lines can be perfomed on the base of heterojunction SiGe BiCMOS technology and are based on combining in one IC high-frequensy analog blocks on heterojunction bipolar transistors and control unit and adaptive correction of parameters on the base of CMOS transistors. Equalizer chip with adaptive correction of parameters provides hidh quality of recovery of signals with smallest costs for tuning and adjustment of cable lines.
Keywords: equalizer, recovery of signals, heterojunction bipolar transistors