The article contains the results of vibro-acoustic signal processing using Hilbert-Huang transform, obtained during the test of the internal combustion engine. The providence of experiments and methods of vibro-acoustic signal processing is described.
Keywords: Hilbert-Huang transform, Hilbert spectrum, empirical mode decomposition, the decomposition of the ensemble, the Fourier spectrum, wavelet transform, diagnostics, non-destructive testing, the internal combustion engine, vibro-acoustic signal.
The article compares the S- and SD-methods of sifting IMF. Was considered an example with a test signal and analysed the effectiveness of decomposition.
Keywords: empirical mode decomposition, error of decomposition, intrinsic mode functions, S-method, SD-method, normalized squared difference, operation of sifting, LabView, Hilbert-Huang transform
The concept of technical condition assessment based on the analysis of the Hilbert spectrum . Detailed description of vibro-acoustic signal processing algorithms and the principle of decision-making about the serviceability of the equipment.
Keywords: Hilbert-Huang transform, empirical modal decomposition, intrinsic mode functions, correlation functions, confidence interval,vibro-acoustic signal, evaluation of technical condition, Fourier transform, wavelet transform, Hilbert spectrum
For the control of composite constructions of shock-acoustic method (method of free oscillations) designed and developed measuring and diagnostic system with the original software package. Package of applied programs integrated into a virtual shell that enables to reduce setup time and debugging measuring and diagnostic complex. In the analysis of signals and issue decisions "correct-reject" uses probabilistic and statistical methods of evaluation.
Keywords: Shock-acoustic method, the local method of free oscillations, composite materials, technical diagnostics, nondestructive control, fast Fourier transform, the standard, confidence intervals, range, vibroacoustic signals, LabVIEW.
Developed the method of calculating the informative harmonic of vibroacoustic signals with using finite element modeling software ANSYS. For approbation technique experimental researches were conducted.
Keywords: Shock-acoustic method, local method of free oscillations, composite materials, technical diagnostics, nondestructive inspection, fast Fourier transform, ANSYS, vibroacoustic signals