The article examines the use of unmanned complexes for finding and identifying defects in the construction of buildings and structures. The use of unmanned complexes integrated into practice for quality control of construction works of concrete and steel surfaces, as well as for regular inspections of buildings, insulation or ventilation systems is given. The prospects of using unmanned complexes for repair work, which contributes to improving the performance of the construction organization, were confirmed.
Keywords: machine vision, software, unmanned complex, survey, defect
The paper analyzes existing 3D printing technologies in the context of application in construction. The experience of 3D printing application in commercial projects is considered. Scientific research on the improvement of various technologies is summarized. 3D printing technologies promising for construction - wire-arc and ultrasonic additive manufacturing - are identified.
Keywords: 3D printing, construction, additive technologies
In recent years, there has been a notable increase in the popularity of modular construction in Russia and in other countries. This form of construction offers a number of advantages, including a reduction in construction time, a decrease in costs, an improvement in the quality of modular construction, and a reduction in the negative environmental impact.
Keywords: еhe subject matter encompasses modular construction, prospects, Russia, international experience, construction technologies, housing construction, and innovations
The design stage is one of the stages of the life cycle of a construction object, having its own significance for all subsequent processes. Despite the relatively low percentage of the cost of design work in relation to the cost of construction, design has a tremendous impact on the implementation of construction work. Finding the place of design in the life cycle and construction production system emphasizes the need for careful study of this stage.
Keywords: construction, design, management, life cycle, organizational structure
The introduction of information modeling technologies (TIM) into construction practice is irreversible all over the world. The effectiveness of the use of TIM has been proven at all stages of the life cycle of capital construction facilities: at the pre-design phase, at the stages of design, construction, operation, repair, reconstruction, de-installation and disposal. A variety of software for digitalization of construction allows you to choose the optimal product for a specific type of task. Until recently, most of the Russian information modeling technology market belonged to software products of foreign IT companies. Due to the changed conditions, there is a forced transition to domestic TIM systems. The challenges that arise in this case require joint actions by government agencies, software developers in the field of TIM, construction companies and educational organizations.
Keywords: information modeling technologies, BIM technologies, the life cycle of a capital construction facility, construction, import substitution, training of specialists, Russian TIM systems
The article examines the specifics of the operation of Russian and European tower cranes. With the development of technology, tower cranes are becoming more and more advanced, equipped with modern automation systems. The lack of understanding of the differences in the operation of tower cranes from different manufacturers and the potential problems associated with this remain unresolved and require study. In this regard, conducting a detailed analysis of the features and differences in the operation of this special equipment will avoid problems in the construction industry, as well as reduce the risk of accidents. As part of the study, a comparison of the characteristics and performance of individual Russian and European tower cranes was conducted, on the basis of which the advantages and disadvantages of this type of equipment were identified. In the course of the work, recommendations were proposed to improve the operation of Russian tower cranes, which will contribute to the creation of more competitive equipment on the Russian market.
Keywords: tower crane, tower crane design, operation, specifics of European and Russian tower cranes, automation system
The article discusses the current problems that arise during the construction of oil and gas facilities in remote regions of the Russian Federation, characterized by the lack of a developed transport infrastructure. The main logistical, technical and economic difficulties faced by companies in the implementation of such projects are analyzed. Innovative solutions are offered to optimize the delivery of equipment and materials, the organization of temporary roads and shift camps. Special attention is paid to the application of modern technologies, such as modular construction and the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for monitoring and delivery. The methods of reducing the environmental burden on fragile ecosystems in construction areas are considered. In conclusion, recommendations are given on an integrated approach to solving construction problems in difficult logistical conditions, taking into account economic efficiency and environmental safety.
Keywords: oil and gas facility, transport infrastructure, logistics, modular construction, shift method, drone, ecology, optimization, innovation, inaccessibility, northern delivery, temporary road, supply, monitoring, efficiency
Green building and construction in the Arctic territories represent two important areas of modern construction, each of which faces unique challenges. The article systematizes world experience in both directions, provides an overview of best practices, technologies and methods. Examples of successful projects demonstrating the effectiveness of using modern technologies for sustainable development in the Arctic regions are given.
Keywords: technology, energy saving, Arctic territories, low resource intensity, waste minimization, renewable energy sources
The article presents conditions for ensuring safe performance of construction and installation works at heights when constructing or reconstructing agricultural production buildings on the basis of collective protective equipment. The article shows structural designs and main parameters of fall arrest devices and safety fences that are intended for buildings of those types. In such protective equipment, synthetic netting materials are a defining element that ensures the required safety level. The article specifies the composition of process control and management documentation that determines a procedure and a sequence for use of collective protective equipment during construction and installation works. Types of works are specified that require that protective equipment is used to prevent objects and people from falling from the height of a rigid-frame building under construction. The article suggests the composition of data for determining the quantity of safety fence sections to be installed along the building perimeter. The developed calculation and test procedure for prototypes of fall arrest devices allowed us to establish that the net fabric camber and values of dynamic loads occurring if an object fell onto the net were interrelated to a certain extent. The performed studies produced dependences of net camber values versus the tension value of the securing rope. Taking into account the requirement of injury prevention in the event of a person’s falling onto a net, dynamic effects on the fallen object when caught by a fall arrest device were evaluated. The established negative accelerations of an object falling from height onto a fall arrest device’s net indicate that dynamic overloads occurring at this are within the permissible limit values.
Keywords: construction, safety of work at height, collective protection equipment, network materials, trapping devices, protective fences
Organization of repair and restoration and reconstruction works at cultural heritage sites is based on substantiation of conditions and factors influencing choice of solutions on technology and organization of a set of works, on analysis of methods of development of organizational and technological solutions and modeling of work production schemes, as well as on selection of criteria for evaluation of work organization options and methods of selection of organizational and technological solutions. One of the key stages of preparation for repair, restoration and reconstruction of cultural heritage sites is development of a calendar plan and schedules and network models. They are mandatory in the work production project (WP), determining the terms, order and volumes of work. The work presents forms of calendar schedules and plans, as well as a network model of development of scientific and design documentation on preservation of cultural heritage sites (in general, by stages and local works) and a network model of preparation of repair and restoration and restoration and reconstruction works.
Keywords: historical and cultural monuments, cultural heritage sites, repair, restoration, reconstruction, schedules, calendar plans, network schedules
The article reveals the topic of improving the processes of concreting monolithic structures. An absentee survey of respondents from among the existing manufacturers of works, construction control engineers and foremen was conducted. Information was obtained that is not always reflected in documentary sources or direct observation. The direct processes of transportation, feeding, laying and care of the concrete mix, as well as related processes, were monitored and analyzed.
Keywords: technologies, organization, technological process, concrete works, monolithic structures, operational control, construction control, economic potential
A characteristic feature of urban construction is an increase in the density of buildings and, accordingly, the tightness of working conditions. The need to ensure the safety of existing buildings and reduce negative impacts on the urban environment requires the development of rational solutions at the stage of organizational and technological design during construction in conditions of dense development. The factors of constraint affect already at the stage of preparation of the construction site. The purpose of the study is to select and justify the methods of work during the removal of engineering networks from the construction site. The existing methods of network re-routing and technology comparison are considered. An example of a construction object shows a variant of an organizational and technological solution for the removal of networks using trenchless technologies.
Keywords: engineering training, construction site, dense buildings, cramped conditions, trenchless laying of networks
In this article the authors continue to explore the difficulties of organizing and carrying out capital repairs in medical institutions in the conditions of their functioning. The article focuses on the problem of lack of informativity of the regulatory documents about organization and realization of capital repair of medical institutions in the conditions of their functioning, which was mentioned in the authors' previous article. The authors analyze the regulatory documents, explore the experience of capital repair of existing medical and preventive institutions and highlight the main reasons, why the regulatory documents aren't so informative. The first reason - there are no recomendations about, how medical institution should keep its functioning according the time of capital repair. The second reason - there are no recommendations how renovation should be orginized out while maintaining all hygienic requirements of hospitals functioning (noise level, cleanliness, etc.). The third reason - regulatory documents contradict each other in some issues. All these reasons lead to the following consequences: delayed deadlines, lower quality of work, higher repair costs, lower working conditions for staff and lower quality of health services. The authors propose a comprehensive approach to a solution not previously reported in their research: updating the regulatory documents by adding special sections on capital repairs, creating special guidelines that will be only about capital repair of medical institutions and improving the qualifications of specialists.
Keywords: capital repair, medical and preventive institution, health care, regulatory documentation, safety, construction organization, technology of capital repair organization, normative document, informativeness, recommendations, updating
The article considers variants of mathematical apparatus systems used in construction control during the construction of monolithic structures. The quality of technological processes in the construction of reinforced concrete buildings determines the existing problems of their reliability and durability. In the course of studying the analytical aspects of assessing the impact of organizational and technical solutions (OTR) on the system of construction quality control of monolithic structures, specialists most often set tasks on modeling the process in question, taking into account the probabilistic nature of the dependence of the system elements. The mathematical devices used in construction control are defined. The technique of improving the efficiency of OTR during construction control has a significant impact on reducing construction time, and also minimizes the number of defects and deviations.
Keywords: construction control, mathematical tools, OTR efficiency, monolithic reinforced concrete construction, quality, physical wear of load-bearing structures
This article analyzes the main causes of fatal injuries in the construction industry of the Russian Federation and a number of other foreign countries, including falls from heights, electric shock, injuries associated with the use of construction machinery and mechanisms, as well as exposure to harmful substances. In conclusion, the article highlights the importance of joint efforts by employers, employees and regulators to create a safer and healthier work environment in the construction industry. The implementation of the preventive measures described in the article can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and improve the well-being of employees.
Keywords: construction industry, industrial injuries, accidents, causes of injuries, working conditions, occupational risks, working at height, occupational safety, environmental factors, workplace organization, training
Reinforced concrete is the most common material in construction, this is due to its high performance and consumer characteristics. Despite a number of its positive characteristics, concrete has a negative property, its hygroscopicity. In the structure of concrete is a large number of micropores, cracks and capillaries, which contribute to the spread of moisture throughout the structure. This leads to the destruction of concrete, corrosion of reinforcement. Waterproofing is an important aspect of building construction and maintenance. It helps prevent moisture damage that leads to costly repairs and structural failure over time.
Keywords: concrete waterproofing, waterproofing system, polymer membrane, geocomposite fabric, liquid waterproofing membrane, penetrating waterproofing
Construction and technical expertise is a field of activity where digitalization of processes should be implemented not at a fragmentary, but at an expanded level to optimize the expert's work. In the current reality, the use of modern digital tools brings positive changes to the work of construction experts and expands the possibilities of performing construction and technical research.
Keywords: digitalization, information modeling, computer technologies, information systems, expertise
The influence of the aluminosilicate component on the properties of mortars and concretes is considered. Special attention is paid to the addition of perlite dust to the cement binder and the use of the Polyplast SP-1 superplasticizer to regulate rheological properties. It has been experimentally established that an increase in the perlite content increases the water demand and reduces the fluidity of the mixture due to its high specific surface area and porous structure. The rheological properties of various formulations have been studied using a rotary viscometer. The results show that the addition of a superplasticizer reduces viscosity and improves fluidity, which is especially important to prevent deformations and internal stresses in hardening systems.
Keywords: technogenic raw materials, perlite, aluminosilicate component, building mortars, concretes, rheological properties, superplasticizer
The conducted studies show that more than 70% of failures and breakdowns during repair, restoration and restoration works at cultural heritage sites occur as a result of uncoordinated actions of repairmen and restorers. This is due to the fact that repair and restoration works are carried out in complex and cramped conditions on hard-to-reach sites. Therefore, a deep study and scientific substantiation of repair and restoration technologies is one of the main conditions for increasing the efficiency, safety and reliability of the human operator (repairman, restorer, technical and line workers, etc.) in the construction and technical sphere. It is important to take into account the reliability and safety of the human-machine system (HMS) when designing repair and restoration technologies, technical systems and devices for lifting and moving loads in cramped conditions on hard-to-reach sites. The article presents a system-structural method that allows us to consider a single human-machine system as a continuous series of simple human-machine systems that are formed and destroyed, and to divide a simple human-machine system into subsystems, subsystems into working methods, actions, micro-movements, etc.
Keywords: historical and cultural monuments, cultural heritage sites, systems method, systems-structural analysis, system, safety, cramped conditions
Technical solutions aimed at preventing and eliminating the consequences of emergency situations in tunnel construction practice (in terms of laying utility lines or subways) are defined. Technical solutions are given taking into account their implementation in the conditions of structures under construction and in operation, characterized by a repeatable and predictable nature of occurrence.
Keywords: building structures, technology, repair work, underground utilities, tunnel, metro construction
The purpose of this work is to study the thermal stress of the furnace of a fire-tube boiler and its effect on the design of the boiler. To study the effect of thermal stress and furnace proportions on the ratio of heating surface areas, the calculated resistance was tested. Calculations of heat-tube boilers of sectional hot-water boilers with different proportions of the furnace at different thermal loads of the same furnace volume are performed. The calculation of each heating surface is carried out by the method of successive approximations, based in this case on the chord method. In the calculation process, the flue gas temperature at the outlet of the heating surface was first set, and then refined by successive approximations. To reduce the overall balance of the boiler, another global approximation is made when the temperature determined at the outlet of the last heating surface is set at the beginning of the calculation – in the heat balance, where it affects the loss with outgoing gases and the efficiency of the boiler. It is determined that the optimal.
Keywords: energy efficiency, fire-tube boiler, heat supply, thermal voltage, resource conservation
The article is devoted to solving the problem of high-precision installation and alignment of kinematic supports on ball rolling bodies, a detailed description of the design solution for precise fixation of ball rolling bodies on a flat monolithic concrete foundation during installation of a seismic insulating support and describes the phased construction of all elements of kinematic seismic insulating supports in the underground part of a high-rise building.A system of seismic-insulating kinematic supports installed in the underground part of a high-rise building is considered. An improved method of high-precision installation of kinematic seismic isolation supports is proposed, which allows to increase the accuracy of installing a seismic support on a system of four rolling elements. The technology of mounting seismic supports on the zero cycle of construction of a high-rise building is described. The advantages are evaluated.
Keywords: high-rise structure, vibration damping, roller seismic vibration compensation system, seismic insulation, high-precision installation of seismic insulating supports
The article discusses the issues of organizational and technological approaches in the design of facilities to be reconstructed. During the operation of buildings, the reliability of their structures is subject to cyclical changes. The dynamics of loads, as well as damage resulting from operation, can have a significant impact on the strength and durability of construction facilities. The reasons for the technical inspection during reconstruction are analyzed. The diagnosis of structural failure is analyzed. In most cases, emergencies are the result of missed errors at the design stage of the project, construction of the construction site and its operation. To minimize such risks, additional measures are being implemented aimed at quality control at all stages - from design to commissioning. A number of conditions have been identified under which most defects in the design and operation of structures can be prevented even at the stage of development of the reconstruction project.
Keywords: reconstruction, construction and technical expertise, reliability, organizational and technological solutions, defects, quality control, efficiency
The article discusses the planning and commissioning of an autonomous field located on permafrost. Most of the oil and gas fields are located in permafrost areas. The development of such deposits is costly, as it creates the need to prevent the thawing of permafrost. Commissioning works are the final stage of construction and installation works. The CW is difficult in conditions of permafrost. In permafrost conditions, problems may arise with starting the installed equipment.
Keywords: commissioning, permafrost, field, installation, drilling, oil industry, oil and gas industry, project, freezing, maintenance
The specifics of the development of organizational and technological solutions for the reconstruction of outdoor lighting in St. Petersburg are devoted to solving the problems of organizing the reconstruction of outdoor lighting facilities in St. Petersburg. The features of the development of organizational and technological solutions (OTP) for linear objects are analyzed. The specifics and factors of OTR for the production of works in the cramped conditions of a large city, in the absence of the possibility of placing storage sites and temporary buildings and structures, are considered. It is proposed to use production line method of construction for the formation of calendar plans for the reconstruction of the facility.
Keywords: reconstruction, outdoor lighting, organizational and technological solutions, cramped conditions, production line method of construction