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  • The effect of some mineral additives on the properties of fine-aggregate concrete

    The results of studies of the effect of mineral additives of natural and man-made origin on some properties of fine-aggregate concrete with the introduction of a mineral additive from 10 to 25% of the cement weight instead of either a part of cement with an increase in the value of W/ C, or a part of sand with a constant value of the value of W / C are presented. A slight, up to 3%, change in the average density of concrete was revealed. A decrease in the E-modulus from 4 to 14% was recorded when replacing a part of cement, while an increase in the flexural strength, depending on the dosage, was up to 26% (marshallite) and 6% (chemical water treatment sludge), and a decrease in the compressive strength was from 10 to 22%. When replacing part of the sand, an increase of up to 10% of the E-modulus, the flexural strength from 19 to 38% (marshallite) and up to 11% (chemical water treatment sludge) was recorded. The increase in the compressive strength, depending on the type and dosage of the additive, ranged from 8 to 20%. No significant effect of additives on the porosity of cement stone was revealed.

    Keywords: mineral additive, fine-aggregate concrete, flexural strength, E-modulus, shrinkage, water absorption

  • Awakening the hydraulic activity of fillers and aggregates from scrap clay bricks

    The active use in the production of building materials of waste after the renovation of housing is a relevant and promising direction. the load on logistics for the supply of inert materials is reduced, landfills and waste storage sites are being destroyed, and the cost of building materials from recycled materials is being reduced. The use of recycled clay bricks allows to solve the problem of solid waste disposal, but also to reduce the environmental damage caused to the environment by mankind from the excessive development of natural resources. Finely ground brick cullet has pozzolanic properties and can be used as an additive in a cement mixture, and a large fraction is used in aggregates of cement compositions.

    Keywords: Сlay brick scrap, renovation, preparation, pozzolanic activity, hydraulic activity, binder, hardening, aggregate, mortar, strength

  • Secondary use of ash and slag waste in road construction

    The increasing problem of the formation of ash dumps in the Rostov region dictates the need to search for environmentally friendly methods of waste disposal in the heat and power sector. In this article, the ash and slag waste of the Novocherkassk GRES is considered. We analyzed the chemical and fractional compositions of the ash-slag mixture formed at a coal-fired thermal power plant and proposed the use of ash waste with a size of 10-100 microns in road construction as a micro-filler. To study the strength of the road surface using ash microparticles, we manufactured and tested cubes of modified concrete mixture for compression using a press machine. The obtained result showed that the use of ash as a micro-filler in concrete does not affect its strength in any way. The tests of control samples with the use of ash wastes showed an improvement in the water resistance and frost resistance of concrete while maintaining its strength.

    Keywords: ash and slag waste, micro-filler, concrete mix, road construction

  • Study of the corrosion resistance of modified concrete composites in sulfate environments

    The article considers the possibility of increasing the resistance in sulfate environments of concrete composites based on cement raw mixtures modified with a slag mineral component and a complex superplasticizer. The method of research and modeling of the nature of the impact of an aggressive environment on composites proves the prospects of the technology of chemicalization of cement concretes for the manufacture of durable building structures based on them.

    Keywords: sulfate environment, cement concrete, corrosion resistance, chemicalization, composite, environmental impact modeling

  • Nonisocyanate polyurethanes: green solutions

    The practical application of NIPU based on epoxy-amine compositions and five-membered CCs in coatings, sealants, adhesives, etc. was largely developed back in the USSR by O. Figovsky &V. Stroganov. Opportunities for optimizing the production of the key component of NIPU, cyclic carbonate, using carbon dioxide are considered. The article discusses sustainable synthesis routes for NIPC for industrial applications. An overview of solutions for the production of foam materials based on non-isocyanate polyurethanes is given.

    Keywords: nonisocyanate polyurethanes, oligomeric cyclocarbonates, green solutions

  • On the influence of hardening conditions on the properties of self-compacting concrete

    The results of studies of the influence of various hardening conditions, incl. simulating conditions in the center of massive monolithic structures, for compressive and tensile strength, initial modulus of elasticity, hardening kinetics of self-compacting concrete of classes from B25 to B55. A classification of concretes according to the hardening kinetics is proposed, using as a criterion the time to reach a certain level from the design compressive strength under normal hardening conditions. The invariance of the dependence of the initial modulus of elasticity of the investigated concretes on the compressive strength on the age and type of concrete is established. A certain difference between the dependence "initial modulus of elasticity - ultimate compressive strength" and a lag in the rate of increase in tensile strength from the rate of increase in compressive strength of the studied concretes in the early period of hardening relative to traditional concretes of vibration compaction were revealed. It is shown that in the early period of hardening the studied concretes are characterized by a higher level of the conditional crack resistance criterion E0/Rt, which indicates to a certain extent a higher fragility of the studied concretes in this period.

    Keywords: self-compacting concrete, compressive and tensile strength, hardening kinetics, modulus of elasticity, crack resistance criterion

  • Fine-grained nanomodified concrete

    The article presents the results of experimental studies. The optimal time of dispersion of the mixing water together with the nano-additive has been determined. The results of experiments to determine the effect of carbon nanotubes and plasticizer on fine-grained concrete are also presented. Strength characteristics were determined for the studied compositions. Based on the data obtained, the effect of the dispersion time was determined, as well as the effect of the combined use of the SikaVC 5-500 plasticizer and carbon nanotubes "Taunit-M".

    Keywords: fine-grained concrete, carbon nanotubes, ultrasonic dispersion, plasticizer

  • Features of the construction of a Polar gas turbine power plant at the Vankor field

    The construction of a Polar gas turbine power plant is carried out on permafrost soils. Features of the construction of reinforced concrete structures of foundations and other elements in the permafrost zone implies high requirements for strength, density and frost resistance. A new composition of the concrete mixture with improved physical and mechanical properties is proposed. Superplasticizing additives and production waste are used in the composition of the concrete mixture.

    Keywords: foundation, permafrost, borehole piles, superplasticizer, sulfuric acid sludge, concrete mix, strength, frost resistance

  • Changing the properties of building mortars with redispersible polymer powders after exposure at high temperatures

    The influence of redispersible polymer powders on the change in the properties of building mortars after holding at high temperature in accordance with GOST R 56387-2018 has been studied. An increase in the compressive strength by 10 – 15% was revealed at a dosage of RPP 2 – 3%. It was found that the introduction of an air-entrapping admixture into the composition has a negligible, up to 5%, negative effect on increasing the compressive strength. The increase in the flexural strength after holding at high temperature was 1.5 – 1.8 times. The decrease in the E-modulus practically does not depend on the dosage of RPP. After holding at high temperature, the E-modulus was 0.8 – 0.84 relative to normal hardening conditions. A decrease in the adhesion strength to the concrete base to values of 0.39 – 0.71 relative to normal hardening conditions was revealed. It is noted that the decrease in adhesion strength significantly depends on prescription factors, with the exception of formulations containing an air-entrapping additive, in which there is practically no decrease in adhesion strength after holding at high temperature.

    Keywords: redispersible polymer powders, adhesion strength, E-modulus, compressive and flexural strength, high temperature

  • Complex organomineral additive based on industrial waste

    Results of research of waste ash-and-slag mixture being a waste product of thermal power plants are presented. Effectiveness of its use as a mineral component of a complex organic-mineral additive is shown. Methodology of mathematical modeling and optimization of properties of concrete modified by complex organomineral additive allowing to reduce cement consumption by 20% without loss of concrete strength is presented.

    Keywords: оrganomineral additives, industrial waste, mathematical modelling, cement saving

  • " A mixture for the construction and repair of reinforced concrete structures of oil and gas storage facilities"

    The article proposes new compositions of a fast-hardening concrete mixture using Portland cement, fine and coarse aggregates, basalt fiber, a complex modifying additive including acetone-formaldehyde resins and magnesium chloride (bischofite). The results of scientific and experimental studies are presented and the influence of the proposed additives on the formation of the structure, rheological and physico-mechanical properties of fast-hardening concrete is determined. Analysis of the test results showed that the proposed formulations, including a complex additive and basalt fiber, contributed to a decrease in the water-cement ratio, increased mobility of the mixture and increased strength of hardened concrete in the early and final hardening periods.

    Keywords: concretes, oil and gas storage, modifying additives, fiber, mobility, setting time, strength

  • Reliable 304 stainless steel, laser welded: YAG, for packaging photonic devices

    This article discusses strength testing of welded joints by pulling joint materials using an automated material testing system.

    Keywords: YAG laser welding, packaging of photonic devices, laser processing of materials.