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  • Оптимизация режима формования полимерных композитных конструкций на основе метода Парето

    Одним из важнейших факторов, исключающих возникновение дефектов типа пор, расслоений, участков с неполной полимеризацией связующего в формуемой высоконагруженной полимерной композитной конструкции, является управляемость процесса во всем объеме композита. Для обеспечения однородности процесса полимеризации связующего предложен метод многокритериальной оптимизации процесса на основе математической модели, связывающей процессы распространения тепла и кинетики полимеризации. Система связанных уравнений процесса, учитывающая экзотермическое тепло, выделяемое при полимеризации термореактивного связующего, изменение теплоемкости и теплопроводности композита при фазовых переходах от жидкого к гелеобразному и, далее, к твердому состоянию, точную геометрию технологической системы, включая прессформу, а также интенсивность тепловыделения независимо управляемых нагревателей, реализована в виде конечноэлементной модели. Предложенный метод синтеза закона оптимального управления нагревателями, использующий метод множеств Парето, проиллюстрирован на примере полимеризации разностенной композитной конструкции, формуемой из стеклопластика.

    Keywords: Композиционные материалы; Процесс полимеризации; Оптимальное управление; Кинетические уравнения; Уравнения в частных производных в задачах управления и оптимизации, Конечно-элементное моделирование, Фронт Парето

  • Тhermointense condition of designs taking into account the jamming in the basis and the pliability of end faces

    The main maintenance of a  results of calculation of a thermointense condition of beams depending on various ways of an attachment to the basis - jammed in the basis, with absolutely hard sealing-off on end faces and absence of any communications at end faces is considered. The analysis shows, that the more age of "blocks-communications", the more they possess rigidity. It means, that they are less pliable, and sizes of pressure in the settlement block are close to pressure in the block with the jammed end faces.  

    Keywords: Termointense, concrete, block, communication, support, suppleness, pinched, temperature, movement

  • Development simulator of wireless sensor network

    "This research focuses on the development of wireless sensor network simulator. The simulator is designed using multiagent model approach. For the software implementation the multi-agent simulation library MASON and the graph modeling, analysis and visualization library JUNG are used. The experimental research of simulator directed at the efficiency and precision estimation were carried out. The experiments were performed on networks of various sizes. The latest wireless technology and progress in chip manufacturing in the past few years allowed to move to the practical development and implementation of a new class of distributed communication systems - wireless sensor networks (WSN). The aim of this work is the creation of a wireless sensor network simulator, which makes it possible to simulate its operation in different modes, including using various routing protocols. This simulator is considered as the basis tool for analysis and optimization of wireless sensor networks. One of the objectives of the developed simulator is to analyze the impact of different routing protocols on the separate/overload nodes, involved in retransmission packets, sourced from other network nodes. The need to develop a simulator is due to the fact that the choice of many technical solutions arising in the design of information systems with the WSN can not be only based on laboratory tests conducted on a small network. Real information systems, such as environmental monitoring system, consist of a large number of nodes, which is impossible to reproduce in the laboratory . Therefore, the task of developing simulator WSN is relevant. Currently, there are several approaches and appropriate tools for simulation of wireless sensor networks. So, for the development of simulator, you can use the package modeling networks ns-2/ns-3 . This package is a general-purpose simulation system, strength of which is the possibility of a realistic simulation of the physical propagation of signals. However, the use of this system for simulation WSN requires writing extensions. Other than that ns--2/ns-3 allows only to simulate network, but can not stimulate the work of software nodes. Simulator TOSSIM is deprived of this deficiency . It allows to simulate the work as separate nodes, and large networks, consisting of hundreds or even thousands of nodes; and gives the developer the ability to analyze and test the code, which is designed for the real hardware. The compiler, included in TOSSIM, replaces the low-level application components that interact with hardware resources of the node with the components interacting with the implementations of these devices in the simulator. With this the simulator executes the same code as the real network nodes. However, the simulator has a relatively low productivity and is not suitable for multiple simulation of large sensor networks, which is essential in the development of tools to optimize WSN. Therefore, along with the use of this simulator , we decided to develop a simpler, but at the same time, more rapid and scalable simulator."

    Keywords: Wireless sensor networks, multi-agent simulation, simulation model, MASON, JUNG

  • The software package for the calculation of sanitary efficiency of capture contaminants

    The paper presents an algorithm for calculation program the dispersion of pollutants in the air of industrial premises. The program is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of sanitary hazards of capture

    Keywords: efficiency of capture, pollutants, air quality, algorithm, method of large particles

  • Modeling of business processes of building company by the ARIS program

    The target of the article consists of explore methodology of the program ARIS and modeling business process of building company. We reviewed how you can visualize and detail any process by the instruments of the ARIS. The most important thing that you can improved performance of your business if you use methodology of modeling business process. This program help to do your activity more understandable for analyzes and future prognoses. By the instruments of the ARIS you can imagine different variants of realization project events

    Keywords: building company, business process; modeling; methodology of the ARIS

  • The model predictive control system simulation for the catalytic cracking process of oil

    The especially the functioning of fluid catalytic cracking plant are considered. A mathematical model of a catalytic cracking plant is presented here. Implemented model identification based on experimental data. The predictive controller based on predictive control method for dynamic processes is developed. Effectiveness of the approach is confirmed by the results of catalytic cracking plant simulation. 

    Keywords: catalytic cracking, modeling, model predictive control, multivariate control system, optimization

  • Mathematical modeling of the process in Eshkakon storage reservoir and its practical significance

    The mathematical model of storage reservoir has been deduced. The deposition rate of particles in reservoir has been calculated. It is concluded that storage reservoir is a preliminary sedimentation tank.

    Keywords: storage reservoir, preliminary sedimentation tank, mathematical model, deposition rate

  • Modeling and optimization of cycles of development of decisions at management of the automated production

      Optimization of cycles of development of decisions at management of the automated production is considered. Dependence of validity on option of the organization of process of development of the decision is considered. Statements of optimizing tasks for definition of distribution of time of obtaining the decision for various contours of management are given.

    Keywords: optimization, management cycle, model, process of development of decisions

  • Tools to support the modeling process, which is based on L-systems

    It is proposed software-technological complex for modeling, which uses L-systems (Lindenmayer Systems) as the tools of modeling and visualization. The main purpose is to construct models of processes and structures that have a fractal nature. The complex supports different types of L-systems: deterministic context-free L-systems, stochastic L-systems, parametric L-systems, context sensitive L-systems. The developed tools have been used to model and analyze the socio-economic processes.

    Keywords: L-systems, modeling, Fractal, Self-similar structures, Production rules, Grammar, Graphic interpretation

  • Abstracts

