A model that implements a method for assessing the security of a special purpose automated information system is considered in the article. The model takes into account both the intensity of the load on the system and the number of channels as a means of protecting information from DDoS attacks based on the combination of theoretical and empirical approaches to assessing security of special purpose automated information system. The transition from a theoretical model using empirical states and continuous time to a discrete time model is applied to build a new model. The purpose of the work is to develop a model that implements a method for assessing the security of a special purpose automated information system against DDoS attacks based on a theoretical-empirical approach to modeling information protection means against DDoS attacks.The following tasks are solved in the article: analysis of known models that implement the method for assessing the security of special purpose automated information system from DDoS attacks; the model which implements a method for assessing the security of special purpose automated information system based on a theoretical-empirical approach to modeling information protection against DDoS attacks is being developed. The use of the new model makes it possible to apply both empirical values obtained as a result of measurements or modeling, and a theoretical basis for modeling information protection means under the influence of DDoS attacks, taking into account their characteristics, which will be reflected by the income function and the choice of the optimal mode of functioning of the special purpose automated information system in discrete moments in time. When synthesizing the models presented in the article, the lack of the static nature of the assessment of the security of the special purpose automated information system was eliminated, the intensity of computer attacks such as DDoS, which dynamically changes both the parameters evaluating the means of protection and the probability of the system being in critical states, was taken into account.
Keywords: automated system, modeling, security assessment, queuing system, probabilistic assessment, DDoS attack
A method for determining the optimal value of the heat transfer resistance of a three-layer exterior wall of a country cottage building is presented. As an optimization criterion, the specific consumption of thermal energy for the weekly cycle of operation of the building is selected. As a result of the study of the function describing the total specific energy consumption for heat loss compensation and heating of 1 m2 of the outer wall, an analytical expression was obtained to determine the optimal value of the heat transfer resistance. Based on the obtained solution, the thickness of the monolithic expanded clay concrete used as a structural and thermal insulation material in the outer wall is optimized. An analytical relationship is obtained to evaluate the energy-saving effect due to additional insulation of the outer wall of a country cottage.
Keywords: intermittent heating, heat transfer resistance, enclosing structure, energy consumption, heat protection characteristics
The object of the research, the result of which is the presented work, is a comprehensive system of spatial data of the railway infrastructure, within which a high-precision system of coordinates of the Russian Railways has been created, and methods definition of normal heights in the Baltic Heights System 1977. The strategy and prospects for the development of high-speed transport highways (VSM) have been described. Methods for determining normal heights at research sites are given.
Keywords: monitoring, buildings, facilities, engineering and geodesic research, laser scanning, GNSS receivers, design, construction, observations, geodesic measurements
Setting the indirect reinforcement in the form of cross welded mesh is one of the effective ways to increase the strength and deformation characteristics of compressed concrete. When performing engineering calculations of structures with indirect reinforcement, in order to ensure the required reliability, it is necessary to use the design values of the strength of materials. At the same time, initially the calculation formulas were derived and analyzed for the experimental average strength values, which are significantly higher than the design ones. Based on the results of the calculations, it was found that a simple substitution of the calculated strength values in the formulas leads to an overestimation of the strength and ultimate compressibility values of concrete with indirect reinforcement.
Keywords: indirect reinforcement, welded mesh, volumetric stress state, compression diagram
" This article deals with the problem of fixing bulk and weak soils, leveling the deformation properties of soils during their water saturation. The technology of injecting the fixing cement-sand solution, closed with a solution of liquid glass, was described on the example of fixing the base under the foundations of a residential building under construction in the floodplain zone of the Taganrog Bay on Kruysa Street.
Keywords: structurally unstable soil, hydrogeological risk, floodplain zone, foundation consolidation, cementation, liquid glass, cement-sand mortar, foundation plate, deformation, ground water
In recent years, studies have begun on the possibility of using anhydrite binders. However, the slow hardening makes it difficult to use this binder for residential and civil construction. The elimination of these difficulties is possible as a result of a deep and comprehensive study of the hardening process of anhydrite binder and the properties of the resulting stone, will make it possible to develop a technology for the manufacture of various building structures based on this binder.
Keywords: Investigation of the properties of a material based on a modified anhydrite binder
The article presents a comparison of architectural and planning solutions of social housing in the USSR, modern Russia and abroad. The socio-economic prerequisites of mass development in our country in different years are briefly considered. General disadvantages of design solutions of old and modern houses are analyzed, such as lack of unique architecture, small variety of layouts and insufficient area of apartments. The purpose of the article is to identify the shortcomings of typical development in domestic construction and to search for redevelopment directions to increase the comfort of small-sized housing, taking into account the individual preferences of residents. The article presents the main possibilities of improving the comfort of inexpensive residential premises. Several areas of redevelopment of small-sized apartments are offered, such as expanding the useful area by changing the purpose of small-used passage zones, redistributing the area by highlighting various functional zones, applying a circular layout and the effects of visual volume increase.Possibilities to increase comfort of small area housing are described: expansion of useful area by transformation of underutilized zones, redistribution of area with allocation of separate functional zones, use of circular layout. In the future, it is proposed to expand the range of unique architectural and planning solutions in modern construction.
Keywords: apartment, small area, redevelopment, housing improvement, planning solution, functional zone, comfort, social housing, affordable housing
The article presents the parameters of the operation of water-jet elevator units, which are widely used in heat supply systems. A new design of a water-jet elevator unit with a pulsed heat transfer medium, adjustable depending on the outside air temperature without using a mixing pump, is proposed. A description of the design and principle of operation of a water-jet elevator unit with a pulsed heat carrier suspension is given. To confirm the effectiveness of the proposed technical solution, laboratory hydraulic tests of the.
Keywords: Elevator, weather control, heating system, controller, pump, valve, sensor, temperature, heat energy, tariff
The design documentation was developed, the layout was made, and an experimental study of the direction-finding receiver was conducted. A functional diagram and a description of the design are given. The method of the experiment is given. Shows the achievement of the following parameters: operating frequency range: centimeter; the dynamic range of the signals at the entrance 48 dB; the duration of the received pulses is not less than 0.1 µs; the irregularity of amplitude-frequency characteristics of not more than 5 dB.
Keywords: direction finding receiver, logarithmic receiver, amplitude-frequency response, amplitude response, dynamic range
The stress-strain state of a two-phase body under the action of a load is described using a system of partial differential equations (Lame equations), the analytical solution of which can be obtained for a narrow class of problems. To apply one of the variational methods to solving the generalized Lamé system, a functional is written based on the potential energy of deformations, which allows us to expand the range of tasks for the study of mechanical processes in soil foundations under engineering structures.
Keywords: two-phase body, water-saturated soil base, potential energy of a two-phase body, stress-strain state
A model of passenger traffic movement is proposed that is suitable for identifying hidden patterns in the processes of passenger flow creation. The passenger flow is divided into four components, for which separate passenger flow submodels are developed: quasi-deterministic passenger flow from leaving stops to points of mass attraction of passengers; stochastic hourly passenger flow from each arrival stop to different districts of the city; stochastic flow that models the distribution of passengers between final stops in accordance with the degree of popularity of stops; chaotic distribution of passenger traffic between stops with a small number of daily visits. The results of calculations of the quasi-deterministic passenger traffic submodel from leaving stops to points of mass passenger attraction are estimated.
Keywords: passenger transport, passenger traffic models, passenger behavior patterns, modeling
The article analyzes the practical experience of regenerating the unique industrial environment of the industrial territories of large cities in Russia and Europe. The main methods of regeneration of a unique industrial environment are considered, depending on the degree of preservation of industrial function.
Keywords: regeneration, unique industrial environment, urban environment, industrial heritage, development of territories
The study is devoted to the analysis of satellite observations data assimilation to discover the necessary information for developing and verifying mathematical models of hydrodynamics and biological shallow-water kinetics. The use of satellite earth sensing data is taken to enhance information base. The possible use of neural networks with optical flow computation is considered in the study. The objective of the study is to develop a software tool used to identify the initial conditions in mathematical modeling of hydrobilogical shallow-water processes. The article illustrates the relevance of applying the observational data processing from satellite earth sensing. There are considered the necessity and possibility of using the neural network approach with the optical flow computation in solving problems of information processing from gray-scale snapshots.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, shallow water body, satellite sensing data, neural network, contour, image processing
The subject of research is the development of a service for searching through user files for a given set of keywords with parameters. The available approaches to solving such a problem were studied and the most relevant one was selected. The service searches inside files with text content in order to automate the process of selecting the desired files among the entire set. Its work is based on Porter's algorithm and uses a text stemming approach in order to obtain more accurate results. Searches for the stem of a word, taking morphology into account. Performing a morphological parsing of a word, a base is found common for all its grammatical forms, cutting off suffixes and endings. As a result, the algorithm of the service allows you to search not just for the given keywords, but also takes into account their word forms, and also searches for several sets of keywords at once, each set is analyzed separately. In addition, you can specify ranges of numeric values to search for. A feature of the service is that sets of keywords are searched together in nearby paragraphs within the range of -20 to +20 words from each other, thus taking into account the context of their appearance in the text. The service ranks the found documents according to the quality of their matching search criteria. Files in basic formats are processed: doc, xls, pdf, txt. The service operates on a Linux platform under the control of the Apache web server. Free software tools were used for development.
Keywords: search engine, document analysis, stemming, Porter's algorithm, word forms, morphology, arithmetic mean of percent, web service
The main process of stratum fluid extraction in Russia is mechanized lifting. It is observed that the stock of wells equipped with electric centrifugal pumps units has grown by 50% over the past 10 years, to almost 100,000 units. Growth detected in the average time between overhauls of the oil-well stock during this period increased by 50%, to almost 800 days. Mathematical modeling becomes a tool for further improving energy efficiency and reliability. The purposes of this work is to analyze existing models of submersible electric motors and their area of operations, identify existing shortcomings and limitations, and formulate requirements for the refined model and its application potential. The results of a thermоvisional inspecting of the rotor of a submersible electric motor after long-term operation in idle mode are presented. The temperature dispersion of the rotor packages is recorded from 36.68 °C to 46.67 °C. Different packages temperatures lead to uneven changes in the active resistances of the windings, which affect the contribution of each package to the integral operating and Electromechanical characteristics of the submersible motor. For taking into account the detected effect, it is proposed to model a submersible asynchronous electric motor as an electrotechnical complex consisting of an interacting and mutually influencing set of elementary electric machines. Spatial and mathematical models are presented that take into account temperature fluctuations in individual parts of the electric motor. The results of verification of the mathematical model are presented. Its validity in the field of applicability is shown.
Keywords: electric submersible motor, ESP, rotor pack, mathematical model, thermal processes