Intracellular microinjection - a method of direct introduction of cellular organelles and solutions of substances into living cells. The technique of microinjection into nerve cells by puncturing their processes - axons , which are often surrounded by a dense glial sheath, are described. To puncture the sheath a special injector transmitting microvibrations of ultrasonic frequency on the injection capillary was designed. The results of using the proposed microinjection technique for introducing fluorescent marker in large axons of model object - crayfish ventral nerve cord, to visualize the morphology of axons, were shown.
Keywords: intracellular microinjection, neuron, axon, glial sheath, ultrasound vibration, piezoelectric transducer
The authors suggest two approaches to constructing hypotheses about the interactions of proteins on the basis of the results of tracking the changes in their levels during the studied biological process. The first approach is based on the use of machine mining of biological texts, which are freely available on the Internet. The second is related to the execution of database queries on binary protein-protein interactions . To specify the experimental context in obtained protein networks, filtering of the protein entities on the basis of needed ontology from database Gene Ontology was used.
Keywords: text mining, data base, protein-protein interaction, protein networks