The introduction of new standards of higher education, especially the mentality of today's youth lead to the fact that the established methods of teaching classes in high school, by the way, is still widely practiced, do not allow the full interest of students and to provide high efficiency of development of the subject. In connection with the above, great interest is holding lectures with interactive forms obucheniya.Odnoy of the most effective and low-cost training in interactive forms a lecture scheduled errors (lecture-provocation). Teach people to think, quickly analyze professional situations, to act as experts, to work in a team - all this is possible if we use different kinds of interactive activities, including this kind as to the planned lecture errors.
Keywords: systematic approach, improving the efficiency of the educational process, lecture scheduled errors, interactive activity, activation of learning and cognitive activity, technical discipline
The paper presents the modern techniques and methods of system approach to the organization of the learning process mechanics. We consider some examples of the use of educational technologies and forms of management of educational process, allowing largely to optimize the educational and cognitive activity of students. Called active methods of training, aimed at studying self-mastery knowledge and skills in the process of active mental and practical activities.Interactive learning is a special form of organization of educational activity, which is a joint activity of students in mastering of educational material, the exchange of information and knowledge.
Keywords: effectiveness of learning, active and interactive forms of learning, the education system, improving the efficiency of the educational process