The design of radiation-hardened circuits the use of special technologies and the use of additional circuit techniques. The efficiency of using these methods to improve the scheme qualitative indicators can be assessed by some evaluation. The paper presents the efficiency evaluation method of special voltage feedbacks application in dynamic loads of the classical differential stages. The stages with dynamic loads are apply, for example, in the schemes of differential and multidifferential operational amplifiers. The purpose of the introduction of these feedbacks is the reducing of the effect of transistors low-signal parameters instability under the influence of destabilizing factors (radiation and temperature). For the organization of feedback circuits in the structure of dynamic loads, additional voltage amplifiers based on transistors are introduced into the circuit. It is shown that this approach can increase the output resistance of the dynamic load and increase the gain coefficient of the differential stage under the influence of ionizing radiation and temperature. The efficiency evaluation method is based on the construction of a mathematical model of the scheme expressed through low-signal differential h-parameters of scheme transistors. Thus, the calculation of the main qualitative indicators of the scheme can be carried out by mathematical modeling. The obtained simulation results confirm the efficiency of the proposed circuit design.
Keywords: efficiency evaluation, circuit design, dynamic load, low-signal parameters, radiation
The methods and results of designing instrumentation amplifiers multidifferential on two operational amplifiers that significantly reduce the voltage of zero drift circuit and its transfer efficiency of the common-mode voltage. In practical terms, these methods can solve the important task of building a precision analog interface for resistive bridge sensors, which operate over a wide temperature range. Also, it is possible to use multi-bit ADC with a significantly lower reference voltage. Keywords: mixed systems on a chip, instrumentation amplifiers, common-mode signal, multidifferential DU, voltage zero drift, temperature range, multibit ADC.
Keywords: mixed systems on a chip, instrumentation amplifiers, common-mode signal, multidifferential OA, voltage zero drift, temperature range, multibit ADC.