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  • Import substitution of the oxygen-converter steel production control systems controller equipments at the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works with using domestic equipment

    The high relevance of issues related to the import substitution of foreign controller equipment with domestic developments for automated process control systems at mining and metallurgical companies is dictated by the lack of possibility of purchasing and technical support for automated process control components to ensure continuous production of mining and metallurgical enterprises, as well as to meet the needs of the country ferrous metallurgy products. This article discusses the development of an automated control system for the technological process of steel production in an oxygen converter at the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant using controllers from a domestic manufacturer. The transition to automated control systems based on domestic controller equipment is a strategically important step for the enterprise, aimed at increasing the efficiency of production processes, increasing system reliability and production stability, by optimizing technological processes and reducing production dependence on imported equipment.

    Keywords: import substitution, converter, oxygen-converter production, steel production, controller, automated control systems

  • Methodology for Creating the Electronic Structure of High-Tech Electronic Products

    The traditional cycle of manufacturing high-tech electronic products was examined, and a methodology for its optimization was developed. The interrelation between the stages of design documentation development and the electronic structure of the product was established. The methodology significantly reduced the manufacturing time of products by parallel development of the electronic structure alongside the product. The rationale for applying the methodology in design was provided.

    Keywords: electronic structure of the product, eBOM, 1C:PLM, procurement of components

  • Overview of energy storage interconnection topologies and its control methods

    Currently one of the promising trends in the global energy sector is the introduction of renewable energy sources (RES) into the existing grid. The use of RES can be favourable in autonomous power systems where fuel costs are high. However the stochastic nature of power generation creates a number of difficulties in maintaining the power balance. To solve this problem, it is proposed to connect a hybrid energy storage system (HESS) consisting of a battery and a supercapacitor to the load busbars. The efficiency of such HESS depends mainly on the way of its connection to the grid and the choice of control method. The article gives an overview of the existing mechanisms for controlling the power consumption of HESS.

    Keywords: Renewable energy, hybrid electricity storage, power converter topology, electricity storage control strategy

  • Development of a behavior pattern for a game bot with artificial intelligence elements based on Markov chains

    The subject of this article is the development of a behavior pattern with AI elements for an opponent bot in the single-player game Steal Tower. The essence of which is to collect resources to build a tower faster than opponents. To create the illusion that the same people are playing against the player, an imitation stochastic model based on the Monte Carlo method for Markov chains has been developed. Based on the results of its tests, balanced system parameters were determined, which are embedded in the behavioral pattern of the bot, which is implemented using the Enum AIStates enumeration consisting of five states: Idle (inactivity), GoTo (movement) and GoToWarehouse (return to the warehouse), Win (victory), Loose (scoring). Each of them has developed functions for the optimal behavior of the bot given in the article. So for the GoTo state, functions have been created that analyze the benefits of different types of behavior: steal or collect, or walk to the warehouse or to the tower.

    Keywords: game intelligence, behavioral pattern, live world emulation, bot behavior scenario, state structure, Markov chains, Monte Carlo method, simulation model, Unity environment, C# language

  • Programming the robot controller to implement the technological process of laser cutting

    Stepper motors are often used in automated laser cutting systems. The control circuit of a stepper motor requires a special electronic device - a driver, which receives logical signals as input and changes the current in the motor windings to provide motion parameters. This research study evaluated stepper motor drivers to determine the feasibility of their use - PLDS880, OSM-42RA, OSM-88RA. To control the system, software code was written, which was connected to the controller via a link board. With each driver, in different modes, optimal parameters were selected (initial speed, final speed and acceleration), that is, the movement of the carriage without stalling for ten passes with a minimum travel time. The results of the experiments are presented in the form of tables.

    Keywords: laser, laser cutting, automation, technological process, stepper motor, performance, driver, controller, control circuit, optimal parameters

  • Comparison of results of analytical and simulation modelling of the process of selective assembly of two elements taking into account measurement errors during sorting

    The validity of analytical models of the process of one-parameter selective assembly of two elements was evaluated by comparison with the results of simulation modelling. A series of machine experiments including one-factor and two-factor experiments were carried out. At the accepted levels of variation of factors, the confidence interval of the probability of yield of good products from the initial population of elements that did not pass sorting was determined using Student's criterion at the given level of significance and number of degrees of freedom. Comparison of the simulation results revealed the facts of reaching the specified process indicator, determined by the analytical model, for all experiments within the confidence intervals and the presence of relatively small deviations from their centres.

    Keywords: selective assembly, analytical model, simulation model, measurement error, simulation results

  • Implementation of neural network models for predicting performance in a smart greenhouse

    This article explores the introduction and implementation of neural network models in the field of agriculture, with an emphasis on their use in smart greenhouses. Smart greenhouses are innovative systems for controlling the microclimate and other factors affecting plant growth. Using neural networks trained on data on soil moisture, temperature, illumination and other parameters, it is possible to predict future indicators with high accuracy. The article discusses the stages of data collection and preparation, the learning process of neural networks, as well as the practical implementation of this approach. The results of the study highlight the prospects for the introduction of neural networks in the agricultural sector and their important role in optimizing plant growth processes and increasing the productivity of agricultural enterprises.

    Keywords: neural network, predicting indicators, smart greenhouse, artificial intelligence, data modeling, microclimate

  • Automated control system for the drying process of ceramic bricks

    The work is devoted to an urgent problem - the development of automated process control systems for the production of bricks with improved characteristics. The purpose of the article is to define and systematize the tasks of automation of brick production control systems, to develop both an algorithm for managing brick production and a generalized structure of automated control systems for brick production, and the tasks of the work are: optimization of control automation levels that determine the generalized structure of automated control systems for brick production, determination of information collection subsystems corresponding to the stages of brick production, and development of their structures, the choice of basic measurement tools for information collection subsystems. The results of the work are: systematization of requirements for modern automated process control systems, development of an algorithm for controlling technological processes and a generalized structural scheme of automated process control systems for brick production, development of information collection subsystems for the developed automated process control system, development of the structure of a local automated process control system in brick production - brick drying. The developed technical solutions can be recommended for control automation in various industries.

    Keywords: brick production, technological process, drying, firing, control algorithm, automated control system, structural scheme, information collection subsystem, single-channel circuit, multi-channel circuit, measuring circuit, four-arm bridge circuit

  • Analysis of U-Net-Attention and SegGPT neural networks in the problem of crack segmentation in road surface images

    This paper examines and compares two neural networks, U-Net-Attention and SegGPT, which use different attention mechanisms to find relationships between different parts of the input and output data. The U-Net-Attention architecture is a dual-layer attention U-Net neural network, an efficient neural network for image segmentation. It has an encoder and decoder, combined connections between layers and connections that pass through hidden layers, which allows information about the local properties of feature maps to be conveyed. To improve the quality of segmentation, the original U-Net architecture includes an attention layer, which helps to enhance the search for the image features we need. The SegGPT model is based on the Visual Transformers architecture and also uses an attention mechanism. Both models focus attention on important aspects of a problem and can be effective in solving a variety of problems. In this work, we compared their work on segmenting cracks in road surface images to further classify the condition of the road surface as a whole. An analysis and conclusions are also made about the possibilities of using architectural transformers to solve a wide range of problems.

    Keywords: machine learning, Transformer neural networks, U-Net-Attention, SegGPT, roadway condition analysis, computer vision

  • Designing an application to collect data from third-party Internet sources

    This article discusses the basic principles and design patterns of an application for collecting data from third-party sources. Research has been carried out on various methods of obtaining data, including web scraping, using APIs and file parsing. It also describes various approaches to extracting information from structured and unstructured sources.

    Keywords: internet sources, API, parsing, web, headless browser, scraping, etag, data collection

  • Development of the educational and research laboratory stand based on the programmable logic controller SPK110

    The laboratory base in higher educational institutions should be equipped with modern stands with equipment that corresponds to the technological level of the real equipment of industrial enterprises. Practical training of highly qualified engineering personnel in the field of industrial automation is one of the key factors in the technological development of the material production sectors of our economy. The formation of students' skills required by the real sectors of the economy is possible only during practical and laboratory classes using laboratory stands based on modern domestic equipment. The article discusses the issues of designing and constructing a mobile multifunctional laboratory stand for the industrial automation based on the programmable logic controller of the national production SPK110, provides a functional diagram and wiring diagram of the laboratory stand, provides a complete list of electrical components used to create the stand. The performed economic assessment of the manufacture of the laboratory stand gives grounds to conclude that it is economically feasible to produce such stands by the staff of the departments of industrial automation. The article also shows the experience of introducing this laboratory stand into the educational process of bachelor's degree preparation in the direction of 15.03.04 “Automation of technological processes and productions". The laboratory stand based on the SPK110 is a multifunctional, mobile stand designed to implement multi-level tasks of industrial automation, which can also be used as a visual aid when conducting career guidance and exhibition events in extracurricular premises. The project to create the laboratory stand can be scaled up in other higher educational institutions of our country without spending time on the preparatory and research parts.

    Keywords: programmable logic controller, laboratory stand, industrial automation, automation of technological processes and productions

  • The use of automated systems to improve the quality of metrological support of measuring instruments

    This article discusses the automation of metrological ensure at manufacturing enterprises and in metrological laboratories with a special focus on innovative technologies, including the introduction of enterprise resource planning systems (ERP systems) and the use of calibrator standards. The functioning of automated measuring systems that implement pre-established algorithms for control and testing measuring instruments is considered. An analysis of existing solutions on both the domestic and foreign markets was carried out. In particular, the focus is on a meter designed for testing integrated circuits. The possibility of integrating these measuring systems with software at various levels is discussed, as well as the prospects for their use in mass calibration of measuring instruments. The use of automated measuring systems can significantly speed up the calibration process, eliminating the need for manual voltage regulation and thereby minimizing the influence of the human factor on the accuracy of measurements. The adaptive capabilities of the software are discussed, which allows the system to be used for various types of measuring instruments, such as ammeters and ohmmeters. The findings confirm that automation of calibration processes not only significantly speeds up this operations, but also ensures strict adherence to all procedures, which helps improve the quality and reliability of the resulting measurements.

    Keywords: Measuring systems, verification, calibration, measuring instruments, , automation, voltmeter, verification procedure

  • Research and modernization of the automated oil filling system

    The article discusses the issues of modernization of the automated system for filling petroleum products (ASN). The complexity of maintenance of the automated control system due to the lack of up-to-date documentation and updated software, as well as periodic failures and high cost of spare parts became the main reasons for the implementation of modernization. Automatic control systems based on the law of proportional-integral-differential regulation have been developed: using a shut-off control valve with a positional actuator or a frequency converter to control the ACN. Mathematical models of the automatic control system have been developed in the MATLAB program using the Simulink library. An experimental model of a pumping station was assembled in laboratory conditions, and simulation modeling of the operation of an automated control system for a discharge and filling station was carried out. According to the results of experimental studies on the direct characteristics of assessing the quality of the transient process, the graph of a circuit with a frequency converter demonstrates the best results.

    Keywords: automated pumping station, petroleum products, mathematical models, PID controller

  • Development of an adaptive control system for asphalt concrete mixture formulation for Vietnam based on the experiences of Russia

    As of today, in Vietnam, to ensure stability and improve the quality of asphalt concrete, the main focus is on the application of new technologies, materials, or the improvement of design methods. However, despite significant achievements in this area, the issue of automating the processes of asphalt concrete mixture production management remains insufficiently researched and implemented. Based on the experience accumulated in Russia, the authors propose developing a system of adaptive control for the asphalt concrete mixture recipe, which contributes to the stabilization and improvement of production quality. In the article, the authors present the structure of the control system and its algorithms, as well as describe the results of modeling and evaluating the effectiveness of this system. The study shows that the adaptive control system for the asphalt concrete mixture recipe, developed based on the experience from Russia, successfully demonstrates its effectiveness in the conditions of Vietnam.

    Keywords: asphalt concrete, asphalt concrete mix, Marshall stability, control system, formulation, simulation model, modeling, MATLAB, management efficiency

  • Feasibility study of the choice between active and passive methods of noise and vibration suppression in liquid filling shops

    Occupational safety is one of the important aspects of the organization of work in production. Domestic machines and units used in the food industry do not yet allow to exclude the impact of harmful and dangerous production factors, to make the work of employees safe. In this context, it is important to study active and passive methods of noise and vibration suppression, their effectiveness in ensuring normalized working conditions of workers on the example of a specific production. Existing research, as a rule, focuses on one criterion when choosing protection methods. However, an integrated approach is advisable in solving this problem. The purpose of this study was to choose a rational method of protecting personnel from the effects of noise and vibration based on the economic justification of effective technical solutions. The obtained research results make it possible to take into account the criteria for evaluating the validity and acceptability of choosing a particular protection method, including from the standpoint of technical and economic calculation, when designing a security system. The above study showed the expediency of import substitution in the food and beverage industry, as well as the correlation between the introduced protection systems and an increase in the level of safety. The given algorithm of the feasibility study has the properties of scale and generality. It can be successfully implemented when choosing methods of protection from the effects of other harmful production factors found in various industries.

    Keywords: acoustic factor, protection methods, active and passive methods, economic justification, sound pressure levels, experimental data

  • The ESC architectural pattern as a way to implement an object-oriented approach in programming

    A programming method based on the ESC pattern is presented. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that the object-oriented approach is one of the most popular and sought-after ways to develop an information product due to a huge regularly updated selection of various methods, templates and ways of its implementation. The most significant of them is Entity System Component (ESC). This method of implementing OOP allows you to make the software product flexible and extensible. The ESC pattern is based on the reactive programming method and divides the entire code architecture into three components: entity, system, component. The tool package that implements the ESC pattern is the ESC DOTS package, designed for the Unity3D environment. The built-in Jobs System package provides the ability to work with multi-threaded programming in Unity. This package distributes threads created at runtime into groups of a certain type, which have a strictly limited execution time. Thus, the task of enumerating an array of several hundred elements goes into a Temp type thread, which runs for one frame in Unity, and the enumeration of a million polygons of the Unity landscape is placed in a Persistent type thread, which has an unlimited time limit.

    Keywords: object-oriented programming, Unity framework, ESC pattern, multi-threaded programming, reactive programming, extensible architecture, package manager

  • Determining the degree of masking of a ball mill based on measuring the vibration acceleration of the drum surface

    The article presents aspects of the development of a device for wirelessly picking up a vibration acceleration signal from the surface of a ball mill drum. The results of measuring vibration acceleration for a ball mill model for various levels of loading with crushed material are presented. According to these results, with an increase in the load of crushed materials relative to the ball, the level of vibration decreases. The work also presents the obtained pie diagrams of the distribution of vibration load across the mill drum, from which one can judge its current operating mode.

    Keywords: ball mill, wireless signal, vibration acceleration, mill loading control

  • Automatic asphalt concrete mix composition selection program considering Vietnam conditions

    Asphalt concrete mixes are the primary construction material for road surfaces, and precise design of their composition plays a key role in the quality and durability of road pavements. This article discusses the challenges associated with designing asphalt concrete mix compositions and presents a developed system for automatic mix selection. The automatic asphalt concrete mix composition selection system is a powerful tool for optimizing the material selection process used in road construction. This system can calculate the optimal mix composition, taking into account technical and economic constraints, leading to increased accuracy and reliability in mix selection. The advantages of this system include reducing the time and cost of the selection process, enabling testing and analysis of various mix options, ultimately improving the quality and durability of road pavements.

    Keywords: asphalt concrete, asphalt concrete mix, composition selection, least squares method, linear programming method, software, automation, Python, Microsoft Access

  • Simulation modeling of the relay transmission system of a multi-motor electric drive of a conveyor train

    The modeling of a multi-motor linear electric drive of a conveyor train is considered. A diagram of the simulation model made in the Simulink program is given. Graphs of the speed and force of the electric drive during the relay transmission of the secondary element are given. The conclusion is formulated that the system fulfills the requirements placed on it.

    Keywords: simulation modeling, Simulink, linear asynchronous motor, electric drive, conveyor train, relay transmission

  • Determination of the granulometric composition of the result of drilling and blasting operations in a quarry using neural networks

    The drilling and blasting method is currently the most widely used for mining rocks. An indicator of the high–quality drilling and blasting operations is the uniform granulometric composition of the exploded rock mass - the percentage of oversized ore pieces should be minimal. The percentage of oversized and its increase have a significant impact on the technical processes of transporting rock mass, leading to an increase in the costs of loading and transportation operations and secondary crushing of oversized ore masses. The paper describes the results of a study of methods for determining the granulometric composition of drilling and blasting operations using neural networks of segmentation Unet and FPN. Images taken from UAVs are used for analysis. A method of classifying ore by size has also been developed, which ensures the accuracy of the proportion of correct answers of more than 0.91. The expected result of the introduction of the system for automatic determination of the granulometric composition of drilling and blasting operations is the possibility of more accurate control over the quality of their performance.

    Keywords: granulometric composition, Unet, FPN, classification, segmentation

  • Exploring the possibilities of the Python programming language for creating intelligent baggage scanning systems

    This study is devoted to analyzing the capabilities of the Python programming language when creating information systems for detecting dangerous objects in luggage. As a result, a recognition system architecture was developed, including the following main components: an image processing module, a machine learning module, a database and a user interface. The software chosen is Python with the libraries PySide6, SQLite, Numpy, YOLO. The information system was implemented and tested on real data, which confirmed the correctness of the selected capabilities and technologies of the Python language for the development of security information systems.

    Keywords: information system, security, neural network, machine learning, pattern recognition, performance

  • Methodological foundations of working with the Modbus TCP protocol with an example in the high-level Python programming language

    This article explores a method for executing data collection systems based on the widely-used industrial protocol, Modbus TCP. In this configuration, the server is a program emulating the Modbus TCP protocol.To implement the client an algorithm and furnished a practical Python programming illustration that employs a lower-level socket library.

    Keywords: python, socket, modbus

  • Automation of a universal de-icing mixture spreader by integrating data from road weather stations

    This article discusses the possibility of changing the formulation of an anti-icing mixture directly in a combined road machine, by integrating data from road weather stations and modernizing a universal spreader. To quickly change the recipe of the distributed mixture, using the example of a sand-salt mixture, it is proposed to use a two-hopper universal spreader with an automated control system. The recipe for the distributed anti-icing mixture is calculated depending on weather conditions. An example of LabVIEW software is given to solve the local problem of finding a current weather station.

    Keywords: automation, road machine, universal spreader, de-icing materials, composition selection, control system

  • Designing a payload access system for the hardware and software complex «Casket» platform

    With the development of technology, access systems with higher accuracy and levels of reliability have emerged. Access systems are a fascinating and important area of expertise, requiring knowledge from a wide range of disciplines such as information security, electronics, programming and systems administration. Therefore, its further development requires highly qualified specialists. In this regard, to involve the younger generation, educational programs and courses aimed at training and intellectual development of adolescents are appearing. To practically reinforce the acquired knowledge, various educational kits and open-source laboratory stands are used, on which students can try their hand and implement ideas. This project has prospects for further development for work not only in terrestrial laboratories, but also at orbital stations - this aspect is especially interesting for young explorers of the Universe. The goal of the work is to create a safe and convenient access system for users, providing a high level of security and ease of use.

    Keywords: research, experiment, payload, space, remote control, self-determination, career guidance

  • A device for complex measurement of atmospheric parameters affecting the parameters of a solar cell based on Arduino

    This research paper presents a project to create a device for complex measurement of atmospheric parameters affecting the operation of a solar cell, based on the Arduino microcontroller. The purpose of the study is to develop a device capable of measuring illumination, temperature, humidity and wind speed to assess their impact on the efficiency of solar panels. The research paper describes the necessary components for assembling the device, such as a BH1750 light sensor, a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor, a Grove anemometer and an LCD display. A diagram of how to connect the components to the Arduino Uno microcontroller is provided, as well as an example of software code for collecting and displaying data. The results of the study include an analysis of the collected data to calculate the efficiency of the solar cell under various atmospheric conditions. Methods for correcting the data taking into account temperature changes and the cooling effect of the wind are considered. In conclusion, the possibilities for further improvement of the device are discussed, including anemometer calibration, integration with Internet services for remote monitoring, and adding a data storage function. The developed device can be used to optimize the operation of solar panels, as well as in research and educational projects aimed at studying the influence of external factors on the performance of solar cells.

    Keywords: arduino, solar cell, atmospheric measurement, atmospheric measurement device, solar radiation energy, atmospheric parameters sensors, automated measurement, meteorological data, renewable energy, solar radiation data