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  • Application of machine learning methods for the analysis of personality psychotypes

    This article discusses the solution of the problem of monitoring contact information in a social network and determining the personality psychotype based on it. Most of the material proposed by the developers works with English-language texts to determine the emotional coloring, their classification and, to a lesser extent, clustering. The approach proposed in the article is based on the use of the K-means method to solve the clustering problem of Russian-language texts and subsequent comparison with the results of working with the same data of an already trained model. During the work, was developed an effective method of parsing for collecting data. A proprietary data set has been collected and its processing and detailed analysis have been carried out. The result of the study allows us to make a primary assumption about what kind of psychotype a particular person has. It is quite difficult to determine the accuracy of the results of the task, since there is no predefined correct answer in machine learning without a teacher, and determining the psychotype is a difficult task from the point of view of psychology. All program code is written in the Python programming language.

    Keywords: clustering, psychotype, social network, sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic

  • The article is devoted to the issues of automation of software creation processes, in particular, the issue of creating universal means of testing applications for mobile devices

    The paper discusses in detail the process of creating a tool for automated testing that allows you to test applications created for Android and iOS and also provides the results of the research that allows you to determine the reduction in time spent on testing procedures for mobile applications that arise when using the developed tool for all qualifying categories of specialists involved in testing applications. The modular method of solution construction proposed by the authors will allow the future to simply expand the functionality of the solution by adding new algorithms and testing modes, significantly increasing the ""coverage area"" of automated test scenarios.

    Keywords: test automation, user interface testing, code generation, mobile testing, PageObject pattern, software testing, quality assurance, quality management, functional testing, time to market, delivery management

  • Determination and ranking of the targets of the offender in an attack on an important state object

    The article deals with the issues of determining and ranking the goals of the offender in an attack on an important state facility. The general goals of violators in an attack on an important state object are described, as well as important state objects with distributed goals preferred by the violator are considered. The material provides a definition of the common goal from the position of important state facilities, where the immediate goals are the subjects of physical protection. The ranking of targets is determined taking into account the probability of their selection by violators and potential losses in case of success of unauthorized actions, which allows you to correctly determine both the concept of creating a physical protection system and technical solutions for its implementation. The article describes the methods of peer review, which are solved by representatives of an important state object with the participation and with the help of independent experts of a specialized organization, who analyze the vulnerability of the object as a whole.

    Keywords: integrated security, methods, models, security forces, offenders, important state facilities, clashes between security and attack forces, offenders' goals

  • Using the Monty Hall paradox in project management tasks. Part I. Optimal choice of a strategy for increasing the innovative potential of an enterprise

    In this paper, we investigate the possibility of applying the theory of Monty Hall's paradox in tasks that require the need for an optimal choice of a strategy for developing the innovative potential of an enterprise. The article provides recommendations for taking into account and constructive use of the effects that affect the involved experts, in particular, the Condorcet principle and paradox. The paper explores the limits of applicability of the Monty Hall paradox theory. Its applicability is determined, together with considerations about the profitability of changing the initial choice in problems with the so-called "random intelligence".

    Keywords: decision support systems, mathematical modeling, expert evaluation, Monty Hall's paradox, project management, collective assessment, Condorcet's paradox, enterprise management, assessment of enterprise characteristics, innovative potential of an enterpris

  • Analysis of the current state of activity of duty units of territorial bodies of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia

    The article analyzes the current state of the duty units of territorial bodies of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia, namely the main activity of receiving and registering applications and reports on crimes, administrative offenses and incidents on the example of one of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Regression models reflecting the state of the operational situation in the serviced territories are constructed. The interrelations are shown by the level of registered statements and reports on crimes, administrative offenses, incidents of citizens and other indicators that indirectly or directly affect it. Conclusions were drawn about the need to modernize the assessment methodology of duty units of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

    Keywords: duty unit, regression analysis, internal affairs agencies, mathematical modeling, assessment of the activity of duty units

  • Analysis of the stability of the technological system for the production of caramel

    The paper considers the operator model of the technological system for the production of caramel, assesses the stability of the subsystems and the content of the technological system. For a consistently stable caramel formation subsystem using the Shewhart map under specific production conditions, an analysis of the stability of the subsystem was carried out.

    Keywords: operator model, subsystem, system integrity, process stability, control charts, average values, range

  • A model for assessing the intelligence security of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles for military purposes from enemy radio and radio intelligence complexes

    The article considers a probabilistic-temporal model for assessing the intelligence protection of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles for military purposes from enemy radio and radio intelligence complexes in service with the US Army, provides analytical expressions and a calculation sequence with examples.

    Keywords: intelligence security, a group of unmanned aerial vehicles, the probability of temporary contact, the probability of energy detection, stealth, signal-to-noise ratio, surveillance reconnaissance zone, detailed reconnaissance zone, radio and radio intellig

  • Automated system for issuing bank guarantees based on forecasting the execution of government contracts

    In order to provide information support for decision-making on the issuance of bank guarantees for the execution of a contract in the field of public procurement, it is important for banks to obtain historically accumulated information on the execution of government contracts. This is necessary to assess the possibility of the supplier's performance of his future contract. This can be done by collecting and aggregating information about contracts from the Unified Information System in the field of procurement. The paper proposes to use IT technologies and data analysis to predict the performance of the contract and identify bona fide suppliers. In the work, a selection of primary data on contracts was formed for modeling using the parsing of the FTP server of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement, and the parsed data was preprocessed for use in machine learning models.

    Keywords: information system, data analysis, government contract, data parsing, machine learning

  • Simulation of the design activity diversification of innovative enterprise

    The article considered retail as a system that includes complex systems. involves consideration of a proposed system associated with multiple non-linear relationships and the presence of hidden influences. Proposed an application of the algorithm for solving a reverse problem during strategic planning in retail to help in understanding complex processes that change depending on the effectiveness of the implementation of the strategy.

    Keywords: strategic planning, retail, reverse modeling perspective, fuzzy cognitive maps, management in complex systems

  • The population transport mobility formation features in the cities of the North and the Arctic

    The article is devoted to the peculiarities and problems of the formation of transport mobility of the cities of the North and the Arctic of Russia. The analysis of the state of the issue, the methodology and the results of the study are presented. Data collection was carried out by means of the questionnaire the sample was 1002 people. According to the results of the study, the degree of use of individual passenger cars, public bus transport, bicycle transport, means of individual mobility (scooter, segways, gyro scooter, monowheel) by the population in the cities of the North and the Arctic was determined.The consequences of the impact of restrictions on movement associated with the Covid-19 pandemic on the degree of use of various vehicles have been revealed. It has been found that respondents use personal and public transport to a greater extent to move around the city. Seasonal conditions have almost no effect on the structure of urban mobility. Prerequisites for the growth of the use of personal motor transport have been identified. The results of this study can be used to improve and manage the transport service system in the cities of the North and the Arctic.

    Keywords: urban mobility, public transport, survey, urban transport system

  • Management of territorial systems of the cultural landscape

    The article is devoted to solving the important problem of developing interactive maps that reflect the diversity of natural and historical heritage in cultural landscapes in order to solve the problem of managing the territorial systems of a cultural landscape. The main objects of mapping are natural-social-production systems - metageosystems, their recreational and tourist potential and the degree of its development. Results. The interactive map "Natural and cultural heritage of the Republic of Mordovia" was developed using the methods of object-oriented design, UI / UX design and programming and implemented as a web portal, the core of which is semantic search and geodata visualization tools. The methodology presented in the article for developing a digital interactive map of tourist and recreational metageosystems is based on geoinformation modeling and the effective use of diverse information about the region.

    Keywords: geoportals, cultural landscape, spatial data infrastructure, management in organizational systems, spatial data, decision making

  • Research of the choosing probability the residents transportation methods in the city

    The development of modern cities is inextricably linked with the development of the urban transport system. Research of the choosing probability the residents transportation methods in the city is necessary for the correct decision-making by specialists. The article considers the probability indicator of choosing a method and means of transportation. The analysis takes into account the remoteness of the place of work (study) from the place of residence of a resident of the city. The data are the results of a survey of 1,562 respondents in Tyumen and their mobility. It is assumed that the provision of territories with socio-economic infrastructure affects the mobility structure of the city's population. The more objects of attraction in an urban area, the less likely it is to use personal cars. The research methodology is proposed to be used for making managerial decisions in the field of urban logistics and transport planning.

    Keywords: urban transport system, transportation mode choice, survey, public transport

  • A training system for testing knowledge and skills in the basics of programming in high-level languages

    The article is devoted to the development of training systems for training specialists in automation and informatization. The structure and mathematical model of a training system (TS) were developed to control skills in training these specialists (in particular, in the basics of programming). The parameters of the mathematical model are based on the representation of knowledge about the studied objects and processes in the field of development of automated information systems, which allows using TS to automatically generate and evaluate small practical tasks for students. A prototype of TS software in the form of a web application has been developed. In a practical aspect, the use of TS in the educational process in the disciplines in the field of programming will reduce the proportion of labor-intensive work of the teacher in compiling and checking assignments.

    Keywords: information technologies in education, training system, control of knowledge and skills, high-level programming languages

  • Assessment of quality management in the organizational system in the context of corruption

    The behavior of the participants in the production process at the enterprise is modeled in cases of two-level and three-level hierarchy in the conditions of corruption, checking products for quality and punishing players in a number of cases. The formulas for the interaction of players and their winning strategies are given. A number of functions are standard formulas. The Stackelberg equilibrium was obtained programmatically for a two-level system in statics, for a three-level system in dynamics. The proposed formulation is based on the theories of G.A. Ugolnitsky and A.B. Usov. The results obtained allow us to identify shortcomings in a number of enterprises, as well as in theory, and continue its development.

    Keywords: analytic-geometric analysis, simulation modeling, Stackelberg equilibrium, hierarchical system, game-theoretic modeling, corruption in organizations

  • Inventory Management Model in the Construction Industry Based on Markov Stochastic Processes

    The paper considers a mathematical model that evaluates the probability of having resources at construction sites in the coming periods of time. The model is based on Markov random processes of death and reproduction. A qualitative analysis of the availability of resources for a period from 1 to 7 time periods was carried out and recommendations were given for effective inventory management at construction sites.

    Keywords: construction, resources, management, reserves, mathematical modeling, probability, event flows, Markov random processes, death and reproduction processes

  • Determination and ranking of the targets of the offender in an attack on an important state object

    The article deals with the formation of a violator model in an attack on an important state facility. The classification of violators by types is described. The article proposes the simplest model for evaluating the effectiveness of violators' collusion.

    Keywords: ntegrated security, methods, models, security forces, offenders, important state facilities, clashes between security and attack forces, offender models

  • Methodology for modeling organizational risks by a company

    The main provisions of the methodology for modeling organizational risks inherent in domestic companies are considered, while taking into account such important factors as the likelihood of an accident and the severity of possible consequences. It is advisable to identify organizational risks of companies and assess them before the onset of consequences; for this, indicators are presented that help prevent the occurrence of adverse events. The onset of adverse events leads the company to deviations in the main indicators characterizing the activity. The scientific problem that requires scientists to solve is the emergence of organizational risks at the strategic and tactical levels of companies, due to fatal mistakes of management. The scientific novelty of the presented research: the main provisions of the methodology for modeling the company's organizational risks are formulated; indicators are shown that contribute to the prevention of adverse events. Further research is related to the development of methods for assessing organizational risks by domestic companies, taking into account the specific, geographical features of doing business.

    Keywords: organizational risks, indicators, factors, company, modeling, probability, assessment, methodology, results, events, consequences, indicators, business

  • Computer training complexes for training operators of loading and unloading machines in the skills of performing technological operations

    The article presents the results of the development of research in the field of automated training of operators of technological processes (on the example of loading and unloading machines) on computer training complexes (CTC). A feature of the developed CTCs is an intelligent automated system (AS) for monitoring the formation of sensorimotor skills, based on mathematical models and algorithms for representing knowledge about the technological process, automated design of training courses for professional training of operators in a virtual production environment, and automatic assessment of the formation of skills. The use of CTC for training operators of loading and unloading machines based on an intelligent AS helps to improve the quality of the formation of professional skills for the effective and safe implementation of technological processes in various fields (for example, river and sea ports, construction, mining) based on the results of training courses.

    Keywords: loading and unloading machines, technological process, computer training complex, professional skills, sensorimotor skills, intelligent automated systems

  • Geoportal of natural and cultural heritage as a tool for managing tourist and recreational development systems

    Relevance and goals. The article is devoted to the description of the results of the development process of the geoinformation web portal "Interactive map " Natural and cultural heritage of the Republic of Mordovia. We travel with the Russian Geographical Society"", which implements the functionality of access to a digital map with a layered systematized display of spatial data on objects of natural and cultural heritage of the region. Materials and methods. The implementation of the metageosystem concept in the development of tourism and recreational development projects is based on the broad involvement of paleogeographic, landscape, archaeological, historical, ethnographic, demographic, cultural, environmental and economic information in the research process. Results. During the development of the geoportal "Natural and cultural heritage of the Republic of Mordovia. Traveling with the Russian Geographical Society" solved the problem of creating a new subsystem for visualizing geospatial data for a digital map based on modern web technologies. Conclusions. The developed geoportal system solves the problem of managing the tourist and recreational development systems of the region by implementing the concept of forming an interactive spatial data management tool.

    Keywords: geoportals, cultural landscape, spatial data infrastructure, management in organizational systems, spatial data, decision making

  • Security algorithms for heterogeneous big data storage

    In this article, as a result of the analysis, it was revealed that attributive access control should be applied in heterogeneous Big Data storages. Then, an algorithm for transferring rights between different data models that are part of heterogeneous Big Data storages was formulated. The limitations imposed on this algorithm are also revealed. Thus, the task of implementing a method for managing rights in heterogeneous Big Data repositories has been completed.

    Keywords: database management system, heterogeneous storages, big data, relational database models

  • Automation of the pedestrian crossing control system using a motion sensor

    The article presents a study of accidents on the roads involving children and persons under the age of majority. An analysis was made of the legal norms for the protection of the rights of the child on the roadway. In addition, an additional means of reducing accidents on the roads, as well as its location relative to the pedestrian, was identified.

    Keywords: accident, traffic accident, child, children, incident, road, section, pedestrian

  • Ontological design intelligent recommendation system "military recruitment committee"

    "This article describes the application of the ontological approach to the creation of an intelligent system of recommendations in the work of military recruitment committee. A popular and perfectly proven approach to describe and represent knowledge is ontologies. Designing knowledge-based systems is impossible without a thorough systematic study of the subject area in which the problem is to be solved. The result of systems research should be represented by the formalism best adapted for further implementation. Ontology is such a formalism, and this article discusses approaches to the formal representation of ontologies as the most important mechanism of knowledge engineering. Conceptually, ontology design processes are similar to those with multi-agent systems. In this case, nodes or agents connected to each other materialize our knowledge of the problem solution. An agent is comparable to the notion of an entity in an ontology. In both cases, an ontology graph is used. The Protégé software platform was chosen as one of the most popular development tools to implement the ontology ""Military Recruitment Committee"". An important factor is the support of SWRL, which is necessary for the future development of the project. In the process of ontology design, three main branches of entities were identified: questionnaire data; medical data; psychological data. Based on the results of the logical inference, a recommendation (advice) is formed regarding further decisions (actions) on working with a conscript. The SWRL is used to create rules for checking the set of properties for each conscript, on which a verdict is made. If necessary, the system will explain its actions. As a result, a preliminary ontological graph of the investigated domain in the OWL language is made. Implemented some software modules. Conducted a logical inference on the Protégé platform based on the description in SWRL language of the rules reflecting the impact of the set of entities of the ontology on the inferred recommendations."

    Keywords: ontology, knowledge management, Protégé, knowledge-based systems, advisory systems, military recruitment committee

  • Dynamic incentive model constructed in accordance with requirements for sustainable business development

    Different types of management structures used in enterprises are considered. Such structures are traditionally divided into three types according to the number and types of control relations. A basic dynamic incentive model with the simplest management structure, which includes one Principal and one agent, is presented. The basic dynamic model of stimulation is based on the static model, its solution having already been found. To reduce the number of experiments, the method of qualitatively representative scenarios for finding optimal inputs has been used. Experimental results for the basic dynamic model are presented. The simulation results allow us to determine the solution of the problem in the dynamic form, and provide a foundation for future research using other more complex control structures.

    Keywords: incentive model, hierarchical game, system-dynamic modeling, dynamic model, control mechanism, principal, agent

  • Development of a mobile training system for learning foreign languages

    The article presents the results of the development of research in the field of automated teaching of foreign languages (on the example of English) on a mobile device with the IOS operating system. A feature of the developed simulator-training system (TOS) is the possibility of forming an individual approach to teaching students to improve the quality of education, using theoretical and practical material, based on the performance of the student. The introduction of TOS contributes to improving the quality of education due to the ease of mastering the material, as well as a clear control of the topics studied. The relevance of the developed application is determined by the popularity and availability of mobile devices, as well as the high prospects for the implementation of applications (in particular, in the field of education and self-education) for this platform.

    Keywords: training systems, mobile devices, foreign languages, training, mobile application, IOS, Apple, information technology

  • Model of brinkmanship and its simulation study

    The topic of balancing on the brink is extremely relevant under present conditions of the real threat of nuclear war. A game-theoretic model is presented that describes the process of brinkmanship using the Caribbean crisis as an example. The results of research on such models and, accordingly, recommendations for decision makers depend significantly on the specific numerical values ​​of the players' payoffs and the probabilities of certain events. Therefore, it is advisable to develop a software package that allows you to set different values ​​of these parameters and conduct simulations for various control scenarios. The article proposes a program for implementing this approach.

    Keywords: brinkmanship, extended form games, simulation