The article devoted to the development of a conceptual desing methodology applied to the working parts of the rope excavator. As notation for the representation of models used the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Integration method diagram of target classes (DTC), the diagram of class equipment (DCE)and the diagram of functional target classes (DFTC) obtained the model system of management of the work equipment. A result of the conceptual constructing developed a basic invariant of the object architecture, implemented in innovative desing of the woring body.
Keywords: the target analysis, the conceptual construction, innovation, the working parts, the rope excavator
This article describes the method of application of the General совокупносте final volume instead of custom information in the calculation of fatigue life of parts. For descriptions of statistical regularities used вероятсностные laws with a shift. The parameters of Weibull distribution are graphically.
Keywords: the General totality of the final volume, the sample resource calculation, fatigue
In a modified version of the adaptive clutch size of the spacer strength decreases due to a reduction of torque, which transmits the additional friction group, including, for the maximum value of the friction coefficient. Therefore, to save the value of the brace force is necessary to increase the ratio usileniya.Predlozhena concept modernized version adaptvnoy clutch with a combined feedback based on the formalization of the distribution of power factors for the closure of the main steam friction of the friction and more friction groups, allows you to simplify the design of the coupling compared to the base case
Keywords: the coefficient gain, a separate positive connection, the coefficient of friction, clutch, friction pair
Is considered the main content of the possibilities for extending the services of the lifting cranes, on the basis of the definition of a residual resource of the machine. The algorithm is sampled( measurements) of the metal structures of cranes. A variant of transition from the hardness of steel to its strength.
Keywords: chapel strength, chapel, endurance, a residual resource, providing design, resource rationing, hardness
The article provides an example evaluation of the technical condition of building and handling machines in terms of corrosion resistance. Using functional method of determining the weights estimated sufficiency compositions anticorrosion treatment building and handling machines.
Keywords: The sufficiency condition, the generalized criterion, a metric multiplicative convolution operator on the set of individual criteria
This article describes an algorithm for finding the linear functional quality that describes the order of preference on a set of technical systems. The basic idea, which implements the algorithm is to break the complex solutions of the preference (for many variables) into a number of simple solutions (in pairs of variables), followed by a formal synthesis of the overall solution.
Keywords: The algorithm for finding the linear functional quality of the order of preference on a set of technical systems, formal synthesis, the numerical value of the degree of competence of the individual experts
The article describes one of the possible approaches to the investigation of a technique of definition of quality indicators of vehicles and lifting-transport machines, examines the concept - combining numerical estimate of single and complex indices into a single composite index.
The following algorithms: the algorithm of finding the functional quality systems, represented by the linear form, with varying competence of experts, the algorithm modified method, allowing to make the transition from бифакторного distribution to мультифакторному, which is important when processing expert information; algorithm modified method, characterized by greater commonality and expanding the use of standard computer programmes at the decision of problems of estimation of quality systems on a computer.
Keywords: The level of quality of complex technical systems, decomposition methods of technical requirements, functional quality, modified method,algorithm
The analysis of drum machines, percussion device compares various designs, describes the design and operation of the original drummer hydropneumatic equipment designed for use in hydraulic single-bucket excavator.
Keywords: hydropneumatic shock device gidropnevmoudarnik, working organ excavator pulse systems, hydraulic
Results of investigation into oscillating pattern of garbage track operation in production mode are presented. Nature of car frame vibrations, lifting angle of handler and their impact on generation of force inside the system «grabbing device – container – grabbing device» subject to damping are determined.
Keywords: garbage truck, handler, grabbing device, free damped oscillations, generation of force
The algorithm of determination durability parameters, loading and resource by means of analytical transition from selective data to population data is considered. The analysis of the executed calculations for this algorithm showed that receiving parameters of likelihood distribution for set on one casual sample is the confidant.
Keywords: Strength, loading, resource, analytical method, sample, populations.
The method of definition distribution Fisher-Tippeta parametres of final volume population (Ас, Вс, Сс) under the selective data of the average stress is offered in the given work. Average values of parametres (Ас, Вс, Сс) thus is recommended to use at repeated modelling. Thus the Ас, Вс, Сс received is recommended to use average values of parametres at repeated modelling.
Keywords: the selective data, stress, Fisher-Tippet distribution, population, modeling.
The analytical method determination parameters of the three-parametrical Waybill distribution for final volume population on the basis received parameters on a sample is stated in this work The algorithm of calculation on which computing experiment is made is presented. On the basis of these calculations the conclusion that it is necessary to determine by this analytical method parameters of the three-parametrical law of Waybill for set of final volume on the basis of the received parameters on a sample is drawn.
Keywords: population of final volume, sample, dispersion, an average quadratic deviation, distribution parameters, durability became
Optimization an arrow no-failure operation probability for set fatigue resource of an arrow as base detail of the shovel excavator is important economic task.
Optimum value of no-failure operation probability can be received as a result of consideration of various options of manufacturing of an arrow of the excavator.
Thus at no-failure operation probability Р=0,999 for 20 thousand hours, optimum option is the arrow design from steel 15ХСНД with wall thickness 12 mm.
Keywords: optimization, resource, arrow, shovel excavator
The paper proposes a method for calculating the gamma - percentage fatigue life boom shovel for a set of finite volume, using the analytical method of determining the parameters of the Weibull law.
Conducted a computational experiment showed that the method allows to obtain gamma percentage fatigue life boom shovel through the transition from sample data to aggregate data.
Keywords: resource boom, excavator, aggregate, Weibull.
In this paper, a comparative analysis of the shift parameter distribution initial set of calculated analytical method and simulated, obtained by computer simulation using sample data. Error δi shifts between the parameters listed in the table and plotted errors on the scope and volume of the aggregate.
Thus, increasing the volume of the aggregate error is reduced from 30% to 1% at a constant volume sample m = 50.
Keywords: sampling, aggregate, volume, range, accuracy, distribution, performance analysis, engineering, reliability.