The paper analyzes existing effective technologies of waste recycling and utilization. The authors consider various approaches in the international practice of recycling production and consumption waste. An assessment is given of the possibilities of using effective technologies for waste recycling and disposal and the necessary costs for their implementation in relation to the conditions of an industrial enterprise. The types and volumes of waste that can be recycled and disposed of irrevocably are considered, for which the carbon footprint parameters are calculated using the materials management model. A statistical regression analysis of data on the production, processing, disposal and incineration of polyethylene waste, solid municipal waste and paper was carried out. The principles of building a system for reducing technogenic risks and managing production and consumption waste were determined.
Keywords: waste processing; waste disposal; carbon footprint; carbon footprint calculation methods; man-made risk management system; hazardous impact factors; industrial waste management
The paper presents an analysis of the methods for the chemical modification of biochar. The characteristics of acid and basic modifications, modifications with hydrogen peroxide, sulfonation, amination, impregnation with metal oxides, and magnetization are examined. It is demonstrated that the method of modification, the parameters of the technological process, and the nature of the modifying agent all exert an influence on the chemical composition, structure, porosity, pore size, and total specific surface area of the modified coal. The combination of methods, technological parameters, and modifiers allows for the production of sorbents for wastewater treatment based on biochar with specific properties for the sorption of certain groups of different pollutants.
Keywords: biochar, chemical modification, sorption properties, porosity, pore size
A study of acidic impurities in the atmospheric air of the Orthodox settlement of Otrada (Volgograd) in March-October 2024 was conducted based on the preparation of aerosol suspensions by washing particles from plant leaves with distilled water. The leaves of elm (Ulmus pumila L.) with aerosol particles were used as the research material. In the settlement of Otrada, we took samples of elm leaves (Ulmus pumila L.) at 10 study points. Sampling, including the preparation of aerosol suspensions, was correlated with well-known proven international methods. The value of the acidity index was measured on electrochemical equipment (S220-Kit pH meter complete with InLab Expert Pro-ISM electrode, China). Statistical analyses of the data obtained were performed in the R program (version 3.6.1, R Core Team 2020), statistical hypotheses were tested at a=0.05. The average values of the acidity index, where the pH value is.= 5.39+0.01, which indicates the presence of acidic impurities in the atmospheric air during the specified period in the settlement of Otrada and indicates the acidity of precipitation in the study area as a crisis zone ((pH=5.0-4.5), according to Svistov P.F. et al., 2012).
Keywords: dispersion, aerosols; surface density of particles; PM2.5; PM10; green infrastructure; natural pollution
The article examines the influence of environmental factors on the formation of residential development in Yemen. The climatic and geographical conditions of the region are analyzed. Traditional and modern architectural approaches adapted to the region's extreme natural conditions are considered. Particular attention is paid to sustainable design focused on the rational use of natural resources. The study highlights the importance of integrating "green" technologies and environmentally sustainable construction methods into urban planning.
Keywords: Yemen, residential development, environmental factors, sustainable development, climatic conditions, architecture, urban planning
The concept of symbiosis of architecture, design objects and monumental and decorative art in the interiors of public buildings in the context of renovation of industrial facilities is aimed at preserving the historical identity of buildings, adapting them to modern functions and creating a unique aesthetic where architectural forms, design solutions and artistic elements form a single whole. Renovation of industrial facilities involves a number of challenges: the need to maintain a balance between history and innovation, the integration of artistic and functional aspects, as well as compliance with environmental standards. The use of recycled materials, hybrid technologies and "smart" interiors makes it possible to cope with these tasks. The concept of three components contributes to the creation of spaces that become cultural and social centers. Such projects inspire, emphasize the value of architectural heritage and open up new perspectives for the sustainable development of the urban environment, contributing to the formation of emotionally rich and functionally significant interiors that reflect the spirit of the times and preserve the connection with the past.
Keywords: renovation, industrial buildings, renovation of industrial buildings, public buildings, sustainable architecture, design, monumental and decorative arts, interiors of public buildings, historical heritage, interdisciplinary approach
The subject of the research in the article is the collection system of municipal solid waste (MSW) from the population of cities and towns to ensure the environmental safety of the population. The current state of the waste management system in the world and in Russia is analyzed, and recommendations for regulating the management of solid household waste are being developed. The purpose of the research is to estimate the number of containers needed to collect waste from the public. The assessment was based on regulatory documents developed in the Russian Federation. The basic requirements for the organization of sites for the installation of containers for the collection of MSW are also given. The Russian Federation already has experience in implementing a waste management system. Currently, infrastructure facilities have been created and operate in the territories of many cities of the Russian Federation that organize the collection, disposal or burial of waste. Laws and regulations have been developed and implemented, and a system of regional operators responsible for waste collection, transportation, processing, and storage has been implemented. In this paper, we consider only household waste, called municipal solid waste (MSW).When implementing a waste management system, at the first stage it is necessary to create conditions for waste collection from the population, and, in the future, to develop this system in the direction of separate waste collection. Waste categorization can be carried out at special installations, in production conditions. The next step is the reuse of waste for the production of new household goods.
Keywords: system approach, municipal solid waste (MSW), housing stock, waste collection, container, site, environmental safety
This article presents a study of the dependence of the deflation of fine grain dust on the air flow rate, as well as other factors affecting it. This study is important for the summary calculation of the dispersion of emissions of harmful substances from unorganized sources of enterprises into the atmospheric urban air, as well as for the selection of dust suppression measures and a better understanding of the processes of dust propagation.
Keywords: grain dust, dispersed composition, aerodynamic characteristics, specific deflation, dust propagation, atmospheric air
This article analyzes the main causes of fatal injuries in the construction industry of the Russian Federation and a number of other foreign countries, including falls from heights, electric shock, injuries associated with the use of construction machinery and mechanisms, as well as exposure to harmful substances. In conclusion, the article highlights the importance of joint efforts by employers, employees and regulators to create a safer and healthier work environment in the construction industry. The implementation of the preventive measures described in the article can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and improve the well-being of employees.
Keywords: construction industry, industrial injuries, accidents, causes of injuries, working conditions, occupational risks, working at height, occupational safety, environmental factors, workplace organization, training
Recent trends in the architecture of public buildings and structures are aimed at innovation and sustainable development, driven by the needs of the environment and society. The design, which takes into account the challenges of the pandemic, includes improved ventilation, contactless technologies and adaptable layout to create safer spaces. Digital twin technology provides real-time monitoring and optimization of building systems, paving the way for a more ergonomic infrastructure. Mass-scale wooden construction represents an ecological, aesthetic and low-carbon alternative to traditional materials. Zero-energy buildings integrate renewable energy sources and efficient systems to balance energy consumption and production. 3D printing in construction allows you to quickly create prototypes and complex projects, expanding architectural possibilities. Green and blue infrastructure combines natural elements, storm water management and urban environment cooling. Together, these trends contribute to the creation of more advanced and adaptable public buildings, reducing environmental impacts and improving energy efficiency. The combination of these achievements leads to the creation of innovative combined architectural solutions that contribute to the creation of a healthier and more harmonious urban environment.
Keywords: public buildings, 3D printing in construction, additive manufacturing, sustainable architecture, energy conservation, energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, green architecture, eco-friendly design, zero-consumption buildings
Ferrous metallurgy enterprises emit a significant amount of fine dust into the atmosphere every year. The article presents the results of a study performed to determine the dispersed composition of the dust of the ingredients in the emissions of the furnaces of the chipboard steelmaking workshop. The combined use of energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy of the analysis made it possible to obtain the fractional composition of the ingredients, the values of equivalent dust particle sizes and the integral dependences of the distribution density for equivalent sizes (diameters) were obtained D ingredients containing dust from chipboard furnaces in the samples. Based on the conducted research, it was concluded that it is possible to use certain types of dust collectors in dedusting systems to achieve an acceptable value of their effectiveness to improve the environmental safety of the steelmaking shop.
Keywords: metallurgy, aerosol, dust, ingredient, particle, dust collector, electric steelmaking shop, dispersion analysis, distribution density,average median diameter, dh 50
The specifics of the development of organizational and technological solutions for the reconstruction of outdoor lighting in St. Petersburg are devoted to solving the problems of organizing the reconstruction of outdoor lighting facilities in St. Petersburg. The features of the development of organizational and technological solutions (OTP) for linear objects are analyzed. The specifics and factors of OTR for the production of works in the cramped conditions of a large city, in the absence of the possibility of placing storage sites and temporary buildings and structures, are considered. It is proposed to use production line method of construction for the formation of calendar plans for the reconstruction of the facility.
Keywords: reconstruction, outdoor lighting, organizational and technological solutions, cramped conditions, production line method of construction
The article analyzes the wind directions and speeds typical for compact and linear cities over 5 years using the example of Stavropol and Volgograd, respectively. The results of the analysis allowed us to state that the wind direction and speed can be considered as random variables. Based on this approach, the regularities of the repeatability of wind speeds depending on the direction and time of day are investigated.
Keywords: linear city, cities of compact configuration, wind speed and direction, wind rose, distribution laws, atmospheric air, climatic parameters, Weibull's law, logarithmically normal law, mixed Gaussian distribution
The article deals with the distribution of air flow velocities for cities of compact configuration on the example of the city of Stavropol. The verification of the implementation of Weibull's law for different wind flow velocities in its various directions has been carried out.
Keywords: wind flow direction and velocity, atmospheric air, distribution law, Weibull's law, mixed Gaussian distribution, change in air flow velocities, time of day, compact city
In order to optimize the operation of dust-settling chambers of steelmaking furnace emission purification systems and increase the overall efficiency of the cleaning system, the movement of gas-air flows and dust particles of different diameters inside dust-collecting chambers was studied using the SolidWorks software product with the FlowSimulation application, which allowed us to investigate the influence of a number of factors, for example, fractional composition, the condition of the working surfaces of chambers, on the movement of gas-air the flow.
Keywords: steelmaking furnace, gas-air flow, dust-settling chamber, cleaning efficiency, dust, dispersed composition, modeling
For the design of automated sorting stations of solid municipal waste it is necessary to develop algorithms and devices that allow to determine the fractions of municipal solid waste (MSW) with the necessary detail. Currently, sorting stations have been created that allow to determine the basic morphological components of MSW, but the problem of in-depth detailing needs to be elaborated. The aim of the work is to develop an algorithm for the extraction of MSW fractions with the possibility of regulating the component composition of waste. A methodology for synthesizing a device for determining waste fractions is shown. It is proposed to use a finite sequence automaton as a sorting algorithm. The synthesis of logical equations on the basis of Moore's automaton is shown. Simulation of the device operation is carried out with the help of MULTISIM program. In the presence of certain sensors it is possible to realize this technique in practice. The results can be useful for the design of sorting stations of MSW . The results of the experiment demonstrated that with the help of sequence automaton synthesis technique it is possible to develop an analyzer for determining the refined waste fractions. For implementation in practice, it is necessary to have certain analyzers for determining the components of MSW, which can contribute to more detailed sorting of MSW in the design of sorting stations.
Keywords: solid municipal waste, MSW, sorting, sequence automaton, Moore's automaton
An assessment of the oxidizing ability of activated sludge used in the process of biological wastewater treatment was carried out when it was treated with a direct electric current on an electrohydrodynamic device. The efficiency of biological wastewater treatment is analyzed when the DC voltage changes, the sign of polarization of the electrode, as well as the values of the Camp criterion. It is shown that the electrotreatment of activated sludge leads to an increase in the efficiency of biological wastewater treatment, determined by the indicator of chemical oxygen consumption. A relationship has been established between the intensity of sludge treatment and the magnitude of the zeta potential of activated sludge at the outlet of the aeration tank.
Keywords: wastewater, biological treatment, activated sludge, electrohydrodynamic device, zeta potential, chemical oxygen consumption
Radio-absorbing coatings are becoming increasingly relevant in the context of the rapid evolution of radio communication technologies and the fight against electromagnetic interference. Modern methods of applying RPP, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as prospects for the development of technologies are considered.
Keywords: electromagnetic radiation, thin films, coating technology, radio-absorbing coating, radiation shielding
Within the framework of the urban environment, the laws of distribution of the concentration of fine dust PM2.5, PM10 along road sections have been obtained. These data are necessary to assess the probability of exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations and to improve monitoring and control systems for atmospheric air. The analysis of the key factors influencing the content of PM2.5 and PM10 particles in the air of the territories adjacent to the roads has been carried out. Regression equations for total dust, PM2.5 and PM10 dust were obtained, allowing us to conclude that the concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 depends on total dust. The analysis showed that the mass content of PM10 in total dust pollution ranges from 73 to 81%, and the concentration of fine dust PM2.5 varies within two narrow ranges of about 11.6 and about 7 microns. A study of the proportion of PM2.5 of the total concentration showed that it is on average about 20%.
Keywords: dust, emissions, concentration, atmospheric air, roadway, climate, linear city, correlation coefficient, influencing factors
The production of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) is associated with significant dust emissions into the production room, so the aspiration system plays an important role in the technological process. The study of dust in industrial product waste released into the work area is one of the objectives of the ongoing research. This work provides information on the dispersed composition of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) particles, and various graphs are constructed based on the data obtained. Data on the deposition rate of UHMWPE particles were obtained experimentally. A comparative analysis of the obtained data with theoretical data obtained using formulas was carried out.
Keywords: ultra high molecular weight polyethylene, UHMWPE, dispersed composition of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene, sedimentation rate of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene particles, method for studying the properties of raw high molecular weight
The transport strategy of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specific features of the country's transport system, requires the use of transport modeling when solving problems of carbon neutrality. The transport model solves multifaceted problems, including the forecast and assessment of greenhouse gas emissions. The main principles of developing transport models are considered. A comparison is made of the NIIAT and EEA/COPERT methods most often used in calculating greenhouse gas emissions using transport models. The main requirements for the results of calculations using a mathematical model of transport flows are formulated.
Keywords: carbon neutrality, transport modeling, carbon neutrality, greenhouse gases, specific emissions, calculation scenario
Phosphogypsum is a large-scale solid waste from the production of phosphoric acid by the extraction method. The volume of accumulated waste in the world amounts to hundreds of millions of tons, and their disposal is becoming increasingly important. The article provides a brief overview of recent research on the use of phosphogypsum as a component of building materials. A list of the main factors of the negative impact of phosphogypsum waste on the environment is given, as well as the main impurities in its composition that reduce the quality of the resulting materials and methods for eliminating these impurities. It is shown that of the many products that can be obtained using phosphogypsum, the most widespread are construction and road materials, in which it is proposed to be used as a replacement for natural gypsum and sand.
Keywords: phosphogypsum, environment, building materials, road coverings, modifying additives
The article presents a comparative characteristic of the cities of Izhevsk and Khabarovsk according to different criteria, an assessment of atmospheric air quality according to the atmospheric pollution index (ISA) and its dynamics, and an improved atmospheric dispersion index (UMP) is calculated. According to most indicators, the cities are very similar and comparable, with the exception of emissions from stationary sources, which are 3-4 times higher in Khabarovsk. The UMP of the city of Izhevsk corresponds to a zone with favorable conditions for the dispersion of impurities, however, the indicators are close to the boundary of this criterion (UMP ≥ 3.5), in the city of Khabarovsk favorable conditions for the dispersion of impurities. This explains why, with emissions many times higher, the emissions in both cities are at comparable levels.
Keywords: atmospheric Pollution Index (ISA), improved atmospheric dispersion index (UMP), pollution, atmosphere, sustainable development
The design and construction of industrial buildings in coastal areas requires careful consideration of functional processes, logistics efficiency and environmental dynamics. The article examines the relationship between operational requirements and spatial planning strategies, emphasizes the need for individual solutions to solve unique problems that arise in coastal zones. By combining workflow optimization, logistical considerations and safety measures, industrial enterprises can increase productivity, ensure sustainability and reduce risks in difficult environments, emphasizing the importance of integrated planning and strategic positioning for sustainable development.
Keywords: industrial buildings, coastal territories, design conditions on coastal territories, sustainable architecture, energy conservation, energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, green architecture, eco-friendly design, functional processes
Ferrous metallurgy enterprises annually emit into the atmosphere a significant amount of highly dispersed dust with a particle size of 10 microns or less. The article presents the results of a study performed to determine the dispersed composition of aerosols in dust and gas air flows coming from emission sources to unorganized sources of emissions into the atmosphere. Based on the results of microscopic analysis with determination of the fractional composition of the dust, integral dependences of the density of distribution over equivalent sizes (diameters) D for the ingredients accepted for the study were obtained. This made it possible to determine the average median values of the equivalent sizes of dust particles of harmful substances. An assessment of the power of dust emissions from unorganized sources of steelmaking enterprises into the atmosphere of cities has been carried out. In order to improve the environmental safety of the steelmaking shop, it was concluded that it is advisable to reconstruct existing aspiration systems using highly efficient wet dust collectors.
Keywords: metallurgy, aerosol, dust, ingredient, particle, dust collector, electric steelmaking shop, dispersion analysis, distribution density ,average median diameter, dh 50
When operating gas distribution systems, the process of releasing various gases into the atmosphere is inevitable, negatively affecting the environment and creating a greenhouse effect. These gases can be either products of combustion of gaseous fuel or the result of natural gas leaks from gas pipelines and equipment. The main articles of gas leaks from gas pipelines and ways to minimize the negative impact on the environment are given.
Keywords: gas distribution system, greenhouse effect, gas combustion, methane, flanged and threaded connections, leaks, safety relief valve