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  • Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of transformation of objects of the property complex in managing the development of the city territory

    The relevance of the research topic is due to the problem of choosing options for converting property complex objects for the purpose of sustainable development of the city territory. The main task currently being solved at the state level is aimed at developing urban planning documents for the strategic development of urban territories. The developed documents have a positive impact on stimulating the development of a modern urban economy, high-quality territorial planning, lifting infrastructure restrictions in cities, and creating "smart territories" that are distinguished primarily by an effective management system and taking into account the opinions of the main stakeholders related to this territory. In this regard, there is a need to develop criteria to assess the prospects for the development of the territory of the municipality, taking into account its specific features and limitations. The purpose of the research is to create a simple, consistent system of criteria that is convenient for use in working with various objects of the property complex. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to identify the factors that affect the efficiency of the use of the property complex and the relationships between them, which will allow us to explore various options for the development of the property complex based on scenario modeling. The results of the study can be used to improve the efficiency of urban management, ensure sustainable development of the territory of the municipality, and improve the quality of life of the population.

    Keywords: management of the territory, the object of the property complex, performance criteria, management decision, sustainable development of territories, decision support system

  • Application of big data in teleophthalmology

    The possibilities of using digital big data sets in the field of telemedicine are presented. The main characteristics of big data are: large volume, high speed of updates, diversity, reliability, variability, value. The types of analytical tasks that can be solved using advanced methods of "big data" analysis are shown. The application of telemedicine technologies in the prevailing conditions of the epidemiological situation is stated. Description of the essence of digital transformation of the healthcare system. Functionality of electronic medical records of patients. Project of a unified state digital healthcare platform. Processing of personal personal data of patients of medical institutions. Machine learning goal sets in academic research, industry, and competitive data analysis. Promising directions of using artificial intelligence technology in the field of medicine. Using teleophthalmology as an example, the modern directions of the industry development are described. Machine learning for big data processing through the practice of an ophthalmologist. Deep Learning - solutions for the analysis of biomedical images. Deep Learning in Fundus Image Recognition. Convolutional neural networks in the diagnosis of diseases of the organs of vision. Preparing high-quality datasets for training algorithms. Advances in pathology recognition on retinal images. The purpose and place of telehothalmology in the work of an ophthalmologist. Interpretability principles for deep machine learning models. The concept of predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory medicine. Analyze mobile data at the application level. Existing mobile applications in teleophthalmology. Obstacles to the implementation of computer software in the medicine of eye diseases. Promising areas of research in ophthalmology for technicians.

    Keywords: big data, teleophthalmology, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning

  • Development and research of a model for comprehensive quality assessment of sports and entertainment complexes

    A model for assessing the consumer attractiveness of commercial real estate objects is described on the example of assessing the quality of sports and entertainment centers in the city of Perm. In the course of the study, a sociological survey was conducted to identify the factors that influence the choice of consumers of a sports and entertainment center to visit. The results of the survey became the information base for the model of assessing the quality and consumer attractiveness of the studied objects. Two approaches to the definition of quality were compared – the mechanism of complex assessment and the qualimetric model.

    Keywords: commercial real estate management, sports and entertainment centers, integrated assessment mechanisms, management efficiency, quality of commercial real estate, consumer attractiveness, probability of choice, decision trees, convolution matrices

  • Assessment of options for using insurance mechanisms to improve the efficiency of fire safety

    The paper discusses the principles and algorithms for increasing the efficiency of the functioning of fire departments through management innovations, including insurance principles for compensation for damage and financing of units of the State Fire Service (SFS), attraction of leasing and outsourcing tools. As a basis for modeling the influence of innovative factors on the efficiency of fire suppression, a model of insurance coverage for fire departments, taking into account the insurance burden on groups of the population of the Russian Federation, was adopted. In calculations and estimates, official data from fire statistics and Rosstat were used.

    Keywords: innovation, outsourcing, leasing, insurance rate, compensation for damage, commercial fire departments, application scenarios

  • Algorithm for conceptual design of an object monitoring system with a collaborative multi-agent robotic system

    The issues of modeling the interaction of humans and robots in a common operating environment are considered in order to select the optimal parameters of such a system. The context of the application of multi-agent robotic systems (MRTS) is the monitoring of a fire hazardous area. The homogeneous MRTS includes unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that cyclically perform operations of flying around their area of ​​the territory (with identification of fires) in an autonomous mode, returning to the charging base, waiting for charging, charging, returning to their area of ​​responsibility, flying around their area, etc. etc. An operator works in the charging area, to which the UAVs should not approach less than a certain distance. The system is presented as a multi-channel queuing system (in the charging area). A simulation model is constructed that allows, according to the data of many runs, to construct polynomial regression dependences of the quality indicators of the MRTS operation on its parameters, by which to solve the multicriteria problem of choosing the optimal parameters of the MRTS charging terminal.

    Keywords: cobots, simulation, unmanned aerial vehicles, queuing system, regression equations, optimization

  • Development of digital transformation strategy

    The peculiarities of implementation of the process of digital transformation of the enterprise are considered. The structure of a digital balanced system of indicators is proposed, including a strategic map of digital transformation, key success factors and performance indicators. The conceptual structure of enterprise digital transformation management is given.

    Keywords: digital transformation, strategic map, key performance indicator, key success factor, risk, management solutions, balanced scorecard, simulation model, strategy

  • Digital journal as an element of the digital transformation of the university

    The article proposes one of the elements for solving the problem of digital transformation of universities - a digital service that automates the accounting of attendance and student progress during the semester. This information system as web service for users of different categories: teachers, employees of dean's offices, educational departments and the students themselves is aimed at improving the quality of education through operational monitoring and analysis of key indicators, as well as reducing the complexity of solving this problem. The article describes a domain model in the form of a UML diagram. We also analyzed the results of implementation and their impact on the quality of the educational process.

    Keywords: university, automation, electronic journal, digitalization, digital transformation, information system, educational process management, electronic information and educational system

  • Current state of innovation infrastructure Development in the NCFD subjects

    An assessment of the innovation infrastructure of the regions of the North Caucasus Federal District was carried out, which showed that their organizational structure does not create conditions for the effective functioning of innovative processes, which is expressed in weak innovation activity, a small number of innovative firms, a low degree of commercialization of scientific developments and their implementation efficiency, in the absence of effective market mechanisms. financing science and innovation.

    Keywords: innovation infrastructure, innovation activity, regional economy, institutional environment

  • Application of expert assessments for the distribution of forces and means based on the transport model for simultaneous calls to fire

    An approach to solving the problem of the distribution of forces and means (CMS) in those situations when the dispatcher of the city's fire garrison receives almost simultaneously (on a short time interval) several fire calls is proposed. Fire trucks of various specializations and other equipment of fire and rescue units are subject to distribution. A transport problem (TZ) is proposed as a formal model for the optimal distribution of C&S by calls. However, to use it, it is necessary to know the payment function (transport table), reflecting indicators of various types, which a priori cannot be reliably set. To overcome this uncertainty, it is proposed to use a structured expert procedure presented in the form of a detailed algorithm. The operation of the algorithm is illustrated with a model example.

    Keywords: transport model, optimal distribution, objective function, linear programming problem, pairwise comparisons, ranking, distribution plan

  • Simulation of the design activity diversification of innovative enterprise

    The work is devoted to the problems of using modern digital technologies to manage the implementation of programs for the development of regional socio-economic systems. An approach based on the use of intelligent (knowledge-oriented) informationsystems for monitoring and analyzing the progress of programs is proposed. As a model for representing knowledge about the subject area, it is proposed to use the apparatus of the theory of linguistic variables and fuzzy production rules, which makes it possible to take into account the high level of uncertainty due to both the specifics of socio-economic processes and possible changes in external conditions. The inference engine included in the information system is based on the explicitly interpreted procedure of Mamdani's fuzzy logical inference, which makes it possible to form explanations of the course of reasoning. The developed structure of the intellectual information system is a concretization and expansion of the traditional structure, taking into account the reflection of the specifics of the tasks of managing the implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of the region. The preliminary results of the experimental operation of the research prototype of the developed system can serve as confirmation of the effectiveness of the proposed design solutions.

    Keywords: regional socio-economic program, linguistic variable, fuzzy production rule, fuzzy logical inference, information and analytical system

  • Algorithm for optimal planning of operations to eliminate the consequences of fires and emergencies by a heterogeneous group of autonomous mobile robots

    An algorithm for planning work in a group of autonomous mobile robots performing the functions of eliminating the consequences of fires or emergency situations (ES) is proposed. Such a multi-agent robotic system (MRTS) should work effectively without the direct participation of an operator performing the functions of a decision maker (DM). The autonomy of the MRTS is due to the emergency conditions with foci of infection, dangerous for the stay of people. The paper proposes an approach and a corresponding algorithm for constructing a machine-learning model that solves the problem of optimal current planning for emergency response operations for MRTS, where an experienced decision-maker is the teacher.

    Keywords: mobile robots, work area, job distribution, limited resources, linear programming problem, optimal planning, constraints

  • Application of Markov Chains for Modeling and Forecasting the Development of a Fire

    The transition of a fire from one phase to another is represented by a change in the states of the Markov chain. The phases of free combustion, extinguishing and elimination of consequences are considered. The initial data for constructing a Markov model is a sample of observations of response time indicators. Recursive expressions are constructed for estimating the transition probability matrix of the Markov chain. The predictive capabilities of the constructed Markov model of the fire development process are illustrated.

    Keywords: fire phase, Markov chain, transition probability matrix, termination probability, recurrent estimation, vector of initial probabilities, prediction

  • Hybrid algorithm for assessing the quality of regulatory legal documents

    This article proposes a hybrid algorithm for assessing the quality of regulatory legal acts (RLA). This algorithm uses the methods of fuzzy mathematics, processes with their help the results of the questionnaire survey of the expert group. The result of the algorithm is the quality characteristic of the NLA in the form of a fuzzy term of a linguistic variable. As an option for automating this algorithm, a specialized automated system is proposed.

    Keywords: regulatory legal acts, quality assessment, fuzzy algorithms, automated systems, linguistic variables

  • Advance development imperatives: institutional aspect

    The modern period of development of society and the economy is characterized by the intensive development of new technologies, which began to fundamentally and on a large-scale transform the social space, transform production processes, and create completely new types of activity. The possibilities for their effective use depend on many components, but the most important role is assigned to the institutional component, which creates conditions conducive to the formation and implementation of advanced development.

    Keywords: advanced development, sustainable development, economic theory, institutional environment, infrastructure, education, development institutions

  • Assessment of the potential to improve the response efficiency of fire departments by monitoring their readiness

    A method for indirect assessment of the effectiveness of the use of internal and external checks of the readiness of units of the State Fire Service to fulfill the tasks of responding to calls is proposed. The potential for efficiency gains is assessed by reducing various types of damage through improved response rates. The initial data for the assessment are statistical data on the temporal characteristics of the response of fire departments to calls, which are approximated by a gamma distribution. The estimation takes into account the regression dependences of damage on response indicators.

    Keywords: control, damage, response time, gamma distribution, quantile, efficiency improvement potential

  • Hybrid method for assessing the quality of socially significant activities

    The article considers a generalized algorithm for assessing the quality of socially significant activities (hereinafter referred to as CPAs), which provides for expert assessment and subsequent data analysis using one of the assessment scales (linguistic, point and interval). Methods are proposed that are advisable to apply at various stages of the generalized algorithm. The groups of criteria for assessing the quality of CPAs are determined: deterministic and partially deterministic. It is proposed to calculate the quality assessment of CPAs by summing the values of the calculated deterministic and partially deterministic criteria, adjusted for their weight determined by an expert. When implementing the proposed algorithms, the mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic was used, which allows us to carry out calculations with fuzzy given input information characteristic of social objects. It is convenient to automate and apply such algorithms when the data is presented in a qualitative interpretation.

    Keywords: socially significant activity, quality assessment, quality assessment algorithm, optimization, expert assessment, automation, fuzzy set, entropy approach, system analysis

  • Conceptual model of optimal management for ensuring water and energy security in the context of climate change

    The article discusses the characteristics of the glacial zone and the zone of formation of river flow in Tajikistan due to climate change. A special role in the context of climate change is assigned to the development of a conceptual model of optimal management to ensure water and energy security of the Republic of Tajikistan at the organizational level, technical and economic levels. The aim of creating a conceptual model is to manage large reservoirs with multi-year regulation for power generation and river flow, create conditions for the accumulation of water during high water periods and increase the water content of rivers during low water periods. The implementation in practice of the idea of a conceptual management model ensures optimal control of the water-energy system. The advantage of the model is the transition from the command-administrative method of management to the systemic method of management in the aisles of hydrographic, energy and consumer parameters.

    Keywords: atmospheric precipitation, river runoff, melting of glaciers, climatic conditions, reservoirs, hydropower resources, long-term regulation, management, conceptual model, optimization

  • Institutional barriers to the development of the knowledge economy

    The formation and effective development of the knowledge economy in the country is possible only with a stable and Mature institutional environment. Indices of the knowledge economy and institutional regime calculated using the world Bank methodology determine the country's readiness for further development. According to the rating, Russia shows a problematic institutional component. The article examines the main institutional problems and barriers, namely institutional traps that hinder the development of the knowledge economy, explains their mechanisms and consequences for the Russian economy, and suggests ways out of them.

    Keywords: knowledge economy, institutional traps, barriers, innovation, economic development, mechanism

  • About specialization of railway directions mainly for freight or passenger traffic on the road network to the south of Russia

    In order to master the growing volumes of passenger and cargo transportation, the expediency of separating cargo and passenger traffic in the main directions of the SCR is considered, both from a technological and economic point of view. The main requirements for specialized trains are considered, which makes it possible to increase the competitiveness of railway transport and reduce operating costs accordingly; increase the carrying capacity and make it possible to master additional volumes of passenger and freight traffic to the Southern region of Russia and the Crimean Peninsula. In the context of specialization of the main directions of the SCR, a corresponding strengthening of their infrastructure will be required to increase the speed of passenger and freight trains, change the nature of the work of a number of technical stations and the development of transport hubs. To increase the capacity and carrying capacity of passenger traffic, it is proposed to introduce the technology of interval control in the entire direction of Sokhranovka-Rostov-Adler, and to improve the efficiency of transport management in this direction, the development of paperless technologies that provide for the conversion of speech commands into written standard orders with entry in automated logs.

    Keywords: transport growth, infrastructure constraints, elimination of barrier areas, digital railway, interval regulation, paperless technology, freight transport efficiency

  • Algorithm and structure of the enterprise financial analysis software complex

    The article proposes a structure and algorithm for managing a software complex for analyzing the financial condition of an enterprise. The developed software package is designed to identify data patterns when conducting financial analysis taking into account the specifics of the enterprise.

    Keywords: analytical platform, management algorithm, data warehouse, data processing scenario, balance sheet, key figure, information base, data visualization, efficiency

  • Development of a mechanism for the formation of investment attractiveness of the regional socio-economic system

    The article presents the organizational and economic mechanism for increasing the investment attractiveness of the region, based on the system of investment design and implementation of investment projects, based on the complexity of the development of the region's economy, and including not only the identification of the investment potential of the region, but also the establishment of sources of capital investments; identification of directions for the development of the region, taking into account the calculations of the possible results of financial injections into these objects; creation of a phased financing plan for the taken object, the beginning of its implementation and control over it; obtaining state support for the development sector of the regional economy during the implementation of the investment project in the form of tax incentives, lower lending rates, etc.

    Keywords: region, regional economy, investments, investment policy, risk, investment risks, investment portfolio, socio-economic development

  • Opportunistic behavior of subjects in three-level control systems and methods of dealing with it

    The article considers the task of combating the opportunistic behavior of a supervisor and agents in a river water quality control system. A three-level hierarchical model is being built, including the principal, supervisor and agent. Each of the entities seeks to maximize its objective function. The motivation method is used as a control method at both levels. The behavior of the system in the case of information regulations of the Stackelberg game is investigated. The substantiation of the derivation of functions used in the model is given. The results of model simulation under various initial conditions are demonstrated. An analysis of the results is given.

    Keywords: Stackelberg balance, three-level system, motivation, imitation, opportunistic behavior, river water quality, hierarchy

  • Simulation model in the circuit of management of organizational conflicts

    Organizational conflicts are a natural and integral part of any process. In modern control theory, it is proposed to use various adaptive control structures to solve such problems, in particular, with reference or configurable models in the control loop. A cognitive model of adaptive management of organizational conflicts with a configurable model in the management loop is considered. Embedding the model in the control loop allows you to integrate information about the dynamics of process characteristics. Based on information processing, a variant of controls for de-escalation of the conflict is proposed. The model in the organizational conflict management loop is essentially an intelligent conflict situation analyzer. It presents options based on the accumulated and processed information within the framework of known precedents for their solution. The core of such analyzers is a simulation model based on the system dynamics paradigm. The built simulation model allows you to evaluate and predict the impact of factors, ways to stabilize and manage organizational conflicts, taking into account the main parameters. In accordance with the concept of adaptive management, the model can be configured for the current values of the conflict situation parameters and, in accordance with the already tested options, can offer management in a specific situation. The use of the system dynamics paradigm in the model for building an effective forecast is focused on the strategic level of management.

    Keywords: cognitive model, simulation model, conflict, escalation, contour, management, de-escalation, organization

  • Some aspects of the formation of the knowledge economy in Russia: problems and development prospects

    The article shows the calculation of summary indicators according to the "The Knowledge Assessment Methodology" by the World Bank, such as the index of the knowledge economy, the index of the institutional regime, the index of innovation and education. Some problems that hinder the formation of the knowledge economy in the Russian Federation are investigated, such as: low level of R&D funding, low share of internal R&D costs. The author offers his own view on the solution of these problems, contributing to the effective formation and development of the knowledge economy in the country.

    Keywords: knowledge economy, knowledge, education, innovation system, technological structure, institutional environment

  • Regional institutes of scientific and technological development of subjects of the NCFD, contributing to the rapid development

    The article considers the accelerated development of the region, which is based on increasing innovative activity, creating new opportunities for economic growth, acquiring long-term competitive advantages in high-tech production with the help of the successfully functioning system of development institutions that ensure long-term economic growth and economic development of the region.

    Keywords: institutions, development institutions, priority development, regional economy, socio-economic development, technological development, innovation, knowledge economy