The design of radiation-hardened circuits the use of special technologies and the use of additional circuit techniques. The efficiency of using these methods to improve the scheme qualitative indicators can be assessed by some evaluation. The paper presents the efficiency evaluation method of special voltage feedbacks application in dynamic loads of the classical differential stages. The stages with dynamic loads are apply, for example, in the schemes of differential and multidifferential operational amplifiers. The purpose of the introduction of these feedbacks is the reducing of the effect of transistors low-signal parameters instability under the influence of destabilizing factors (radiation and temperature). For the organization of feedback circuits in the structure of dynamic loads, additional voltage amplifiers based on transistors are introduced into the circuit. It is shown that this approach can increase the output resistance of the dynamic load and increase the gain coefficient of the differential stage under the influence of ionizing radiation and temperature. The efficiency evaluation method is based on the construction of a mathematical model of the scheme expressed through low-signal differential h-parameters of scheme transistors. Thus, the calculation of the main qualitative indicators of the scheme can be carried out by mathematical modeling. The obtained simulation results confirm the efficiency of the proposed circuit design.
Keywords: efficiency evaluation, circuit design, dynamic load, low-signal parameters, radiation
This paper presents a radiation hardened by design of differential stages using dynamic loads. The efficiency of proposed design methods to improve the scheme qualitative indicators can be assessed by some evaluation. The theoretical results of the evaluation of the self-compensation circuit effect of parasitic impedance of the output transistor closed collector in the dynamic loads of classical differential stages, which is realized on the base of current feedbacks, are presented. It is shown that the introduction of the current feedbacks allows to reduce the effect of transistors small-signal parameters instabilities of the dynamic load under the influence of ionizing radiation and temperature on it's quality and the parameters of the differential stages. The efficiency evaluation of the circuit solutions in differential stages of modern operational and multidifferential amplifiers is given. The theoretical results of the evaluation of the self-compensation circuit effect of parasitic impedance of the output transistor closed collector in the dynamic loads of classical differential stages, which is realized on the base of current feedbacks, are presented. It is shown that the introduction of the current feedbacks allows to reduce the effect of transistors small-signal parameters instabilities of the dynamic load under the influence of ionizing radiation and temperature on it's quality and the parameters of the differential stages. For the organization of feedback circuits in the structure of dynamic loads, additional current amplifiers based on transistors are introduced into the circuit. It is shown that this approach can increase the output resistance of the dynamic load and increase the gain coefficient of the differential stage under the influence of ionizing radiation and temperature. The efficiency evaluation of the circuit solutions in differential stages of modern operational and multidifferential amplifiers is given. The efficiency evaluation method is based on the construction of a mathematical model of the scheme expressed through low-signal differential h-parameters of the scheme transistors. Thus, the calculation of the main qualitative indicators of the scheme can be carried out by mathematical modeling. The obtained simulation results confirm the efficiency of the proposed circuit design.
Keywords: efficiency evaluation, circuit design, differential stage, dynamic load, destabilizing factors, low-signal parameters
A method of expanding the bandwidth and improve the performance of the differential voltage divider – attenuator (AT), which have parasitic capacitance on the outputs C01, C02. Wide range of transmission of the AT provided by introducing a compensation circuit C01, C02, which is achieving data quality indicators. Simulation results of desired are shown.
Keywords: a resistive voltage divider, differential attenuator, the parasitic сapacitance load, speed, upper frequency limit, analog-to-digital converters.
This paper present method of speed increasing differential and no differential driver (output stage transistor logic, emitter and source followers, the circuit of feedback amplifiers, etc.). Сonsiders conditions of correcting circuits design, which compensates the effect of the parasitic capacitance to its range of operating frequencies and the settling time of the transition process.
Keywords: drivers, emitter and source followers, operational amplifier, correcting circuit, performance, upper frequency limit, rise time transient, stability.
Сollector mm-wave load circuit of differential stages, as well as the optimization of Q-factor are considered. Optimization of the form of microstrip line in order to increase quality factor is shown. Differential line shorted at one end, at the resonant frequency in the operating mode of the standing wave. At the shorted end of the line voltage is at minimum level, while the current at the maximum, so losses are mainly due to the series resistance of the microstrip line. On the other side of the line, the current is minimized, and the voltage - maximum, so the parasitic losses associated with shunt conductance between the differential lines. This effect use for reducing line losses and increasing the Q-factor. To this end, at the shorted end of the line is necessary to increase the line width and the gap between them, and at the other end to reduce the width and gap.
Keywords: resonant circuit, SiGe, mm-wave, BiCMOS, monolithic integrated circuit