"The paper analyzes the influence of water pollution Azov-Black Sea water basin polychlorinated aromatic compounds (PAC) on health. The literature and reference material on the conditions of formation of ecologically particularly dangerous polychlorinated compounds (dioxins, furans and biphenyls) and their pathways in the environment - air, natural water, soil, sediments and various tissues of biological organisms (including humans). The types and characteristics of PAS effects on living organisms. The analysis allows to see the additional impact of complex human influence adversely affects the morbidity of the population under the influence of mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic effects of polychlorinated compounds. Recommendations to address environmental health and reduce the risk of dangerous diseases and preservation of the gene pool of humanity."
Keywords: anthropogenic load, Azov-Black Sea water pool, toxicology, polychlorinated aromatic compounds (PAC), dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic properties, preventive measures
In the absence experimentally confirmed data that chloroform in the water after boiling or sedimentation does not disappear, and only switches to other chemical compounds obvious usefulness boiled, and preferably a distance not less than 6 and not more than 24 hours the water to reduce the negative effect chloroform. The study of drinking water quality on the content of chloroform in water treatment soobruzheny distribution network, monitor the change in the concentration of chloroform as a result of sedimentation and boiling, as well as methods of dealing with organic chlorine compounds in drinking water. The objective of the exclusion of the possibility of formation of organochlorine compounds in drinking water can be achieved most effectively through: reduction of organic compounds in source water due to its pre-cleaning before putting chlorine in it; exclusion from the scheme of drinking water chlorine and chlorine-containing agents.
Keywords: chlororganic compound, chloroform, drinking-water, disinfection of drinking-water
The estimation of water quality in the catchment of the city of Taganrog. To estimate the proportion used combinatorial index of water pollution (UKIZV), consider the dynamics of the main pollutants in the water intake area.
Keywords: MPC, UKIZV, water quality, WPI, critical indicators of water pollution, sulphates
In article questions of nonlinear interaction of acoustic waves in the air environment in the course of distribution are considered. Is shown that the nonlinearity coefficient in the air environment considerably exceeds that in water therefore generation of secondary waves in the air environment is more effective than in water. The main characteristics of interaction pay off. For realization of the parametrical antenna for information transfer the narrow beam offers to use as converters in the rating antenna high-frequency loudspeakers with high sensitivity in the radiation mode. For reduction of level of side petals in the characteristic of an orientation of the antenna of a rating are given the recommendation about an arrangement of converters in the antenna of a rating and to their coordination with Wednesday by means of acoustic loud-hailers. As initial parameters for calculations passport data of loudspeakers get out. Characteristics of the parametrical antenna at its arrangement in air streams are analyzed. Interaction of waves in a stream is described by the non-uniform wave equation in which the member from a convective derivative estimates influence of a stream. Are considered the non-uniform equations for various working out the resultant generated signal the parametrical antenna in the environment with an air stream. Expressions for calculation of additives to the signals generated in a homogeneous environment for distribution of waves of a stream perpendicular and parallel to the direction are removed. It is shown that the air stream in a near zone of the antenna of a rating increases amplitude of the secondary waves generated by nonlinear interaction. Recommendations about use of the parametrical antenna for information transfer in the air environment are made.
Keywords: parametrical antenna, air environment, rating converter, air stream, wave equation
This paper discusses the features of the construction of broadband sonar antennas, intended for environmental monitoring of the aquatic environment, and bottom sediment. The aim of this work is the research and development of broadband antennas sonar systems for environmental monitoring of water environment and the bottom sediment. The goal is achieved by solving two problems: - the application of broadband by its nature, parametric radiating antenna, the principle of which is based on nonlinear interaction of pump waves in the propagation medium; - the application of different frequency transducers to produce the desired band frequency characteristics. The results of studies of broadband antennas illustrate the possibility of constructing broadband signals. The characteristics of broadband parametric sonar antennas, whose operation is based on using the effect of nonlinear interaction of acoustic waves. The results of experimental research of amplitude-frequency characteristics of the broadband parametric antennas. Special attention is paid to the possibility of building broadband hydroacoustic antenna consisting of different frequency converters, mechanical related field. For example, calculations of impedance characteristics of such antennas. Calculated frequency dependence of the active component of the impedance of the antenna and the directivity. In conclusion, the conclusion that the use of different frequency converters allows not only to solve the problem of constructing a broadband antenna systems transmit information to underwater vehicles, but also to provide approximately the same antenna directivity in a wide frequency range. Presents images of the bottom and benthic structures, obtained by using models of parametric profilograph and ultra-wideband sonar.
Keywords: broadband signal; ultra broadband signal; hydroacoustic monitoring; information transfer; parametric hydroacoustic antenna; different frequency converters
According to meteorological studies found natural growth of air temperature, coincident in timing with the beginning of a geomagnetic storm. The data were analyzed according to the temperature of about one hundred meteorological stations. Based on this analysis, it was established phenomenon of short-term (30-60 min) growth of surface layer air temperature during the beginning of the magnetic storm, the detected azimuthal drift of the temperature gradient after the start of geomagnetic storms
Keywords: the low-latitude thermosphere, geomagnetic storm, temperatura air, temperaturny gradient, growth temperature
The thermal regime of the sea is influenced by the sun’s insolation surface water and heat mass transfer sushi. In the period of the regional warming we can watch heightening of average annual temperature of the surface water up 0,8 °С. The annual variations in sea level in Sukhum district correspond with the annual flow with maximum in summer and minimum in winter. Many years average level of the area of the Sukhum Black Sea is 93 s. For characteristic of hydrological regime of the sea is: the high temperature of the water for a whole year, the predominance of wares which height is two metros and the system is stable and currents. In winter rough sea is predominate 23,9% in the south direction and in summer 30,7%. There are a lot of storms in February and it makes 35,8%.
Keywords: the area of, the temperature the water, wind regime, rough sea, sea level, atmospheric precipitation, hydrological regime, wind effected phenomena, the river flow
Effective application of parametric radiating arrays for detection of objects, buried in bottomsediments, are caused by their possibility to form directed radiation on low frequencies with small initial dimensions. Unlike water, bottom sediments are the environment in which both longitudinal and shift making speeds of acoustic fluctuationsdistribution are presented. Presences of several speed components in bottom sediments give the opportunity toparametric radiating array to generatethe acoustic waves of various types. In given paperthe results of theoretical and experimental researches of the field, created by the parametric radiating array in the multiphase environment «water – bottom sediments» at inclined falling on boundary surface under angles relative to critical are described. It is shown that the longitudinal pump waves, generated in water, and waves of differentialfrequency (DFW) in bottom sediments (BS) are transformed to corresponding shear waves. Besides, because of imaginary passive arrayon boundary surface, the generation of shearedDFWoccurs in BS. Researches were carried out in laboratory hydroacoustic tank. Clay and sand were used asa sample of BS. On the base of time marker the shear DFW in various typeof sediments were allocated. Using obtained theoretical model the basic characteristics of theparametric array in BSwere calculated and experimentally confirmed whileshear DFW excitation.On the results of theoretical and experimental researches, it is proved that transformation, excitation and generation of the shear waves formed by the passive array take placein BS. The results received during research give good coincidence between the theory and practice that illustrate the correctness of the model choice. Besides, experimental results on use of shearDFW in BSfor echo sounder mode are presented. Thus, given method can be used in parametric sonars for BS stratification TO and detection in them of the various alien objects.
Keywords: parametric array, nonlinear interaction, bottom sediments, shear wave of differential frequencies, critical angle
The bulk of the pollutants accumulate in marine sediments. Hence the importance of the problem of the continuous monitoring of the state of the bottom and the bottom of sedimentary structures of inland waters and seas. The paper presents a method of remote sensing bottom soil to determine the speed of sound in the bottom ground. The proposed method allows to carry out measurements at the joint location of the emitter and receiver. The proposed method is a method of beam parameter. For measurements by the method of beam parameter must either have extended the receiving antenna system capable to determine the direction of arrival of the reflected acoustic signals from the bottom with a simple omnidirectional radiator or emit highly directional sound source and relatively easy to take an extended receiving antenna. Using parametric array can be formed acoustic beam width several degrees. This beam width is sufficient to implement the method of beam parameter. The authors have proposed an approximate method of beam parameter allows you to combine the location of the transmitter and the receiver, thus greatly simplifying the receiving antenna. To test the adequacy of the method was carried out modeling and experimental studies. In the simulation, the real parameters laid marine bottom of the layered structure and foster and radiating systems. As a result of the simulation were defined the limits of applicability of the proposed method in the study of marine soils. To determine the velocity of sound in the sea bed sediments with acceptable accuracy must emit acoustic signals at an angle less than 10 degrees. Experimental studies in acoustic basin showed qualitative agreement with the theoretical findings.
Keywords: remote sensing acoustic, classification of marine sediments, parametric profiler
Ecological culture is considered as the position of man in relation to nature, a form of manifestation of ecological consciousness, organically included in the system of philosophy as knowledge integration, self-awareness and goal-setting personality. It is formed in the process of environmental education, which is a creation of conditions for the assimilation of the personality of ecological culture established by society, with its inevitable change in the succession of generations. Ecological culture is embodied in real human behavior. Environmental consciousness is the highest level of mental reflection of the natural and artificial environment, his inner world, a reflection of the place and role of man in the biological, physical and chemical world. It acts as a continuously changing collection of sensual and mental images that are directly reflected in analytically generated categories and phenomena, directly fixing individual or the public environmental expertise. The content of consciousness does not coincide with the worldview: a worldview is a specific form of consciousness, which includes fundamental, the most common ideas that define the worldview of a person and which are the results of generalization of knowledge, personal experience, emotional evaluations. For environmental awareness the role of ecological culture as a necessary part of the worldview. Components of ecological culture are: understanding the nature and complexity of natural phenomena, their interrelations; the integrity of the knowledge about the environment; the ability to think within the boundaries of the ecological safety; adherence to laws that protect the natural environment; the ability to create a constructive ethical regulations governing human relationships with the natural environment; willingness to accept responsibility for the safety of the environment. Ecological culture is analyzed from the standpoint of the system, activity, socio-cultural and informational approaches. Ecological culture guides human behavior in the direction of harmonization of social and natural relationships and is a component of its security.
Keywords: ecological culture, ecological consciousness, anthropocentric environmental awareness, ecocentric environmental awareness, safety
Ecological culture includes dialectically interrelated elements: environmental knowledge, environmental awareness and environmental activities. Environmental knowledge is the basis, the Foundation of an adequate attitude towards environmental problems. In the content of environmental knowledge differentiated socio-environmental and real practical knowledge. Environmental activities covers activities associated with cognition, development, transformation and preservation of the natural environment. Environmental awareness is seen as a higher level of mental reflection of the natural and artificial environment, his inner world, a reflection of the place and role of man in the biological, physical and chemical world. Environmental culture is appropriated by man in the process of environmental education. Environmental education in a broad sense is considered as socialization, the process of mastering by the person of a certain system of ecological knowledge, norms and values that allow it to function as a full member of society. The means of formation of ecological culture are the youth's participation in international, national and regional scientific, ecological and educational research projects on monitoring of the environment, in socially significant actions in support of the protection of nature reserves and nature monuments in the greening of cities, towns, villages, improvement of the ecological environment of residential and business premises. Environmental education in the narrow sense is a part of moral education, the unity of ecological consciousness and behavior, harmonious with nature. Priority areas and mechanisms of formation of ecological culture are: promotion of environmental culture and ethics, the development of an effective national system of ecological education of the population, the organization of a national system of ecological education, ecological culture formation and development of civil society. Formation of ecological culture of students of technical University includes the assimilation of ecological knowledge, the development of ecological consciousness and skills ecologically correct behavior with the use of active learning methods and ethical principles.
Keywords: ecological culture, ecological culture, ecological consciousness, anthropocentric environmental awareness, ecocentric environmental awareness, safety
The paper presents the results of theoretical studies of the problem assess the impact of structural features in the design phase in the direction of the acoustic antennas. Consider the generalized algorithm of forming directional characteristics of a special form in the application hydroacoustic problems and solutions of the generalized problem of optimizing the characteristics of antennas and modular design principle. Optimization problem proposed to divide into separate components: optimization of antenna characteristics and optimization of tactical performance speaker system that comprehensively affect the choice of antenna design. The method of constructing an antenna with a pie chart in the horizontal plane when the parametric antenna sector review contains some highly directional converters pumping flat aperture.
Keywords: acoustic antenna, directivity characteristic, sector
Application for monitoring ice conditions devices based on nonlinear acoustics using parametric radiating antenna takes into consideration such characteristics of the formation of the acoustic field, as having both low-frequency difference frequency formed as a result of the nonlinear interaction of two close by the value of the pump waves, and, in fact, high-frequency radiation source pump waves Development of instruments for acoustic monitoring ice conditions require consideration of all possible real oceanographic situations in which they will operate. The article discusses the results of the development of a system for monitoring the panorama of ice conditions in the parametric mode sonar. The analysis of the formation and propagation of the probing signals into acoustic channel parametric meter ice thickness is formulated the principle of measuring the thickness of the reflection (scattering) of the acoustic signals from a locally stratified system with blurred boundaries. Mathematical modeling of the acoustic channel power meter ice thickness and "windows of transparency" on the basis of the calculation of the critical angles of incidence and refraction. The conclusion of the feasibility of using as reference signals of shear waves.
Keywords: ice monitoring acoustic antenna, the critical angle , the transparency window
The paper observes the main basic static and dynamic EHF-methods investigating the metabolic frequencies which causes electromagnetic conductivity fluctuations of biological mediums with various water concentration. The results of low intensity wave action in two types of cellular structures are described. The detail installations operates in “per pass” and “per reflection” are sets out. Three dynamic registration and biolocation complexes with describing of main multifrequency transformations are reported. Proposed amendments may be applied as in ecological monitoring, as in therapeutic practice.
Keywords: SHF and EHF-ranges of radiation, biologic cells and structures, amplitude modulation, oscillators, detectors, amplifiers, mixers, commutation
There are considering problems of Arctic Marine Space Planning (AMSP) In-formation Maintanence, are presenting results of research of possible mechanisms of SSP principles realization on base of different organizing structures. As one of structure is considering principal of uniting for systems of control by boats traffic (SCBT) and regional integral automative monitoring systems of situation (RIASMS) by the way to uniting of ASMS jointly acting on the region. Main results were have received on common developments of Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHMU), JSC “Leninetz” and Arctic Public Academy of Sciences (APAS) in frame of Technological platform (TP) “Mastering of Ocean”. Initiators and participants of the platform are scientific, industrial, educational enterprises and public organizations. Analisis of Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHMU) participation in field of marine device-designing and information technologies of ocean mastering is presented.
Keywords: monitoring, сomplexing, Arctic, Gulf of Finland, ice fathometer, sound-imaging device, hydroacoustic station
One of the parameters determining the efficiency of cleaning the blood in hemodialysis therapy is an effective mass transfer processes of metabolites through the dialyzer, which is defined by the mechanism of molecular diffusion and convection of low and medium weight substances in the blood. The article presents an analysis of modern mass transport models: streaming and kinetic; the analytical expressions of the spatial and temporal distribution of metabolites in the dialyzer. The results of mathematical modeling showed that these models do not reflect the full extent of the entire mechanism of mass transfer and must be supplemented. This is primarily due to the fact that blood is a non-Newtonian fluid. In addition, during hemodialysis, there is a change of the rheological properties of the blood - viscosity aggregated and deformability of erythrocytes, which ultimately affects the dialyzer mass transfer processes, reduces its clearance and thus reduces the efficiency of hemodialysis. The authors consider that the solution to this problem might be to develop a space-time mathematical model of mass transfer (the so-called distributed model of mass transfer), built with the influence of the driving forces behind the transfer of substances through the membrane dialyzer basic parameters and characteristics of fibers and rheological blood properties. In our view, the space-time dependence of the distribution of concentrations of metabolites in the blood and dialysate hemodialyzers allow to predict normalization the concentration of metabolites in the blood, and thus improve the accuracy of assessing the quality of dialysis.
Keywords: hemodialysis, mathematical modeling, spatial distribution, the time dependence, the space-time model
A problem characterizing dynamics of social development is discussed in this article. The problem is the modern lifestyle. An ability to adapt to changes in the surrounding world, interacting with him is very important for the existence of any living organism. In connection with the ongoing high-quality socio-cultural changes the problem of the lifestyle is becoming challenging in modern world. The category «lifestyle» is revealed as a comprehensive characteristic of human activity in today's evolving institutional transformation. The aim of the research is to study the problem of living in the modern world from the standpoint of social philosophy. The reasons for increased attention to the problem of lifestyle, the content of the category «lifestyle», the relationship category «lifestyle» with the spheres of social life, actualize the transition to healthy lifestyles and the need to create a culture of health of the person are studied. Lifestyle is analyzed as a complex integrative characteristic of human activity, reflecting the balance of the individual interactions in the system – the world around us. The ability to implement healthy lifestyle and enhancing vital resources affects the success of the person’s life. The necessity of developing the concept of «lifestyle» is settled, as well as options with the greatest impact on the lifestyle of modern man. In conclusion the need to strengthen the social health of society as a whole, creating a culture of health in order to optimize the interaction with the environment is pointed out.
Keywords: lifestyle, healthy lifestyle, health culture, social health, social environment, social philosophy
In the modern world required the restructuring of human interaction with nature. Foundations of the unity of man with nature should be put into the period of his education, training and professionalization. Formation of ecological culture includes the knowledge necessary to solve problems of safety and environmental protection industries; environmental awareness; environmental behaviour. In our understanding of the ecological consciousness of the personality is the realm of individual consciousness to reflect the environmental reality in the form of environmental knowledge, views, evaluation of relations to nature and practice of protecting her, regulating human behavior in the natural environment. Formation of ecological consciousness of students of a technical College based on its evaluation of the developed technological processes, structures and systems from the point of view of rational use of raw materials, electricity, the issues of likelihood of contamination of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, soils in the production process of the developed device, the design of the system; the application of engineering solutions for the protection of the environment, including not only the techniques, methods, apparatuses or systems of air purification and waste water, but also low-waste and wasteless technologies to reduce or eliminate the amount of harmful emissions; projected utilization devices, structures, systems after the development of its resources and decontamination of waste; the use of environmentally friendly technologies. On the basis of analysis of structure of formation of ecological culture is closely connected to its environmental consciousness, environmental responsibility and environmental experiences that influence the use of natural resources, both at global and at regional and local levels of the system. Formation of ecological culture of a person allows to optimize human interaction with the environment, helps to restore inner harmony of personality and its interaction with the surrounding society.
Keywords: Environmental education; environmental awareness; environmental behavior; environmental awareness; environmental responsibility.