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  • Assessment and prediction of material properties using molecular modeling

    The present paper presents studies of friction and wear characteristics occurring in the frictional contact zone when various frictional substances are forcibly introduced into the active contact zone by the method of molecular dynamics.

    Keywords: friction activation, special material, method, quantum-chemical analysis, molecular dynamics, tribology, friction, computer simulation

  • Development of a competitive transport services market

    This article analyzes the development of competition in the transport services market. The development of a competitive transport services market requires creating conditions for exceeding the level of supply of high-quality transport services over demand, as well as ensuring publicity and information openness of the market in terms of prices and quality of services. This will allow consumers to freely choose transport services, make the "price-quality" mechanism work, and make price and quality the subject of competition. Transport communications unite all territorial entities in the region, which is a necessary condition for the unity of its economic space.

    Keywords: the transport services market, competition, the safety of passengers

  • A systematic approach to the mulcher machine power selection for the forest area preparation and combating forest fires

    The use of mulcher machines is a promisingmethod of preventing and combating forest fires. Whenpreparing forest areas with the use of mulcher machines the soil is crushed altogether with the vegetation growing on the surface, roots and otherwood inclusions, while the process of interaction of the working body with the soil requires significant energy costs. The analysis of the mulcher operating modes with a working body in the form of a drum-chopper has been carried out and, as the result, the operating modes of the mulcher machine have been determined. The mulcher machine operation mode when cutting woody vegetation has been examined. A computer program has been developed to determine the rational parameters and operating modes of the mulcher machine.

    Keywords: drum-chopper, combating forest fires, mulcher machine, wood vegetation cutting

  • Weather control system for the Elevator unit

    In this article, a scheme of an Elevator with weather regulation is proposed and comparative results of a study of the temperature of the return pipeline with and without regulation are presented. An Elevator with weather control adjusts the temperature relative to the outside air temperature, while a heat point with a classic Elevator returns water to the main line with a constant, higher temperature. The estimated savings from the implementation of the event Elevator with weather control in the building of the administrative building No. 10 in physical terms amounted to 71.13 Gcal, and in monetary terms 124,828 thousand rubles. the payback Period of this event was 1.3 years.

    Keywords: Elevator, weather control, heating system, controller, pump, valve, sensor, temperature, heat energy, tariff

  • On the issue of calculating the steady-state modes of electric power systems

    When determining the locations of compensating devices, it is necessary to make complex calculations that take into account various factors (included in the equations in the form of variables). To get results, calculations are performed repeatedly. Newton's method with coefficients in the form of a Jacobi matrix is widely used. An algorithm for solving the necessary equations by the Gauss method is considered, and the required number of iterations is determined to obtain reliable results.

    Keywords: compensating devices, electric power, network state, nodal conductivity matrix, Gauss method, algorithm, Newton's method, electrical nodes, iterations, convergence, algorithm

  • Development of a methodology for constructing a fault-tolerant authentication system for low-orbit satellites operating in a polynomial system of residue classes

    One of the effective ways to increase the information secrecy of a constellation of low-orbit spacecraft (LVS) is the use of a satellite authentication system (SAS). In order to reduce the time spent on determining the status of the satellite, as well as to increase the fault tolerance of the identification system, in a number of works it is proposed to use the codes of the polynomial system of residue classes (PSCS). This paper presents a methodology for constructing a fault-tolerant authentication system for a spacecraft, which is based on exchange operations implemented in PSKV codes. Using exchange operations, that is, changing the number of informational and redundant bases, it is possible to ensure the possibility of maintaining the operational state of the identification system in the event of a sequence of failures, as a result of which the level of information secrecy of the NSA will not be reduced.

    Keywords: satellite authentication system, polynomial system of residue classes, exchange operations, method of building a fault-tolerant identification system

  • Optimization of starting processes using semiconductor thermisto

    The article provides a brief analysis of the starting processes of electrical devices. The mathematical formulation of the problem of synthesis of starting rheostats is formulated and its solution is proposed. The main condition for optimal starting of electric motors using thermistor rheostats is presented. Optimal diagrams of the starting current and set of revolutions are given. and also, the change in heat losses in the anchor chain. Recommendations on the layout of starting rheostats are given.

    Keywords: thermistor rheostat, optimal start-up, thermal start-up characteristic, optimal control problem, DC motor, boundary conditions, speed

  • Increasing the bearing capacity of a bored pile by silicatization

    This article discusses the problem of increasing the load-bearing capacity of bored piles. The technology of injecting fixing solutions into the ground under the foundations of a two-story building in the city of Azov to increase the load-bearing capacity of bored piles was described.

    Keywords: structurally unstable soil, pile Foundation, load-bearing capacity, soil consolidation, silicatization, camouflage broadening, driving piles, bored piles, screw drilling, concreting

  • Using numerical simulation to calculate the motion of an ion beam in a laser mass spectrometer EMAL-2

    The article considers the dynamics of an ion beam in a laser mass – EMAL-2 spectrometer.a numerical model based on the "large - particle" method is Implemented, taking into account the influence of spatial charge fields and the interaction of charged particles with the field of an electrodynamic system. The software package that implements the mathematical model of ion beam motion consists of two parts. The first part is a program written in C++, in which initial conditions are set, the Coulomb interaction between large particles is calculated using the "particle-particle" method, the system of differential equations (1) is integrated using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method, and the results are recorded and processed. The second part is a script for the FreeFem++ package, which implements the solution of partial differential equations using the finite element method. A series of numerical experiments and their comparison with the data obtained experimentally are carried out.

    Keywords: large particle method, laser mass spectrometer, particle-particle method, electrodynamic system, Runge-Kutta method, laser plasma, magnetic analyzer, ion beam, focusing system, triangulation

  • Using LSM method to identify parameters according to the example of BLDC motor

    This article illustrates specifically how to use least squares method (LSM) and sensitivity function to cope with parametric identification problems. The object of this task is BLDC motor. The example of BLDC can justify the application of LSM and sensitivity function method for estimating nonlinear dynamic objects’ parameters, and the application for motor controlling system in particular. The model in the article is conducted by Matlab. The output is a proof to convey that the method used in solving the problem is accurate, and proves the possibility of its application in scientific and engineering field.

    Keywords: parametric identification, least squares method, sensitivity function, BLDC motor, electric drive

  • Coordination of the power of the heat generator and the burner

    This article presents the results of the analysis of factors influencing the burner device of heat generators, as well as methods for their selection. The results of an experimental study of the dependence of the efficiency of heat generators on the operating power of burners are presented. Recommendations have been developed for choosing a heat generator and a burner.

    Keywords: heat generator, burner device, Gorenje mode, operating power, heat balance

  • Changes in thermodynamic parameters of gas flow in a long step gas pipeline

    The article proposes a thermodynamic approach that allows us to more accurately represent the flow modes of quasi-stationary gas through a long step gas pipeline . It takes into account the peculiarities of the operation of side gas venting devices of small-caliber automatic guns on the principle of automatic operation. We use a combination of the main characteristics that represent the operation of such systems under difficult loading conditions and high temperatures. These are mainly gas consumption, heat transfer losses, gas flow rate, improvement of the approach to the solution of ensuring the appropriate parameters to ensure the reliable operation of the relevant technical systems with the possibility of recommendations after appropriate tests of such products.

    Keywords: step gas pipeline, side gas outlet device, gas flow, thermodynamic parameters, heat loss, filling period, gas consumption, automatic weapons systems

  • Justification of the expediency of using a vibro-vacuum unit when cleaning adjoining territories in Tyumen

    A device for compacting the snow mass using the vibro-vacuum compaction method has been designed. Calculations were made in the SolidWorks 2018 software product. The calculation of the estimated economic efficiency of compaction of the snow mass using vibro-vacuum compaction was carried out.

    Keywords: cleaning of the adjacent territory, vibration-vacuum compaction, installation, calculation of economic efficiency

  • Study of the problem of determining the exact indicator of the physical deterioration of a building

    Physical wear and tear can be determined either by studying with the help of instruments, or relying on regulatory and expert methods. The first helps to obtain reliable indicators of physical wear, but to obtain it requires less materials. Normative and expert methods - the second make it possible to identify the degree of wear with less accuracy, but it requires a small investment of materials and time. Two similar methods include the "Methodology for determining the physical deterioration of civilian buildings", which was created by MINKOMHOZ of the RSFSR, as well as Departmental building codes 53-86 (r) "Rules for assessing the physical deterioration of residential buildings." The problem of lack of information in the absence of the possibility of personal inspection of the evaluated structure, and, in addition, the obsolescence of the methods makes it difficult to use them. In this case, it is logical to use calculation methods.

    Keywords: corrosive wear; reliability; durability; classification

  • Serveying – a new beginning in construction expertise

    The article considers the introduction of serveying as a new complex analysis of real estate objects, its concept, directions and main structures.

    Keywords: serveying, expertise, integrated approach, real estate, construction, efficiency, quality, analysis