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  • Method of complex estimation of investment projects in construction based on fuzzy logic

    Expediency of creating a method of complex estimation of investment projects in construction is substantiated in the article. The necessity of the accounting internal and external factors, their importance and trends, and also an inertance of manifestation factors are proved. The method is recommended to use for complex estimation of created and already realized investment projects in construction.

    Keywords: investment project, complex estimation, efficiency, multicriteria optimization, fuzzy logic, construction

  • Multivariate analysis of the importance of semantic scales

    The study was conducted on more practical material for monitoring the emotional perception of such social phenomena as local and Central political orders, their own level of relative deprivation, cultural infrastructure and cultural life of the city as a whole, their own emotional state. Since 2009, performed a survey of several thousand respondents on the subject with the use of technology of semantic differential. The aim of this work is the ranking used semantic scales in terms of relevance to respondents and their selection of the optimal set. It is necessary to increase the adequacy of the measurement and reduce errors. For calibrating semantic scales in the questionnaire, respondents were asked to evaluate not only the real object, but two perfect (positive completely satisfied respondents, and negative - totally unacceptable) of the same class. The distance between these images allowed us to assess the importance of each scale. For all the above objects of study, and each used a semantic scale was obtained of the distribution function of the significance level for the respondents. Obtained that this function is strongly smeared, across the range of values (in our normalization is from zero to one). Thus the studied scales are divided into three sets. A group of scales with good significance (for example, the scale of smart-stupid), for which zero significance show about 15% of the respondents, and the maximum is about two times more. Scales of moderate importance (for example, scale fast-slow), for which the significance in the whole range from 0 to 1 more or less same. And a group of poor significance (sharp, rounded etc.), for which the majority of the respondents poorly distinguish the corresponding characteristic. In the method of semantic differential emotional perception of the object is determined not by individual semantic scales, and the set of indicators. And for selection of optimal scales analysis of their individual significances insufficient. Need more total study of the significance of sets of scales. For these purposes, on the basis of a package of multidimensional data mining, Cognos (IBM) has developed a multidimensional model of the importance of semantic scales. It allows you to explore the sections with a fixed value for different sets of scales. On the basis of the analysis of the 20 initial semantic features were selected 8. More compared to the minimum (four) number provided the overlap does not distinguish between scales and the increase in the total significance of the whole set. For all the above-mentioned objects of study (in addition to their own emotional state of the Respondent) identified the optimal set of scales provides sufficient total significance. Questionnaires to assess emotional state showed that the individual significance of semantic scales for them are much lower than for other objects. There are only two groups of scales. Average, with approximately equal proportions of respondents across the range of significance. And bad, with the maximum distribution function at low important part. Signs with good importance at all. As optimum it is possible to take a set, the same as for other objects. But neither he, nor even a complete set of 20 scales will not provide the proper total value. When interpreting data on the emotional state in the work it is recommended to use the conventional Cartesian distance, as previously, we tested a weighted metric of urban areas (the Minkowski metric). Individual significance for each scale as coefficients of balanced. Scale with zero significance of this will automatically be eliminated, thereby improving the total significance of the feature set.

    Keywords: the method of semantic differential, affective component, social objects, semantic scale, ideal constructs, significance, distribution function, cumulative importance, a multidimensional model, sections, sections, the choice of the optimal set

  • System of management of investment and construction projects with a regional perspective in their implementation

    The article shows the theoretical understanding of regional investment-construction complex in an innovation system. Determined by the regional investment-construction complex, as well as the content and direction of their innovative activities. The idea of investment-construction cycle as integrator of innovative processes.

    Keywords: investment-construction cycle, innovation, innovation system, innovative activity, innovative solutions, economic consequences

  • To the question about the method of overcoming crisis situations in the operation of investment-construction complex

    The article examines the cognitive method of management of investment-construction complex in the conditions of crisis. Examines the factors influencing the choice of investment strategy, main directions of activities in the field of crisis management.

    Keywords: Economics, organization and management in construction, management of the company.

  • Modern technology in the device plank roads for development of oil and gas fields

    This article discusses the possibility of using alternative materials in the construction of temporary roads for construction of oil and gas fields. It considered a number of difficulties when applying the traditional plank roads. To simplify the temporary roads provided the use of mobile devices pavements (MDP). MDP described qualitative characteristics considered designs of pavements using this material. It outlines the main advantages of pavements with MDP over plank roads. Also performed a feasibility study for the use of the advantages of the TIR instead plank flooring. As a result, it was concluded that the use of mobile pavement for temporary roads devices in the regeneration of oil and gas deposits is a reasonable and effective alternative to plank roads.

    Keywords: Plank roads, mobile devices pavements (MDP), swamp types I and II, process flows, a feasibility study, the payback period

  • A multi-dimensional model of social attitudes for the politically active part of the Rostov region population

    The technique of the multidimensional analysis of socio-political attitudes is shown on a concrete example. The results of questioning which was carried out in the spring of 2014 among the Rostov region population participating in the work of election commissions of the lower level are the basis for work. In total 144 persons were surveyed. On gender and age distribution, and also on socio-economic indexes our sample was typical for the above mentioned population. About 29 characteristics were used as input parameters in model. They were levels of affective and cognitive perception of the local and central authorities, cognitive estimates by respondents of the relation to various parties of socio-political life, the characteristic of a social portrait of respondents. The affective components were determined by technology of semantic differential, with the subsequent calculation within nonlinear approach. All cognitive components were computed by results of direct poll. Entrance sizes were unwrapped a multidimensional cube on a platform of a package of the multidimensional analysis by IBM Cognos. The functions of respondent’s distribution were computed both for separate components, and for various sections of a cube at the exit of model. The analysis for social and economic, national, confessional, territorial, gender profiles is carried out. It was discovered, in particular, the essential peculiarities in the territorial plan for the main leading factors of a conflictogenity (an affective component of political attitudes). Hierarchy of factors of social tension was created It is shown that the presented technique allows to conduct comprehensive investigation of a socio-political condition of any audience.

    Keywords: questioning, semantic differential, affective component, direct poll, cognitive component, multidimensional cube, Cognos, social sections, territorial factor, social tension

  • "Spatial research of the formation of the slikenside surface of landslide by means of ultra-wideband radar technology. Evaluation of the volume of the overlapping rock mass. "

    The experimental results of determining the sliding surface of landslides in field experiments in the North Caucasus by the method of ultra-wideband monopulse radiolocation by using GPR ""GROT-12"" were received. The prospects for the use of advanced technology for the assessment of the power of the strata that cover the surface of sliding rock mass forming the body of the landslide are discussed. It is shown that the proposed technique allows to estimate the body volume of potential natural and man-made landslides.

    Keywords: radar sensing, ground penetrating radar, the landslide body, the sliding surface, the power of layers, probing depth, resolution

  • Some new trends in the color palette of modern private residential interiors

    The main changes in the koloristike residential interiors in the period from 2010 to 2015 based on the analysis of works by Russian dizaynerov.Proekty Russian designers were still at a high level, but have become more restrained, stylish, original, reflecting the pan-European trends in the development of interior design. Change the color palette for the interior, executed in the style of "Art Deco", "modern", "minimalism", "eco-style." Basically, the color palette has become more complex and sophisticated, perhaps less distinctive

    Keywords: Colours, interior, design, palette, style, art deco, minimalism, modern, Ecostyle, color, private interiors, contrast

  • New trends in polychrome public buildings modern architecture of the early 21st century

    The new main changes in the composition koloristcheskoy facades of public buildings in the past decade based on an analysis of works of Russian and foreign architects .Proanalizirovany reasons that led to the creation of this type in polychrome facade structure. The reasons associated with the emergence of new types of building materials and design solutions zdaniy.Rassmotreny uses of these principles polychrome

    Keywords: Colours, design, palette, styles, koloristcheskaya composition of the facade, polychrome, translucent and colored panels.

  • On the question of the competitiveness of the building enterprise in the conditions of economic crisis

    We consider the essence of the actual problems of competitiveness of the building enterprise in the conditions of economic crisis are allocated problematic aspects, carried out their analysis, are possible solutions.

    Keywords: economy sector, organization and management in construction enterprise management

  • The impact of environmental factors on the cost of the facility under construction

    The article considers methodological approaches to the assessment of the facility under construction in relation to the comparable analysis and forecast of market dynamics at different territorial levels, taking into account the influence of environmental factors on the cost. The fundamental criteria for determining the circumstances of the position due to the external environment to the construction in progress, consider a system of factors, based on the limitations of indicators.

    Keywords: evaluation, object, unfinished, construction methods, the external environment

  • Using physical and chemical methods of treatment in order to prolong shelf life, improve the quality and food safety control

    The article presents review of the scientific and technical literature in the field of application of physical and chemical treatment methods to produce food products with improved consumer properties, continuing for a long time. The methods presented are among the key in the food industry and are actively used to create the nutritional industry.

    Keywords: electrostatic treatment, electrochemical activation of solutions, freeze drying, improving the product quality, increase shelf life, control, quality, safety

  • Criteria and achieving the efficiency of social policy

    The article analyzes the modern welfare state in the context of priorities of the state authorities of the Russian Federation. The purpose of this research article is to study the main pathways and criteria for achieving the effectiveness of social policy, analysis of state and prospects of development of Institute for social safety nets to the poor in Russian society.

    Keywords: social state, social policy, modern social criteria policy

  • Study the possibility of using electrostatic treatment to intensify the processes of convective drying

    Convective drying is the most common method of dryingthat may be intensified by the treatment of root crops and vegetables in an electrostatic field. According to the results of the experiments was to determine the optimum treatment time 3-3.5 hours at 55 C, with tension in the range of 20-40 kW / m. Under the influence of the electrostatic processing of hygroscopic moisture removal rate is accelerated. Organoleptic performance compared with conventional convection drying are not changed.

    Keywords: electrostatic field processing and drying horticultural crops, loss of moisture, unit of drying with the electrostatic processing, carrot, onion, beetroot

  • The level of latent socio-political conflicts of DSTU students for mid-2015

    The results of processing of experimental data obtained during the pilot survey, completed in June 2015 among the 3rd year students of DSTU. As a measure of impending conflict was used the level of emotional perception r local and Central political orders. It was normalized from -1 (negative order) to +1 (acceptance of order). The basis of measurements on the method of semantic differential Charles Osgood. Using the theory of ideal points Coombs, levels of perception calculated in the linear approximation and on the previously developed model in the framework of catastrophe theory. Shows the distribution of respondents by levels of emotional perception, calculated by the multi-agent modeling program Any Logic. Obtained that on average the studied audience perceives the local government is neutral (r=0,04). However, 39% of respondents perceive the local order is negative, 53% were positive. To the Central government, on average, the ratio is slightly positive (r=0,13). Negative emotional perception is characterized by 23%, positive – 60%.

    Keywords: the emotional perception of the local political order, the Central political order, semantic differential, linear approximation, modeling, catastrophe theory, multi-agent approach, the distribution function, individual level