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  • Application features of the blocks from aerated concrete in the Tyumen region

    The article presents the analysis results for aerated concrete production in the Tyumen region, are considered the distinctive advantages of aerated concrete, as well as significant drawbacks. The basic effects of water absorption of aerated concrete. Describes the process of saturation with moisture of aerated concrete in the construction of buildings, as well as the formation of cracks in the walls in the operation of buildings and constructions, which used the aerated concrete as wall cladding designs. As a result it is concluded that to avoid the effects of moisture (hygroscopicity) on the aerated concrete is possible, by performing additional activities, reducing the time of construction, the proper organization of works at the construction site and compliance with sequence of works.

    Keywords: concrete, water absorption, cladding wall design, production technology works, the organization of work, the sequence of execution of works

  • Simulation of the process water permeability impervious coating of geomembranes

    Based on the theory of experiment planning using polurepliku five-factor experiment, conducted laboratory studies on the folder-diet tray obtained empirical relationship for determining the flow rate through the small holes in the polymer geomembrane. Performed to check the adequacy of the equation is obtained on the F-Fisher criterion, calculated significance of the knowledge-cheny consumption by Student t-test.

    Keywords: geomembrane, impervious coating, flow, filtration, design of experiments

  • Energy-efficient technologies

    There is the analysis of energy-efficient technologies in the construction of the specific heat in the building. The definitions of the concepts of energy efficiency, energy saving, "smart home", energy-saving devices are given. Highlighted the causes of irrational consumption of thermal energy and describes a strategy for energy efficiency in construction.

    Keywords: energy conservation, energy efficiency, energy saving devices, "smart house", strategy for energy efficiency.

  • Energy-efficient constructive systems

    The analysis of the energy-efficient constructive systems in construction, energy-saving engineering systems are held. Examples of the main methods of thermal insulation of external walls are given. A method of superstructure attic floors used in the reconstruction of buildings and structures is described. Identify possible solutions of the problem of energy efficiency.

    Keywords: energy efficiency, energy conservation, structural systems, thermal efficiency, reconstruction.

  • Analysis of the water permeability of impervious screens in the software package «Сomsol multiphysics»

    Due to the fact that currently seepage losses are significant, even with use of such geosynthetic materials like polymer geomembrane, evaluation of water permeability polymeric screens the presence of small lesions remains a major challenge. To simulate the filtration damage geosynthetic polymer screens use software package "Somsol multiphysics», allowing to solve both two-dimensional (plan) and three-dimensional (spatial) problem stationary and non-stationary filtration.

    Keywords: water permeability, impervious screen, filtering, geosynthetics, geocomposites, geomembrane, modeling

  • The construction scheme of the intellectual potential of a construction company as a result of peer review group and its structural components The construction scheme

    The article analyzes the current problem of assessing of the intellectual potential staff to better manage the organization. Considered stage peer review of the intellectual potential of a construction company. The author proposes a ternary diagram of the structure of the intellectual potential of a construction company, and established the importance of the individual components on the basis of the expert evaluations. The author defines ""intellectual potential building organization"".

    Keywords: intellectual potential,management of the construction organization, components, expert evaluation of personnel, intellectual level employees

  • Information and communication technologies in the training of personnel of industrial enterprises

    The article shows the composition and structure of information and communication technologies that can be used during training. Considered interactive and noninteractive information and communication technologies, held their grouping on comparative performance. The analysis of the distance learning system.

    Keywords: information and communication technology, distance learning,modern technology of distance learning , the economy of distance learning

  • The system approach to educational work in the University

    Educational institutions of Russia, including the universities, the task of improving the efficiency of educational work. In this regard, an interesting experience, Rostov state construction University (RSSU) as the University in General and the Department of construction management (OS), in particular. RSSU from 2014 introduced the obligation of all teachers to report specific educational work along with the statement of methodical and scientific works. Depending on the type of educational event is assigned a certain number of hours. The Department OS is a comprehensive educational work, which includes not only leisure activities, but also to involve students in scientific and methodical work. A systematic approach to the education of students involves performing teachers lectures on the history of the country in General, the history of construction and architecture; the participation of students in the preparation of guidelines, research, culminating in the writing of scientific articles and / or registration of a patent for an invention (utility model) or computer programs. Analysis of the annual experience of educational work under the new scheme, led to the conclusion that the best curators, as a rule, are teachers whose scope of training load significantly above average – 1,3-1,5 bets, or pensioners. The analysis of the educational work of the Department OS also launched another criterion for evaluating the work of the curator, if he works at the Department. This is the number of students who are registered to perform the final work to the Department, a representative of which is the curator. A systematic approach to educational work allows even at the beginning of training to select students wishing to do research, to identify young talents and to improve academic achievement in the educational process.

    Keywords: educational work, supervisor, system approach, study group, scientific and methodical work

  • Models of integration cooperation of industrial enterprises: capitalization growth

    he article analyzes the different forms of integration and cooperation of industrial enterprises from the standpoint of the possibility of capitalization of their resource potential. Under-cap resource potential refers to the process of institutional modernization resource binding interactions of subjects for the growth of economic potential, both the subjects and formed or integration structure. Sources allocated resources capitalization growth industry. The main directions of the capitalization of resources for industrial enterprises operating in the composition of the integrated structure. It is shown how to attract more participants interaction (financial institutions, research organizations, government agencies) promotes the growth of capitalization. Proposed indicators to measure the level of capitalization of the resource potential of integration structures. It is concluded that the choice of form of integration cooperation should be defined as the interaction of the participants goals and objectives of regional development. The article is intended for a wide range of readers

    Keywords: industry, market capitalization, innovative capacity, integration cooperation, modernization, a synergistic effect of non-commodity development

  • Drum barking of long-cut timber: the effect of tapering in log assortments

    We examine how stem taper and the nonuniformity of bark along the trunk affect the efficiency of bundle mechanical decortication in drums.Such decortication enhances the performance of timber-preparation facilities.We demonstrate that the decortication of fast-taper longwood assortments may result in uneven barking along the trunks.Therefore, improvement of the technological process of longwood drum barking will diminish the offgrade portion of the chip and thus will result in better rates of competitiveness.Long size logs are often bent in barking drums. Further studies should take into account the resultant alternating strain in the bark, including stretching and compression. It also appears important to examine the effect of negative temperatures and bark moisture content on the resistance of the bark to the combined effect of stretching, compression, and impact shock.

    Keywords: bundle barking, stem taper, barking quality, barking drum, long-cut timber barking, bark.

  • The use of virtual interactive dental lab for training dentists

    The article describes an interactive virtual laboratory for training of dentists using the technology of virtual and augmented reality in medical educational institutions.

    Keywords: education, training , virtual reality, augmented reality system

  • Cognitive cultural and leisure installations of students of DGTU on the middle of 2015.

    Results of poll of students of the Don state university about a cultural complex of the Rostov region are given in article. The main cultural and leisure installations of respondents, their relation to cultural infrastructure of Rostov-on-Don and area, their main cultural interests are shown. On the basis of these data conclusions are drawn on the level of satisfaction of cultural requirements of students.

    Keywords: cultural complex of the Rostov region, cultural requirements, sociocultural elements, cultural services

  • Experimental studies of centrifugal pine wood impregnation respecting the ratio of summerwood and latewood

    Presented article provides the results of experimental studies related on the centrifugal impregnation of pine wood process. The studies were carried out respecting influence of the percentage of summerwood and latewood in the impregnated samples on the speed of centrifugal impregnation (impregnant consumption per processing time), and the impregnation depth (the ratio of the volume of absorbed liquid to the total volume of the pore space of a wood sample). On the basis of these results it is shown that the percentage of latewood in a sample does not significantly affect the speed of centrifugal impregnation, while the percentage of latewood affects the impregnation depth (regression model obtained). Furthermore, it is shown that the inner space filled with the impregnant after centrifugal impregnation occurs uniformly along impregnation front trace. The conclusion follows with a list of promising directions for further research on the subject of wood impregnation process using centrifuges.

    Keywords: pine wood, centrifuge, impregnation, impregnation front centrifugal method, deep impregnation, summerwood, latewood, uniformity of impregnation

  • Modern methods of dealing with filtration in irrigation systems

    The article presents data on the coefficient of performance (COP) of the existing irrigation systems, data on losses from irrigation channels and the distribution of their filtration. Examines the implications, fuss-tic at lower efficiency and as a result, filtration of water from irrigation canals-systems. A number of measures to reduce the loss of water through seepage from irrigation canals, including: maintenance, engineering and design activities.

    Keywords: Filtration, irrigation system, coefficient of performance, protivofiltratcionnye activities, covering, cladding, screens, geosynthetics

  • Research of movement of logging trucks using systems GPS-monitoring

    Presented the results of investigation of the motion of logging trucks using systems GPS-monitoring. Is investigated change of output per shift productivity ​​calculated for considering  trains when moving at a distance of 150 to 500 km in increments of 50 km. Examined the effect of distance of transportation and standard deviation values ​​of speed on change the output per shift productivity. More than that was is studied the influence of transport distance and shift productivity values ​​on the change the cost of removal of 1 cubic meter of timber harvested.

    Keywords: output per shift, logging truck, the systems GPS-monitoring, maintenance cost, removal