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  • Diagnosis of the logic element DC LUT FPGA

    In this paper a modification of logic element DC LUT FPGA is proposed for the purpose of the acceleration of diagnostics. Simulation of proposed modification was performed in the system NI Multisim 10 by National Instruments Electronics Workbench Group. Evaluation of hardware costs is also given.

    Keywords: logic element, DC LUT, FPGA, diagnosis, reliability

  • Modeling of changes of physicochemical characteristics of potash fertilizers at storage and transportation

    A model system was designed and test  trials of physical and mechanical characteristics of small – crystalline and granular flotation potassium chloride are studied. This model system allows to design storage and transportation  of fertilizers in bulk in railway wagons and it has the same static and vibrational load as real system. The effect of temperature and relative humidity of the air on hygroscopy of small – crystalline and granular КСl were studied. Furthermore the influence of static load, and time length  of compression process of fertilizing layer and parameters of static and vibrational load on composition of КСl granules were investigated. It was experimentally proved that the humidity increase (0,5 %) of granular КСl and the  increase of static load and time length  of compression process of product during transportation in bulk lead to increase of compaction degree and caking ability of product. Research of the influence of high static load (10-30 kg/sm2) and time length of compression process of fertilizing layer on caking ability and degree of compaction show that small – grained KCl has smaller degree of compaction and considerably higher value of caking ability in comparison with granular KCl.

    Keywords: Potash fertilizers, storage and transportation, hygroscopy, caking ability, degree of compaction, commodity characteristics of fertilizers

  • Analysis of criteria of increase of economic efficiency enterprise activity when carrying out diversification

    The article highlights the conditions for effective diversification. The factors of the internal environment, affecting the efficiency of diversification. 
    The methods of analysis of the market, allowing you to tailor a strategy of diversification to the changing conditions of competition in the market. 
    Shows the need for structuring diversification, given the group on current issues, as well as a comprehensive solution to these problems, we have an in-depth analysis and diagnosis with the subsequent implementation on the basis of this analysis in the operation of the enterprise. 
    There are four stages of diversification of copyright: in the first step to solve the problem of selecting priority areas for development within the economic entity, the second stage is the process of structuring a problem specific to the business entity; the third stage should be determined by the direction of the use of innovative resources as the main form for priority directions ongoing diversification; fourth phase to establish mechanisms for the implementation of diversification at the business entity.  

    Keywords: diversification, enterprise, efficiency, factors, criteria, stages

  • The necessity of usage of logistics management at the network retail enterprises

    This article discusses the problems of  retail network in Russia and the main directions of development of the domestic networks in connection with the expansion of foreign networks and Russia's WTO accession. In the harsh conditions of competition will survive only those commercial enterprises that will   practically use logistic as business philosophy and methodology, and  the main provisions of logistics management in  their business practice  

    Keywords: Retail network, development of retail network, Logistizatcija retail network problems network retail, logistics strategy, logistics management

  • System of oscillations indemnification of a high-rise construction in a seismoactive zone

    Systems of passive damping of oscillations of high-rise constructions are considered. Their merits and demerits are revealed.  The roller  system of  oscillations indemnification  of the high-rise constructions subject to seismic influence is offered.  The principle of its work is described.  Advantages are estimated.

    Keywords: high-rise construction, damping of oscillations, passive systems, roller system of indemnification, vibroisolation

  • Regularities modeling of time between failures distribution of bulldozers at oil and gas objects bases construction

    In the article, the problem of reliability ensuring of bulldozers working at oil and gas objects bases backfill is considered. Typical failures are revealed. Statistical data on time between failures of bulldozers’ elements are obtained. Time between failures distribution regularities of running gear elements and engine are determined. Adequacy of logarithmic normal law of distribution and Weibull’s law is proved. Directions of the received results use are offered.

    Keywords: Bulldozers, reliability, time between failures, distribution law, oil and gas objects

  • Criteria equality modal frequencies sensitive elements micromechanical gyroscopes-accelerometers

    Developed criteria for matching the oscillation frequencies of sensitive elements biaxial functionally integrated micromechanical gyroscopes-accelerometers LL-type. Review the results of modeling.

    Keywords: microsystm technology, element base, model, modeling, gyroscope, accelerometer, sensor

  • A description of the potential function for the more accurate equation of lines motion

    In the present work proposes a specified description of potential functions when the free spreading  in the two-dimensional turbulent flow of planning. In contrast to previous decisions, new parameter satisfies the continuity of flow when the flow flowing  from rectangular tubes on the discharging  track  

    Keywords: final line of motion, lines of equal potential, horizontal rectangular tube, diverting from the mainstream flow

  • Model of integration of construction production

    Now development of the administrative principles is directed on selection of the corresponding forms of total activity of employees of the investment and construction sphere. The methodology of a point of profitability shows, how many production the organization has to realize to refund the expenses. We offer model of management of integration in construction, using the mathematico-statistical analysis and considering calculation of a point of profitability. Here factors – receptor, administrative and effector take place. In experience information of the construction enterprises of Rostov-on-Don was used. The profit after introduction of innovations grows quicker, than before their introduction since the point of profitability decreases after calculation of the organization for invested in innovations. On examples the criterion of expediency of merge of the construction organizations – the carried-out amount of works is shown. On the basis of this criterion it is possible to solve a problem of streamlining of operations in construction systems by integration of information space of organizational and technological, economic and other applied systems.

    Keywords: аssessment, effective, land tenure, methods, expert, factors, hierarchy

  • Key component of a personnel management system

    Selection of shots – one of key components of a personnel management system. Trial and error methods of the personnel share on active and passive, and sources of attraction of shots – external and internal. Active trial and error methods use, in the majority when on a labor market demand exceeds the offer. Passive trial and error methods use when the offer on a labor market exceeds demand. Most widespread of passive methods can call placement of announcements in which the name of open vacancy, requirements to competitors is indicated to a position, work terms of payment. To external sources of attraction of the shots, applied most actively, rank: the announcement on television, in newspapers, on radio, on the Internet; visit by employees of the company of educational institutions; appeal to the centers of employment of the population and staff recruitment agency. Search plus in the company is that fact that when filling vacancy to this position the person familiar with orders of the organization, with its personnel and rate of work that is pledge of successful work gets. The worker adapts for a new position easier. Advantage of an internal set is an increase of motivation at employees to better performance of duties. One more plus – comparative low cost in comparison with external. Qualitatively new approach to selection of the shots arriving for work in the prestigious companies is offered. The experts possessing desire and ability of strategic planning of development of business and as persons are necessary for the advanced company.  

    Keywords: personnel, selection, selection, integrated approach, strategic thinking, profit, collective

  • Capitalization industrial enterprise resource in the cluster in innovative development strategies

    The problems of finding and implementing provisions increasing the competitiveness of domestic production due to the effective capitalization of resources , which is a set of multi-level institutional processes and management actions to ensure efficient binding of economic resources for the modernization of innovation based on the reproduction processes in the enterprise. Shows a conceptual view of the process of strategy formation capitalization resource industries in the cluster. A scheme of structure-function relationships of subjects clustered relations conditional capitalization of resources.

    Keywords: capitalization of resources, institutional bondage, clustering relationships, competitive potential, enterprise, innovation development

  • Factors and principles for the regulation of the market value of land and housing projects

    The article discusses the factors and principles for regulating the real estate market taking into account the interaction between the cost of land and housing projects, and also makes suggestions for a balanced model of regulation of the market.

    Keywords: real estate, land, housing, the cost of the regulation.

  • Modeling the ab initio structure of layered aluminosilicates.

    This work deals with the study of atomic and electronic structure of kaolinite samples (Glukhovtsy deposit) and montmorillonite (Millerovsky deposit) by density functional theory. The applicability of existing exchange-correlation potential in the local density approximation (LDA) and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) is analised for an adequate description of the physical properties of layered aluminosilicate. An experimental and theoretical study of the IR spectra of minerals, as well as the identification of the most intense absorption bands, performed in the approximation of DFT using the exchange-correlation potential PW91. The analysis of the band structure of these minerals, which showed that these compounds are direct-gap insulators.

    Keywords: DFT, clay, clay minerals, phyllosilicates, atomic and electronic structure, crystalline systems, IR spectrum band strukutra, the electron density

  • Prospects for the development of remote methods of the quality control of construction products by measurement

    The article presents the results of the analysis of the known methods of measuring the quality control of construction products. 
    Advantages of extending the scope of remote methods of the control by measurement including photogrammetry are listed. 
    Expediency of colour-texture analysis of surfaces at the quality control of construction products is substantiated.
    The field of rational application of colour-texture analysis at manufacturing supervision and field inspection of buildings and constructions is shown.  

    Keywords: building structures, product quality inspection, control by measurement, organoleptic inspection, methods of photogrammetry, colour texture analysis

  • Possibilities of nonmetric digital cameras in ground-based photogrammetry

    One of the main advantages of digital imaging - the ability to create highly informative models of studied objects and terrain , which is achieved by the use of vector graphics primitives , as in the image plane and in the space of the stereo . Digital photogrammetry is available for many sectors of the economy , as does not require expensive equipment. However, the accuracy of the decided tasks affects the fact that the digital photographs have lower depictive properties and informativeness, with their comparison with the photographs, furthermore for their working large computational power be required.  Under the contemporary conditions ground-based stereophotogrammetrical survey, with the smaller cost of operation, allows rapidly, and also in the regime “real time”, to obtain the large volumes of information about the object being studied .

    Keywords: Photogrammetry, digital image, digital cameras, ground-based stereophotogrammetrical survey, the calibration