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  • Synthesis of protein products. Receipt of black caviar

    In article possibility of reception of an artificial foodstuff, in particular, artificial black caviar, both in laboratory, and in a life with a view of creation of is minimum necessary conditions for preservation of a life and health of people in extreme situations is considered. Initial products is foodstuff with application of the harmless components applied in the food-processing industry, as dyes.

    Keywords: Caviar black, gelatin, cod-liver oil, a herring brine, , silver nitrate

  • On the question of using materials of construction in road-transport system

    Listed analysis of the argil lo-gypsum (gaja) land deposit in the Rostov region with the intention of developing gypsum binding materials that used in the capacity of materials of construction in the highway engineering

    Keywords: materials of constructions, gypsum binding materials, land deposit, road-transport system

  • "Blooming" blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) - a variety of emergency situations in reservoirs

    Strengthening of processes of eutrophication and toxification reservoirs examined in the aspect of emergency. Shows the negative effects of "bloom" of blue-green mikrvodorosley and proposed approaches to localization and liquidation of emergency situations caused by their massive development.

    Keywords: emergencies, water, cyanobacteria, "bloom" of blue-green algae, toxification, eutrophication

  • The use of modern flame retardants to repair fire-retardant cable coating end of life cycle

    The possibility of carrying out the repair work intumescent fire retardant coating of cable type, end-of-life and Regulated lost their fire-resistance rating, with modern high-performance flame retardant formulations vspuchichvayuschihsya

    Keywords: Retardant cable coating, fire-retardant efficiency, lifetime, maintenance and rehabilitation

      Mathematical model is developed, which allows to calculate the equilibrium ionic and colloid composition of ammonium electrolytes for electrodeposition of alloy of zinc-nickel and evaluate the impact on the composition of the electrolyte values of pH and total concentrations of the components.

    Keywords: modeling, colloidal particles, electroplating, zinc-nickel alloy

  • The mobile training complex of loading and unloading device architecture

    This paper considers the problem of constructing the architecture of the mobile training complex of the  loading/unloading machine, which includes a crane and crane control. The work was supported by the Russian Ministry of Education (contract № 13.G25.31.0093) as part of the RF Government Regulation № 218 "On measures of state support for the development of cooperation of Russian higher education institutions and organizations implementing complex projects on high-tech production"

    Keywords: Computer training complex, architecture, control, crane

  • Calculation of shell variation-energy method

    In this paper, the expression for the strain energy arbitrary shell, numerically equal to the work of the internal forces in the curvilinear coordinate system, which coincides with the lines of curvature of the middle surface of the shell, which is used in calculating the shell variation-energy method.

    Keywords: envelope, variation-energy method, the minimum total potential energy of the system, movement, deformation.

      Regularities of electrode position of zinc-nickel alloy in electrolytes containing colloidal particles electro-besieged metals are studied. Developed by the electrolyte, which allows to reduce concentration of the basic components in 2 times and to increase speed of process in 2,5 times.

    Keywords: zinc-nickel alloy, colloidal particles, speed of electrode position

    The question of increase of efficiency of the cooling process in the compression refrigerating machines and household refrigerating appliances. Describes a new original method of cooling of the condenser vapour-compression refrigeration machines, which is due to wet the surface of the capacitor with its further blow. Shows the complexity of the theoretical analysis of the proposed method of cooling and substantiated the necessity of experimental studies of the process of cooling of the refrigerant in the capacitor. 

    Keywords: compression refrigerator, evaporative a capacitor, a new method of cooling refrigerant, energy performance, the efficiency of the cooling

      This article provides an analysis of the existing grinding equipment, is a diagram of the chopper on the basis of dynamic autogenously use in its construction a closed loop mechanism, which allows to reduce power consumption by using energy circulation, which appears in the kinematic mismatch of the upper and lower branch of the circuit, made ​​a preliminary analysis of test performance of the prototype designed machines.

    Keywords: grinder, dynamic self-crushing, crushing and grinding equipment, specific energy consumption, mechanisms, closed circuit circulation of energy

  • Linear classification of objects using normal hyperplanes

      Is devoted to the actual problem of constructing classifiers objects given by a point in a multidimensional space of feature values. A version of the geometric separation of sets by hyperplanes normal to the center-distance data sets. This approach to separating planes reduces the computational operations performed. This author separability criterion allows a normal quite effective in terms of computational complexity the exact solution of the normal separation, which requires only a linear search of points separated sets. Proposed in the article the approach to classification of sets in the multidimensional space of values ​​of their attributes can be used as a starting point for building effective in terms of computational complexity classification not only for normally separable sets, but also for more complex variations thereof. This is the most significant practical importance of materials submitted by the authors.

    Keywords: recognition, classification, feature space, the geometric method

      The effect of load on vibrodynamic high-speed trains passing on the deformation characteristics of loess-like sandy loam used in the construction of railway track sub grade. The numerical values “of the sensitivity of loess-like sandy loam from a position of influence on the deformation properties at different values” 

    Keywords: Loess-like sandy loam, the modulus of deformation, vibrodynamic load triaxial compression method

  • The reasons of occurrence of interval values in mathematical models of robust research the stability of control systems

    Examines the historical stages in the development  of the theory of systems research management of the uncertainties, the reasons for they arise in the mathematical  model, this is reflected in an interval values in the transfer  function of the object of control. It is proposed algorithm for obtaining experimentally the interval of values.

    Keywords: interval values, robust stability, the transfer function, parametric uncertainty, a mathematical model of the management system

      Questions contact ruled developable surfaces along their common generator. The properties of such surfaces and their striction for the initial order of contact. The obtained results can be used as a basis for engineering design of complex engineering ruled surfaces, consisting of segments of line, docked on the conditions of contact.

    Keywords: ruled surface, the order of contact, the dual vector differences, ruled strips

  • Assessment of impact of construction production on environment

    "Construction production is connected with emergence of a number of negative impacts on environment. In article main types of the construction works, being accompanied the main are considered by loads of ecology. The special attention is given to a problem of construction garbage, options of a solution with a dump. Versions of the solution of a question of utilization of construction garbage - sorting, processing. Economic aspects of a solution with utilization of construction garbage: Ekonolmiya of materials, decrease in quantity of a waste. "

    Keywords: environment, negative impact, construction production, ulilizatsiya, construction garbage,processing of materials