The problem of human security in the modern world has become extremely important. The aim of our research is to study the culture of health as a component of psychological safety of the person. We stick to the personal approach and consider the psychological security from the perspective of the subjects of interaction. Building a culture of health should also include certain activities to enhance the reserve capacity of the organism, formation of sense of security and freedom of expression. In the proposed structure of the culture of health provided: Move subject to a positive picture of the world, including changing the point of view of his position in it, the construction of an optimistic life prospects of personal and professional development; optimization of its interaction with the environment, including daily and professional activities, expansion of ideas about the possibilities of his body, the mastery of techniques of self-mental state, purposeful acquisition of knowledge and skills in the field of health, regular physical training
Keywords: psychological security of the person, psychological health, healthy lifestyle, health protection, culture of health
Improvement of technological process of galvanizing in flowing electrolyte without decrease in its reliability and quality of the received deposit can be carried out by carrying out anode etching of the processed surface directly in the main electrolyte of sedimentation. And, providing such conditions of anode etching at which, the details which are formed on a surface products of reactions easily are removed a channel of electrolyte is possible. For the purpose of identification of extent of influence of technology factors on anode dissolution of the processed surface it is necessary to conduct elektrokhikmichesky researches. The installation including electric was for this purpose developed and made and gidravklichesky speak rapidly. The Elektkrichesky part contains power-supply circuits of an electrolytic cell to the asymmetric variables odnopoluperiodno straightened, dvukhkpoluperiodno straightened by current and straightened by current with the lowered pulsation, and also a chain of heating of working electrolyte. The hydraulic scheme of experimental installation includes: the kisloktostoyky electric pump, pipelines, filters, the device for an electrolytic precipitation of coverings and a bathtub with electrolyte. Electrolyte in a cell moved by means of the electric pump. Giving changed in steps, due to change of diameter of the section through passage of the giving pipeline by means of replaceable inserts. Authors of the device for electrolytic drawing coverings are Zakharov Yu.A. and Spitsyn I.A. (patent No. 2155827). The design allows: to increase the speed of a channel of electrolyte; to carry out activation of the cathode, using energy of a channel of electrolyte; to increase the accuracy of copying of the cathode the activating elements; to use higher density of current and to reduce power consumption of the device. Electrolyte, in the course of sedimentation, was constantly filtered. As filtering material used fiber glass. The filter if necessary it is possible to dismantle and wash out quickly. Such filtering element slightly interferes with a channel of electrolyte, is simple in service, is cheap and quite sufficient. Thus, the offered design of experimental installation allows to conduct necessary researches of process of sedimentation of a zinc electrodeposit for its improvement.
Keywords: case detail, restoration, repair, defect, resource way of restoration, car repair production
This article examines some aspects of hypothetical interaction between Artificial Intelligence (AI) device and a man in which the goal of AI is self-learning to think. The practical reason of this task is to draw attention to a number of significant features of thinking that are important for AI engineering. The main issues of AI methodology and its critics are analyzed. It discusses the features of a person's thinking, which will inevitably face the AI, even though they have marks of formalizing impossibility as well as positive heuristic properties and functionally irremovable out of thinking. Analogy, complexes and pseudo-concept, contradiction are considered among these features. It's shown that communication is a source of new information imparted to the system essential for thinking and ensuring its development.
Keywords: thinking, Artificial Intelligence, analogy, complex thinking, contradiction.
The results received at research of influence electron beam treatment processings on tool life of a tungstenless hard alloy metal on the basis of TiC with a binding material an alloy Ni-Cr-Al and percentage of the components "basis-binding" 50 – 50% about are presented in the conditions of metal cutting. Influence electron beam treatment of a blanket of samples of the cutting tool insert on technological components of force of cutting when turning cut metal is experimentally revealed.
Keywords: Surface coating, hard alloy metal, structural and phase modification, electron beam treatment, tool life, metal cutting, wear, technological components cutting force
Nowadays the rolling stock is equipped with electric drive of high power. Frequency turning regulation, motor protection from overheating and limitation of starting currents are made with the help of semiconductor elements. For reliability improvement of starting and regulating facilities it is reasonable to use low component count. Running through regulating facilities current decrease simplifies electric circuit configuration. The authors propose to use thermal resistors as main elements. In the article the authors examine construct specifications of polycrystal temperature dependent semiconducting resistances of coaxial type and their advantages. There are some theoretical propositions which describe the work of thermal resistors and also some algorithms for synthesis of coaxial type starting devices. The authors made mathematical modeling for starting devices of different types based on thermal resistors. In the article there are some graphical dependences describing starting process.
Keywords: high power thermal resistors, thermal resistors of coaxial type, current density, specific generations of heat, criteria of similarity, starting device, starting current, synthesis of starting devices
Considered clean water in swimming pools, on nonionic and anionic surfactants with special adsorbents. Water purification pools plavatelnyx unique, first of all, because the water contains various types of pollution, which it is exposed. Most of these contaminants are introduced by the users of the swimming pool and they have to be removed or destroyed (bacteria, viruses, organic, sweat, hair, makeup, etc.). Treatment of swimming pool water is much more complicated because of the need to carry out her many times, than drinking water treatment, which is carried out one-time. Based on these studies, given technological solution to improve the efficiency of purification of circulating water in swimming pools, ensuring high environmental and economic performance of water treatment.
Keywords: recycling of water, swimming pools, surface-active agents (surfactants), azotoammoniynye organic compounds (AOC), a rapid method of analysis
The values the frequencies of the stretching vibrations of nitrit-, nitrat- and perclorat- anions in molten salts of alkali metals and their point group symmetry. There is a correlation with an increase in the frequency of symmetry.
Keywords: frequency Raman spectra, Raman spectra, melts, nitrites, nitrates, perchlorates of alkali metals, binary salt system frequency Raman spectra, Raman spectra, melts, nitrites, nitrates, perchlorates of alkali metals, binary salt system
Nowadays, the main way to improve power density is increasing the junction temperature of semiconductor devices and as a result, increasing the temperature of the heat sink. This results in a lower efficiency due to the high temperature caused by increasing power losses. To solve this problem, it’s possible to develop the heat sink for a specific system, or to optimize existing heat sink profiles. This paper presents an FEM-analysis describing thermal behavior of a bidirectional switch used in a direct matrix converter.
Keywords: bidirectional switch, heat exchange, thermal behavior, finite element method
Studied mobility planar four-link mechanism of the manipulator in a predetermined area of the workspace. A method for determining the maximum rates for selected destinations for the mechanisms of manipulators with motor redundancy.
Keywords: own properties mechanisms manipulators, mobility manipulators, robots for the synthesis of movement velocity vector
There is discussed an influence of n-p-n HBT scaling on its RF performance in the article. The behaviour of cut-off and maximum frequency of DUT at the transition from 0.18 um down to 0.09 um BiCMOS technology is demonstrated, its dependence from construction and technological variations of the heterojunction bipolar transistor, as well. It was shown, that the approach called "direct" scaling appeared to be inappropriate as a frequency-increase method and some constructive and technological recommendations were discussed, including Ge profile shape, impact of deep collector implantation dose and cap-layer thickness.
Keywords: silicon-germanium, SiGe HBT, BiCMOS, RF performance
The material provides an analysis of cross-cutting issues of tactics of interrogation of persons with mental disorders; The author focuses on the fact that investigated the problem is quite complex in terms of legal, criminological, criminal law, medical-social and psychological aspects. The purpose of research - the study of tactical and procedural features of interrogation of persons with mental disorders. Methods. The methodological basis of the study constitute a universal method of knowledge, reflecting the dialectical relationship of theory and practice, as well as other proven methods of scientific research: the method of theoretical analysis of the sources of the problem, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, sociological, psychological and statistical methods (study and analysis of the content of the materials criminal cases and statistical data, questionnaires, survey). Results. Thus, analyzing the modern ideas of scientists and practitioners concerning the use of the terms "mental disorders", "mental illness", "mental deficiencies" and so on., We can conclude that it is more correct to use the term "mental disorder"; defects psyche available to all categories of persons under interrogation, it is a very complex and diverse phenomenon and should be the subject of study sciences such as criminal law, process, criminology, criminal law enforcement, forensic psychiatry and criminology; legal psychology.
Keywords: interrogation, interrogated category interrogated, mental disorders, mental defects, types of examination, symptoms of mental disorders, ability, disability
Importance of cooperation of universities with machine-building enterprises from the point of view of an intensification of creation of objects of intellectual property is shown in article. The description of the valve design developed by authors for the main pipeline which allows to provide compensation of excessive pressure in an internal cavity when finding a lock in a closed position and heating of the case of a valve is given. The described design of a valve can be used as shutoff valves on pipelines of nuclear power plants, thermal power plants, main oil and gas pipelines.
Keywords: valve, main pipeline, pipeline fittings, pipeline transport.
Now the technical condition of residential buildings 60s buildings has reached a high degree of wear when you want to repair their mass implementation of energy rehabilitation of housing and upgrading. This scientific article describes the organizational and technological features of the energy rehabilitation of housing built in the 60s of XX century. The article describes the main types of series of houses built in the period of their technical features of buildings energy efficiency class of buildings. A model of information resource and technological ensuring energy rehabilitation of housing, on the basis of which the selection of energy-efficient solutions of residential buildings at the pre-stage reconstruction or repair. The major elements of this system are the blocks of economic and technical evaluation of design decisions on the basis of which is determined by the most effective ones.
Keywords: organizational and technological support, the organization of repairs, energy conservation, energy efficiency
The article reflects the modern problem of logging process relating to the development of hard-to-forest areas. A perspective for the development of hard-to-forest areas. Given the basic logistics for transporting wood using airships. A mathematical model to describe the performance of the airship to transport timber.The proposed mathematical model to determine the performance of airships in the development of hard-to-forest areas allows: to evaluate the effectiveness of airships in the development of different types of forest areas, choose the best option in the logistic scheme of transportation of timber, and therefore choose the technological equipment, to an economic assessment of the transport component of the timber with airships.
Keywords: Airship, wood transport, processing equipment, productivity, cycle time, logistics
The universal computerised complex for determination of quality characteristics of a dispensing of seeds by the apparatus of precise seeding is observed. The processing method of loggable signals is presented. The observed complex, with application of a metering equipment and a processing method of the data, allows to size up quality of operation of the sowing apparatus of precise seeding. In particular to define allocation of feed of seeds to which refers to droppings, one-piece feeds, two-piece feeds and feeds of the higher order. Also by means of a complex registration of amount of dosing elements and total of the gived seeds for experience is simultaneously led.
Keywords: seeding, dispensing, sensor, registration, sound card, signal, dropping, feed, seeds, sowing apparatus